The Dev team has to do something about the blatant bot/scripting

keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
edited April 2024 in General Discussions

Can you guys (or GMs) start policing this event (void pool) more? It's to the point right now on ATL where I'm locked up for several minutes as soon as I enter the dungeon due to all the multiboxing scripters at that first spawn point. The void pool is basically unplayable at this point due to all the lag; the last round I was watching myself take damage as I'm mashing my heal macro with nothing happening.

You need to stop turning a blind eye to the people that are obviously scripting... you know the ones that are spamming the reapers and wildfire even when the void pool is on the 15minute break. It's plain as day these people are scripting... the same thing with the healing bot who heals everyone running onto the screen that is damaged; again not even when the pirates are spawning.

If people are going to cheat/script, at least set the bar for them to do it halfway on the low so the Dev team can at least act like they action scripters (and third party programs).


  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    The Winter Spur event had tons of BOTs but you could run in between them and pick off the outlying spawn or jus spam Area spells. On ATL they are all bunched  together at the entrance and It's like wading through quicksand just to try to walk past them.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    give it a week and they will have 1000s of hats and be done there
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114

    1. Nope, too late for that now. They just need to officially make it LEGAL. These events are poorly designed and tested. Why would you want to play it by hand for hours?

    2. Stop tagging the Community Manager. This role is more about Social Cheerleading on social media -- NOT the old role 15 years ago. Thus it has NO management responsibility of that sort. You need to shut it. Are you a product manager?
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    I couldn't agree more, the bots need to be dealt with.

    the game would be so much more fun if everyone had to play by the same rules. or face the consequences for breaking those rules..

    Personally, I'd rather cheating (all forms) not be legal and players engaging in it be warned, suspended & banned for it, because if it does become legal, the game wouldn't be worth paying to play if you're not really playing it.. (unless you're a third party seller), even less so if you're into pvp, cause there's no way to 'ignore' the cheating when you have to fight against them.

    Pvm it just looks bad with the cheats running rampant.

    The event (the game as a whole actually) would be fine if it wasn't for all the third-party clients, bots & multi-boxers.     

     I hope NL has some automated cheat detection/disconnection system in the works, cause NL will flop immediately if it's anywhere near as bad as production shards have become with regard to cheating.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
    we need a new classic client that is as good as the others
  • OatsOats Posts: 14
    At least they made the drops so common that these hats are gonna be worthless in a week. I for one am happy to be able to get all the items quickly this go around.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited April 2024
    I don't think it gets much more obvious than this... it's 7am EST and the void pool cycle ended 3minutes ago and people are still spamming reapers/wildfire/EV/chiv spells.

    This is just near the entrance; there is another spot with the same stuff going on.

    If nothing else these accounts should be actioned for using crappy scripts; they could at least shut off when the void pool ends so it doesn't look as obvious.

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,723
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2024
    keven2002 said:
    If nothing else these accounts should be actioned for using crappy scripts

    Went to take a look for myself. One of the SW tree bots. BTW spawn is on LVL 90. Their 'Current Battle Score'?

    #209 of 210 well done. They should be banned for constantly spamming the tree that's causing 50 flamestrike animations every other second. BTW, who thought that was a good idea for that tree to be so spammy anyways? Oh yes our devs that don't play the game that's who.
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  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2024
    Almost as if the, "constellation-that-shall-not-be-named" was stopped you would see the majority of this blatant cheating disappear overnight. Oddly enough, the amount of pushback I've gotten regarding flat out perma-banning without appeal/reprieve any player that uses the constellation pretty much means it's too late and they'd be banning a large part of the community. Between a rock and hard place when you let this shit go on like this for so long. Guess that's what ignoring it for so long does right @Mesanna.
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  • Game desperately needs a first-party client that isn't a huge mess, yeah. The CC runs worse than ever, and the EC is an unsalvageable trainwreck.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited April 2024
    @Kyronix @Bleak- Come to Cove level 2 and tell us if the lag we are all experiencing is something you think is what it should be. I can barely cast an arch cure spell on myself to get rid of poison before it kills me because the lag is so bad. Check out GenChat - everyone is saying the same thing; we can't take more than 3 steps without waiting 45-60 seconds.

    The void pool just ended and immediately I was able to start moving. I think there is something to do with the spawn itself that is also causing some major lag. Please look into this.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2024
    It's the 2xx-3xx players in a small spot... UO wasn't meant to have that many players in a small area especially when they're all packet flooding the server with attack commands (and casting) using the constellation, basically a mini ddos. Servers can't handle it.
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  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    keven2002 said:
    I don't think it gets much more obvious than this... it's 7am EST and the void pool cycle ended 3minutes ago and people are still spamming reapers/wildfire/EV/chiv spells.

    This is just near the entrance; there is another spot with the same stuff going on.

    If nothing else these accounts should be actioned for using crappy scripts; they could at least shut off when the void pool ends so it doesn't look as obvious.

    LOL That's not bots then.  That's just players using macros unattended.  Careful what you ask for sometimes, you may find yourself advocating for action against yourself. 

    The real answer is to make events not take so long to collect everything.  Aren't players tired of spending days worth of hours every few months on a video game just collecting pixels?

    They could also balance it better so the drop rate doesn't have one obviously better place to collect things.

