Quality of Experience Upgrades

I'm someone who has played the games on and off since its launch. As a kid, I vividly remember a lot of issues with the game; the massive amount of bugs, design flaws, and an apparent expectation that players would not behave in the manner that many do. With that said, UO has come a long way.

For feedback, I think here are a few "qualify of experience" upgrades that could be offered.

Let users purchase some sort of scroll that resets their pet back to its base attributes. This would not refund the scrolls "eaten" by the pet, but would allow a pet owner to change a pets skills/stats/etc by retraining. Make it a Potion of Retraining and sell it in the UO Store.

While I understand that costumes exist for the pets and the current event contains a reward to change the look of a Triton, I'd suggest expanding that. Let players choose, without ruining the blaze and other rare colors of Cu pets, pet dyes or something of the sort.

Revisit the stable system. I believe a way to reduce issues with full stables, where a tamer can potentially be unable to stall a pet, can be "fixed" via a swap method.

Classic Client:
Has any thought been given to updating the graphics to higher resolution versions? Some services, even with the buzzword AI, can provide such services. Would this be something EA would be open to exploring? If such a process could be automated, that may attract players.

Cross Shard Trade:
While obviously players can transfer shards and do this, with the exception of shard bound items, is this something that could be possible? It could make lower population servers more "playable" in the sense of having more options. It may also help balance the economy -- or it could absolutely wreck it. I think this option has significant risks, but may be worth exploring.

New Lands:
While I know you all are working on the new server, is there an expansion on the horizon? What about one with additional housing? In my view, having predetermined housing slots, i.e. you click on a piece of rubble or something rather than use a house placement tool, which dictate the sizes would possibly make housing less obnoxious. I think housing in Ultima Online is amazing, but we've all run into a house in a "weird" spot. This could alleviate that. Simply dictating the plot size would be, in my opinion, a large benefit.

New Spells/Magic Skill:
Ultima has a long history of interesting games (lets ignore Ultima 9), can additional spells be lifted from those games and put into Ultima Online? While it's obvious many have, it certainly appears a lot more could.

New Races:
With the inclusion of Gargoyles, has any thought been given to adding orcs, lizardmen, or something else?

Expansion of Slayers:
Is there a possibility of doing this? I think the recent event highlighted an immunity of the pirates to Repond, despite being humanoid.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,674
    I like how all the NOOBs come and ask for the same things posters have been asking for for years, like they are the first player to think of or notice that particular thing.

    BTW  Pirates are human, not Humanoid.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    I do not think I'm the first person to think of any of this or notice a particular thing and never claimed to have.

    The definition of humanoid: "having an appearance or character resembling that of a human." I presume the pirates resemble a human to you.

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Some look undead to me Voodoo Time by Scorbut Man  Fan Art  2D  CGSociety  Pirate art
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    Voodoo would be an interesting addition to Ultima Online.
  • WhitewolfWhitewolf Posts: 253
    cross sharding is a cool idea, but that will never happen, its al about money they make to much money on transfer tokens, not to mention make the veterans player who have all their shard shields irate
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    I agree regarding the shard shields. I'm curious what the metrics are from the UO store regarding money making. I wonder if adding more purely cosmetic options could alleviate or completely offset any potential loss. Of course, the business idea would be to keep both haha.
  • The servers do not record the original stats of your pet once they're changed, so would be unable to revert back to their original, pre-slot leveled state. The best you could hope for would be a total re-roll of their stats, in line with the min/maxes of that species. That too would become problematic though with certain pet types that have had multiple generations with different stat ranges, such as White Wyrms and Nightmares.

    Orc is definitely a race that should've been added.

    Slayers are tied to graphic model type, maybe even hue. Repond used to work on human NPCs and even players, but got nerfed for PvP reasons. There's only a few instances where human NPCs can be vulnerable to a Slayer, such as NPCs in Vampire Form (Sampire Captains in Blackthorns) being vulnerable to Undead Slayer, or some Mage NPCs (Burning Mages, Crazed Mages) being vulnerable to Mage Slayer. I already tested Mage Slayer against the Pirate Sea Witches, they're not vulnerable.
    During the 2019 Treasures of the Sea event, all sea Pirates and Orcs had a orange "Soulbound" hue to them, and were vulnerable to Silver Tincture as well.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,024
    edited April 2024
    Good post and thread @Venom . I love any posts and threads having to do ideas for improving UO or making UO more entertaining. Doesn't matter if the ideas are old or new. Pay no attention to @Pawain , he's bitter after being thrown off the Welcoming Committee. 

