[UO][EC] Gump ID List

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

The following is a list of gumpIDs in the Enhanced Client. The list is compiled from the files found in the UserInterface>Default folder of your EC installation and from Pinco’s UI. The Default files have not been updated in some time, so many of the newer gumpIDs came from Pinco. Go put some $ in Pinco’s UI for pulling those extra IDs for you.

This list is not comprehensive, there may be some gumpID’s missing. If you find a gumpID that is not listed, please feel free to post it in this thread.

The gumpID list appears mostly as it does in code: messy, unsorted, and with cutesy developer identifiers designed to drive producers nuts, since now anyone trying to decipher those identifiers (you) has to figure out what the original dev thought was clever.

Where I just couldn’t stand it anymore, I’ve put in a half dozen clarifications (I’m looking at you vendorBarbie).


To use these gumpID’s, drag Action>Command into a macro and input

script GumpsParsing.PressButton(X, Y)

into the text entry box.

X = The gumpID from this list
Y = The index number of the button you wish to push on that gump

Remember, just because there are four buttons on a gump doesn’t mean whoever built that gump in 2001 had to put them in index positions 1, 2, 3, and 4. They could be in 0, 21, 999555, and 3.

You’ll have to map each gump individually to understand how it was built. Most of them are pretty good. I think Bleak has been house cleaning in the background for a while. Maybe not, but I bet he has been.



Script GumpsParsing.PressButton(42422, 1)

will push the button associated with index position 1 on gump 42422. This gump was helpfully named by a developer “masterTwoButton”, but is actually the confirmation gump for making a plant decorative, or something.

Good luck!

P.S. To rapidly Search this list, push Crtl-F to bring up the "Find" function in your browser and use a keyword. Hopefully the developer named the gump something close to what you are thinking!