    But these are just constructive thoughts.  I think the event is well done on the whole.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2024
    Feigr said:

    But these are just constructive thoughts.  I think the event is well done on the whole.
    It was glaringly obvious that it's one of the worse they've released yet. It was rushed and these things, like you admit when you contradict yourself, the balance/drop rate wasn't even considered.

    There's a balance between making events not a grind but not taking too long. You also have to take into consideration the rewards power and the fact it is a MMO; there needs to be some content/engagement value. The previous ToT and Spring event were fairly good at this balance:
    • the Shogun event took longer to collect items but has more powerful rewards. More of a grind, very good rewards.
    • the eggs from planting thorns were very quick to collect but the rewards were low tier repeats, most even deco/transmog. Very low bar to participate/earn, low end rewards.
    This event? Incredibly easy to collect points but with balron bone armor one of the best (if not the best) ToT rewards ever, not to mention the other rewards. I can appreciate the fact that it's very easy to get rewards but there was ZERO consideration for anything in this event and it shows. It was clearly rushed and little thought put behind it.

    (note I'm only referring to the Hat part of this event, not the seas)

    So no, it is factually poorly done especially when you compare it to the past ToT/spring events.
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    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • NikonUSNikonUS Posts: 28
    @Kyronix @Bleak PLS come to atlantic and check this crap
    we cant move, we cant even enter dungeon without crashing. i lost con 4x, you cant move at all,  this is unplayable

  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited April 2024
    You know what's interesting and would solve the massive botting and most of the issues with the hat part of this event, and all ToTs?


    Bots be gone
    Who cares if the points easy to get, easier the better with an account bound system
    Who cares if they didn't balance the reward cost for certain items
    Who cares if they repeat a high end reward, gear up missed items and new/returning players faster
    Could even highly reduce reward point cost since items would inherently have no gold value
    Could even run them more often, again, gear up missed items and new/returning players faster
    Able to transfer your items you earned and use them as you please like a true sandbox game
    Just look at my old posts to see the other benefits. Perhaps run the spring events with account bound rewards @Kyronix
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    It's not a contradiction to have constructive feedback and enjoy something at the same time.  Go watch the kid's movie Inside Out if you need a refresher.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    username said:
    You know what's interesting and would solve the massive botting and most of the issues with the hat part of this event, and all ToTs?


    Bots be gone
    Who cares if the points easy to get, easier the better with an account bound system
    Who cares if they didn't balance the reward cost for certain items
    Who cares if they repeat a high end reward, gear up missed items and new/returning players faster
    Could even highly reduce reward point cost since items would inherently have no gold value
    Could even run them more often, again, gear up missed items and new/returning players faster
    Able to transfer your items you earned and use them as you please like a true sandbox game
    Just look at my old posts to see the other benefits. Perhaps run the spring events with account bound rewards @ Kyronix
    Why don't you pretend they are account bound and you would have less stress from worrying about what others have and what you can't sell.

    No account bound items @Kyronix ;

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Surely one of the developers has discord and belongs to the main uo group were scripts are openly sold 
  • RinerRiner Posts: 379
    edited April 2024
    Although the idea of strictly account bound items from these events is appealing, the problem I see with that is it would damage the economy.  So, they would take away from one part of the game to secure another. The answer I feel is what you first suggested - Take action on the accounts which are macroing unattended. Hell give a warning or two even, suspend, and ban. Not that hard when it's that obvious. Turning a blind eye to it does nothing for the game. 
  • username said:
    You know what's interesting and would solve the massive botting and most of the issues with the hat part of this event, and all ToTs?


    If the items were account bound I'd have been done with this event after two days. I'm not some kind of hardcore trader, I just don't need that many of anything. If I can't sell extra stuff for beer money down the road or even give it away, it's literally worthless.

    Who cares if the points easy to get, easier the better with an account bound system
    Who cares if they didn't balance the reward cost for certain items
    Who cares if they repeat a high end reward, gear up missed items and new/returning players faster
    Could even highly reduce reward point cost since items would inherently have no gold value
    Seriously just admit you hoarded a bunch of Balron armor and you're mad the value has cratered. There's literally no motive beyond economic for caring about the difference between easily obtained items that sell for relatively low cost, and easily obtained items that can't be sold at all.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited April 2024
    We don't need account bound - we just need the lag on ATL in Cove to be fixed.

    Like I said, it seems like it's probably partly the bots just spamming their same spells non-stop but when the void pool ends and all the pirates are gone, I suddenly don't have nearly as much lag. I'm not sure what's causing the lag but multiple people have now posted about how bad the lag is on ATL right now. It's now up to the Dev team to go reproduce the issue (aka just log in to ATL cove) and fix it.  

    Whether it's balance load on the server or ban the 50 bots clearly AFK; I don't really care just fix the lag.
  • NikonUSNikonUS Posts: 28
    i guess I will need to play a different shard and than transfer hats to atlantic
    because I cant play anymore, lost con 100x

    The Lag is HORRIBLE
    Bots casting Forul Solum 1000000000x
    cant play
  • KorikKorik Posts: 37
    My suggestion is since the UO leadership aren't even communicating, that it's time to go above their head and complain to their boss, Rob Denton.
  • PoisonPoison Posts: 50
    Its not the scipters lol. Its the bots the multi acct losers and lack of proper server support and maintenance.
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