    Lil the perpetual noob

    Edited to add a QoL thing I'd love to see added. I've no idea if it's never been mentioned or mentioned 1000 times.

    If you've assigned crew on your ship as Captain (which is kinda silly but anyway) why can't they target the wheel to take over control of the ship without whatever character is currently piloting having to relinquish control first? What a complete p i t a

    I'd like to see security set up so the player who placed the ship can truly offer full control to other trusted characters so they can grab the wheel without the extra steps.

    Or if there's already a way to do this in CC that I don't know about, please explain it to me like Imma noob. ;-P
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Good points. I think it's very important for the playerbase to come up with ideas, and of course returnees may miss a thing or two. But I think Ultima Online still has tons potential. Updating the CC with some QoL improvements, like the resolution/window size, would be fantastic.

    I recently made a thread with lots of ideas. Two or so actually are in-game, I didn't realize (in some shape or form).

    I'm also planning to make a hype site about UO to attract new players. 

    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    you will see ultima online 2 before you will see any overhaul to the clients system.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    LilyGrace said:
    Good post and thread @ Venom . I love any posts and threads having to do ideas for improving UO or making UO more entertaining. Doesn't matter if the ideas are old or new. Pay no attention to @ Pawain , he's bitter after being thrown off the Welcoming Committee. 

    Lil the perpetual noob

    Edited to add a QoL thing I'd love to see added. I've no idea if it's never been mentioned or mentioned 1000 times.

    If you've assigned crew on your ship as Captain (which is kinda silly but anyway) why can't they target the wheel to take over control of the ship without whatever character is currently piloting having to relinquish control first? What a complete p i t a

    I'd like to see security set up so the player who placed the ship can truly offer full control to other trusted characters so they can grab the wheel without the extra steps.

    Or if there's already a way to do this in CC that I don't know about, please explain it to me like Imma noob. ;-P
    Are you sure about that idea? Because I would absolutely hate it if I were steering the boat and someone just snatched control away from me and took it off in a different direction. If I'm steering, I'm steering, if I want someone else to steer I'll give them control, they will not simply take it from me at will.

    @InLor are you saying that the current available window sizes aren't sufficient? or have you returned recently and are unaware that there are more sizes available than in the past? 

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,024
    Hi, Petra...I'm sure about it as far as wanting a security setting that would allow for it, yes. It seems like out of what's available now, the security setting "Captain" would make the most sense. I'm currently using three of my own characters together on my ship, toggling between them. 

    I'm not tricked out with multiple monitors. I have to go down to the tool bar at the bottom of my screen and toggle between UO client icons to pull up whichever game screen I want. I think it's cumbersome to not be able to have any one of my characters on board take the wheel without the another giving up control first. Whoever owns the ship of course can grab the wheel anytime, but why not be able to assign that ability?

    Usually others I'm sharing ships with are those I trust implicitly. I wouldn't be worried about giving them free rein either. If I had folks on board I didn't know so well I wouldn't assign them a security setting that gave them the ability to take over the wheel.
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    @Petra_Fyde I am saying it'd be nice to simply drag and resize the window, have a little bit of zoom, and yes, better resolution also.

    Btw, my client besides crashing on trades, is acting up also when I change window size/resolution and fullscreen/window. It acts weird and gets stuck on some resolutions.

    Other efforts "out there" demonstrate the classic client can quite gloriously be updated for a much better experience. 
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    @InLor have you tried to delete UO and reload it? Are you running any other programs?  Are you running UOs CC or another?  Does this happen with all chars on all accounts?  It sounds like you have some corrupted files. Do you have any EJ accounts that you could try?
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    I tested it on an entirely other PC, with a fresh install of CC, and a brand new account (EJ).. so all of those things were automatically tested. I suspect Windows 11 has to do with it. As I write this, another idea I got...perhaps it's screen scale.. that's one thing the other system, besides running Win11, has in common with mine... gonna test it
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Nope, it's not screen scale either. It probably is Windows 11. 
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
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