  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited August 2022
    Default GGManager.lua
    4294967296 = "FACTION_ITEM"
    29842 = "GUMP_PLANT"
    29582 = "GUMP_EMPTYBOWL"
    42422 = "masterTwoButton" --Decoractive Plant Confirmation
    9045 = "GUMP_FORTUNE_TELLER" -- GUMP_FORTUNE_TELLER_QUESTION (Attendant Fortune Teller)
    9046 = "GUMP_FORTUNE" -- GUMP_FORTUNE_TELLER_FORTUNE  (Attendant Fortune Teller)
    17000 = "GUMP_COMCOLLECTION" -- GUMP_COMCOLLECTION_BASE --Also Clean Up Britannia?
    0 = "GG_Test_Center_Info_0" --"TwoButtonDialog" Several gumpid = 0 can use twobuttonDialog in the future
    999002 = "GG_Test_Center_Info_0" -- "OneButtonDialog" (not generic - uses StringData)
    999005 = "OneButtonDialog" -- "GUMP_NOTICE_GUMP"
    9030 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- Confirmation gump for promo tokens
    9012 = "GUMP_ANIMAL_FORM" -- should be handled by GUMP_CHOOSE_FORM or GUMP_CHOICE_ICONS now
    9051 = "GUMP_STATUE_MAKER"
    999020 = "GUMP_TEST_GUMP"
    453 = "GUMP_VR_SELECT" --Veteran Reward Catagories
    683 = "GUMP_VENDORBARBIE_MAIN" --Manage Player Vendor Main Menu
    200001 = "GUMP_TRANSFER_SHARD_LIST" --Character Copy Shard Select
    999013 = "GUMP_TRANSFER_INFO" --Character Copy Main
    100001 = "GUMP_TRANSFER_WARNING" -Transfer Crate Warning
    452 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_VR_PROMPT" -- Veteran Reward on Login
    454 = "GUMP_VR_CONFIRM"
    9013 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_PROMO_TOKEN_CONFIRM" --Redeem Promo Token Confirmation
    300001 = "GUMP_TRANSFER_DISPLAY_ITEMS" --Character Copy or Transfer check packing and final confirm
    9016 = "OneButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_ADVANCEMENT_START"
    9017 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_ADVANCED_CHAR_CONFIRM"
    653 = "GUMP_YOUNG_DEATH"
    478 = "ChoiceButtonsStringData" --"GUMP_DOOM_CHARON_BOAT_TRIP"
    479 = "ChoiceButtonsStringData" --"GUMP_DOOM_GREEDY_HEALER"
    9999 = "ChoiceButtonsStringData" --"GUMP_PROTECTION_OFFER"
    10022 = "ChoiceButtonsStringData" --"GUMP_PROTECTION_OFFER"
    2535 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_FRIEND_CLEAR_CONFIRM"
    9007 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_DOOM_EXIT"
    2536 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_COOWNER_CLEAR_CONFIRM"
    502 = "TwoButtonDialog" --"GUMP_ACCESSLIST_CLEAR_CONFIRM"
    --Virtue Gumps
    10005 = "GUMP_VIRTUE_MENU" -- "GUMP_VIRTUE_MENU" --Virtue Status
    --Puzzle Box Gumps
    298 = "GUMP_PUZZLEBOX"
    11026 = "GUMP_LORE_CONVERSATION" -- Needed per DT 10309
    999037 = "GUMP_DYES" -- "GUMP_HAIRSTYLIST_TWO" --Normal Hair Dye
    999038 = "GUMP_DYES" -- "GUMP_HAIRSTYLIST_THREE" --Bright Hair Dye
    999039 = "GUMP_DYES" -- "GUMP_HAIRSTYLIST_FOUR" --Hair Only Dye
    999040 = "GUMP_DYES" -- "GUMP_HAIRSTYLIST_FIVE" -- Beard Only Dye
    999041 = "GUMP_DYES" -- "GUMP_HAIRSTYLIST_SIX" -- Bright Hair Only Dye
    999042 = "GUMP_DYES" -- "GUMP_HAIRSTYLIST_SEVEN" -- Bright Beard Only Dye
    999043 = "GUMP_HAIRSTYLIST_EIGHT" --Menu of options one can do using the NPC
    309 = "GUMP_BANNER_DEED"
    9071 = "GUMP_BANNER_DEED"
    9072 = "GUMP_BANNER_DEED"
    999046 = "GUMP_EDIT_BALLOTBOX"
    9035 = "GUMP_VACLOAK_GAME1"
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited August 2022
    999016 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_TELEPORT"
    2546 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_BANLIST_CLEAR_CONFIRM"
    670 =  "GUMP_BULK_ORDER_PURCHASE" --"GUMP_AGREED_TO_PURCHASE_CONFIRM" might also fit this one
    2222 = "TwoButtonDialog" --"GUMP_CAMPING"
    308 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_BANNER_REDEED"
    9024 = "ChoiceButtons" -- "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_ANIMALCONTAINER_CONFIRM" -- actually a ChoiceButtons with radios: 1,0 and 7 as button
    9015 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_CANCEL_INSURANCE_CONFIRM"
    9058 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_CONFIRM_TRASH"
    9005 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_GATE_CHECK" --Felucca Travel Warning
    9069 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_REWARD_TITLER"
    9073 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_REWARD_TITLER" --Player Vendor Dismiss
    302 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_MARK_ME"
    -- FACTION GUMPS (Starting here)
    9001 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_LEAVEFACTION"
    9002 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_GUILD_LEAVEFACTION"
    15001 = "GUMP_GOODEVIL" -- GUMP_EVIL
    671 = "GUMP_MESSAGE_DETAILS" --*** WARNING: GUMP_MESSAGE_DETAILS may get renumbered it currently shares same GUMPID as GUMP_CHANGERACE_CONFIRM
    200 = "OneButtonDialog" -- "GUMP_TMAP_INSTRUCTIONS"
    601 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_PET_RELEASE" --Confirmation
    2223 = "TwoButtonDialog" --"GUMP_RESME" --Resurection Gump
    462 = "GUMP_STABLED_PETS" --Pet Claim Stabled
    500 = "GUMP_TITLE"
    123456 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_TRANSPORT"
    123457 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_PARTY_TRANSPORT"
    123458 = "ChoiceButtons" -- looks like "TwoButtonDialog_Short" but is radio buttons --"GUMP_VALIDATE_TELEPORT"
    -- TODO GUMP_CHOOSE_FORM should be renamed to a more generic template name like ChoiceIcons since it currently handle many different kinds of gump
    9014 = "GUMP_CHOOSE_FORM" -- actually handles all "GUMP_CHOICE_ICONS" --   including: [5008] = "GUMP_POLYMORPH" and [9287] = "GUMP_CHOOSE_FORM"
    678 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- Sex change gump
    680 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- Sex change gump confirmation
    999015 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- "GUMP_STATUETTE"
    999050 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- "GUMP_WINDCHIME_SWITCH"
    475 = "AnimalLore" -- inherits OneButtonDialog, used for GUMP_ANIMAL_LORE
    661 = "HouseSecuritySetting" -- inherits ChoiceList, used for GUMP_HOUSE_SECURITY_SETTING
    15010 = "GUMP_SOULSTONE" -- inherits ChoiceList, used for GUMP_SOULSTONE
    600 = "GUMP_MOONGATE" -- (not generic)
    15002 = "GUMP_MURDER_REPORT" -- (not generic)
    658 = "GUMP_NE_FAMILIAR" --Necromancy Summon Familiar
    477 = "GUMP_PET_RESURRECTION" -- (not generic)
    603 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_PET_TRANSFER"
    662 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --"GUMP_RELEASE_FAMILIAR"
    -- Not sure if GUMP_ACTION is used for anything except Monorail, but using that for now
    9026 = "Monorail" -- "GUMP_ACTION" 
    89 = "RUNEBOOK_GUMP"
    460 = "CraftingWindow" --Main window for all eight basic crafting skills
    685 = "CraftingWindow" --item details
    403 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_SIX_MONTH_REWARD
    9047 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_CONFIRM_ATTENDANT
    9064 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- GUMP_SIEGE_TRADEIN_CONFIRM
    9025 = "GUMP_CHOICE_TEXT" -- Used to be a choice list, but really needs its own thing -- "ChoiceList"
    12350000 = "ChoiceList" -- GUMP_TRACKING_ONE --Tracking
    9054 = "OneButtonDialog" -- "Your pet was unable to join you while you are a ghost"
    999028 = "GUMP_NEWBIE_TICKETS"
    999021 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- GUMP_REMOVE_THE_DESTINATION_ARROW
    42882 = "ChoiceList"  -- GUMP_BUILDING_SITE_EDITOR
    71 = "OneButtonDialog" -- "TEST_CENTER_WARNING"
    304 = "GUMP_SR_RATING" -- Allows rating of GMs, companions, etc... - Basic mG choicelist thing
    295 = "GUMP_NEWBIE_SCAM"
    9028 = "GUMP_SIEGE_BLESS"
    23452 = "TwoButtonDialog_Wide" -- RENOUNCENEWBIE_WARNING
    -- HELP MENU Gumps
    666 = "GUMP_HELP_MENU" 
    672 = "TextEntry" -- GUMP_PAGE_TEXTENTRY
    296 = "ChoiceList" -- "GUMP_STUCK_PLAYER"
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited August 2022
    -- Quest Gumps
    802 -- [802] = GUMP_QUEST_STATUS and [804] = GUMP_QUEST_OBTAIN do not appear to be used.
    801 = "ChoiceButtons" -- GUMP_QUEST_QUIT -- Resign Quest
    803 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_QUEST_REWARD
    806 = "OneButtonDialog"  -- GUMP_QUEST_CONVERSATION
    807 = "ChoiceList" -- GUMP_QUEST_HISTORY
    808 = "OneButtonDialog"  -- GUMP_QUEST_CONVO
    809 = "GUMP_QUEST_JOURNAL_DETAILS" -- declared in QuestOffer.xml
    810 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_QUEST_CONVERSATION_2
    -- Lore Quest Gumps
    11022 =  "GUMP_LORE_QUEST_LOG"
    11023 =  "ChoiceButtons"  -- GUMP_LORE_QUEST_OFFER
    11024 = "OneButton" -- GUMP_LORE_QUEST_LOG_UPDATE,
    11025 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_LORE_CONVERSATION_ONE_TIME,
    11027 = "GUMP_LORE_QUIT_OFFER"  --,  Title tid 1078848 
    11028 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_LORE_TRANSITION,
    11029 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_LORE_ACCEPT_OR_DECLINE,
    -- Guild Gumps
    725 = "GUMP_GUILD_CREATE"  -- for creating a new guild
    726 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- "GUMP_GUILD_INVITE" -- inherits "TwoButtonDialog"   // presented to player invited to a guild
    727 = "GUMP_GUILD_PLR_ROSTER" -- // shows all players in the guild
    728 = "GUMP_GUILD_PLR_DETAIL" -- // list/modifies details for a particular player in a guild
    -- Defined but never used: -- "GUMP_GUILD_ALLY_ROSTER" -- for showing all the guilds in an alliance (any alliance)
    -- It might have been that GUMP_GUILD_ALLY_ROSTER was never implemented properly.
    -- Code for it is in place, but it used to use the same GID as GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY.
    -- I split it off from GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY and called it GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY_TWO.
    -- If a designer ever fixes it, then they may want to use GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY's template for it in KR.
    729 = "GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY" -- // lists all other guilds and their basic relationship to you
    730 = "GUMP_GUILD_RELATIONSHIP" -- // lists/modifies the details of any relationship with a particular guild
    731 = "GUMP_GUILD_WAR" -- // for declaring war against another guild
    733 = "GUMP_GUILD_MY_INFO" -- showing/modifying misc. guild information
    734 = "GUMP_GUILD_ADVSEARCH" -- // advanced search options for guild roster
    999036 = "GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY" -- "GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY_TWO" -- GUMP_GUILD_DIPLOMACY now handles both of these; this is when case = 8.
    -- house placement gumps
    492 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_WARNING
    503 = "GUMP_HOUSE_COMMIT" -- inherits "TwoButtonDialog" with extra text
    507 = "HousePlacementWindow" -- GUMP_KR_HOUSE_PLACEMENT_TOOL
    464 = "HousePlacementWindow" -- Legacy GUMP_HOUSE_PLACEMENT_TOOL this should never be sent to a KR client
    508 = "HousePlacementWarningWindow" 
    --VACLOAK Quest --Virtue Armor Cloak Quest
    9034 = "GUMP_VACLOAK_QUEST"   
    9037 = "GUMP_VACLOAK_QUEST"   
    -- house sign gumps
    2533 = "HouseSignWindow" --House Sign Menu
    687 = "GUMP_HOUSESIGN_VENDOR_LIST" -- Basically a choiceList that uses string data instead - Actually uses masterGUMP
    42882 = "ChoiceList"    -- GUMP_BUILDING_SITE_EDITOR
    652 = "GUMP_FLIPFLOP"    -- inherits ChoiceList
    2547 = "HouseSignPlaqueWindow"  -- the little house sign brass plaque window if you don't have privileges
    -- Two button warning dialogs 
    2538 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_COOWNER_REMOVAL
    486 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_CLAIM_CONFIRM
    9009 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_CONTRACT_VENDOR_WARNING
    676 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_OVERSECURE_WARNING
    495 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_CONVERT
    496 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_REPLACE
    2534 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_DEMOLISH_HOUSE
    487 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_MAKEPRIMARY_CONFIRM
    999006 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- GUMP_PERSONAL_BLESS
    999001 = "GUMP_RECRUIT"
    69 =  "SIEGE_WARNING"
    9055 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- GUMP_CONFIRM_CRYSTAL
    9056 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- GUMP_CONFIRM_SHADOW
    307 = "GUMP_HEAD_REDEED"
    9049 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --GUMP_RECHARGE_WEAPON_ENGRAVER
    9050 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --GUMP_SELF_RECHARGE_WEAPON_ENGRAVER
    9023 = "TwoButtonDialog" --GUMP_XFER_EXCHANGE_7TH
    9043 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" --GUMP_ORACLE_CLEAR_CONFIRM
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    -- One button notice dialogs
    501 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_CUSTOMIZATION_NOTICE
    504 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_STRUCTURE_NOTICE
    493 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS
    244 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSESURVEY_TEST
    494 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSESIGN_NOTICE
    501 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_HOUSE_CUSTOMIZATION_NOTICE
    663 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_VENDOR_NOTICE
    130 = "OneButtonDialog" -- DUNG_GUMP (Short for "DUNGeon")
    99999 = "OneButtonDialog" -- GUMP_TRANSFER_START
    999027 = "OneButtonDialog" -- "GUMP_PURIFIER_BOOK"
    999035 = "GUMP_TROPHYCHOICE" -- For picking which way an animal trpohy head faces when placed in a corner
    999017 = "GUMP_HOLIDAY_GUMP"
    999007 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short" -- "GUMP_DRY_DOCK_BOAT_CONFIRM" 
    999008 = "GUMP_AGREED_TO_PURCHASE_CONFIRM" -- inherits TwoButtonDialog
    999010 = "OneButtonDialog" -- "GUMP_SHOPKEEPINFO_FOR_NEW_PLAYERS"
    9048 = "GUMP_HERALD" -- choicelist one-off, has to be since not all buttons are selectable in all cases
    9006 = "GUMP_POWERSCROLL" -- inherits TwoButtonDialog
    9010 = "GUMP_PROMO_CODE" -- Has a text entry box, used for promo code entry
    12350001 = "GUMP_TRACKING_TWO"
    674 = "GUMP_PROMO_7TH_CHOICE" -- inherits ChoiceList, uses Button, Title, Subtitle, and Choices
    669 = "GUMP_BULK_ORDER_FILTER" -- Uses combo boxes
    668 = "BULK_ORDER_BOOK"
    10002 = "GUMP_BARKEEP_TITLE"
    999012 = "GUMP_FLIPFLOP" -- "GUMP_TOWN_BARKEEP_MENU" is happily fitting into this one's one off :-)
    999014 = "GUMP_VENDORBARBIE_SILVER" --Customize Vendor
    455 = "GUMP_DE_PLAYER_BULKOFFER" --Bulk Order Deed Offer
    456 = "GUMP_DE_ITEM_BULKDEED" --Bulk Order Deed
    10001 = "GUMP_BARKEEP_MENU"
    9044 = "GUMP_LUCKY_DEALER"
    201 =  "OneButton" -- a OneButtonDialog with no dialog :)
    999047 = "GUMP_VOLUNTEER_MEMORIAL" -- A memorial for volunteers
    999011 = "GUMP_NEW_PLAYER_INSTRUCTION" -- "New player expierence talking gump"
    999044 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short"  --"GUMP_END_NPE_CONFIRM"
    999045 = "TwoButtonDialog_Short"  --"GUMP_CHANGERACE_CONFIRM" 
    -- 10th Anniversary Map
    999051 = "GUMP_PROMO_10TH_MAP"
    -- body sculptor npc
    688 = "FaceSelectionWindow" -- Body sculptor face selector
    689 = "GUMP_BODY_SCULPTOR_MAIN_SELECTION" -- Body sculptor main menu
    -- text entry
    686 = "SingleLineTextEntry" -- Generic single line text entry gump that returns a text entry packet --Handled in chat in CC
    9068 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- Replace active balm confirmation
    -- Cupid - Throbbing Heart menu
    999054 = "GUMP_CUPID_MENU"
    999055 = "TwoButtonDialog" -- Select your Valentine confirmation
    -- Gumps to not display in KR
    10014 = "DO_NOT_DISPLAY" -- The pretty gump for the virtue system, deprecated in KR! --May be in EC or Pinco's

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    Default GumpsParsing.lua
    999060 = "LoyaltyRating"
    9083 = "HTML_Book"
    999074 = "TitlesMenu"
    999071 = "InsuranceMenu"
    9178 = "CityStone"
    999059 = "ImbuingMenu"
    999112 = "VendorSearch"
    999113 = "VendorSearchResults"
    999115 = "VendorSearchSearching"
    999057 = "EnchantSpell"
    498 = "RunicAtlas"
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited August 2022
    Pinco's UI GumpsParsing.lua
    999139 = "PetTraining"
    999137 = "AnimalTrainingMenu" 
    999138 = "AnimalTrainingConfirm" 
    1123123 = "PetCombatTrainingMenu" 
    999061 = "UnravelConfirm" 
    999079 = "MetallicDye" 
    999084 = "ReforgeMenu" 
    999143 = "JewelryBox" 
    999116 = "ViceVSVirtue"
    9200 = "ViceVSVirtueBattleReults" 
    999076 = "BoatPlacement" 
    9070 = "HonorConfirm" 
    999122 = "Masteries"
    999123 = "BankActions"
    999147 = "EJBank" 
    9011 = "FriendRequest" 
    999090 = "MaginciaPetVendor"
    999102 = "DaviesLocker" 
    9157 = "TranscendenceAlacrityBook"
    9112 = "Cannon" --bow
    9113 = "Cannon" --forwardPort
    9114 = "Cannon" --forwardStarboard
    9115 = "Cannon" --amidshipsPort
    9116 = "Cannon" --amidshipsStarboard
    9117 = "Cannon" --aftPort
    9118 = "Cannon" --aftStarboard
    9119 = "Cannon" --rearPort
    9120 = "Cannon" --rearStarboard
    9216 = "Newspaper"
    9230 = "TownCrier" 
    999161 = "Mannequin"
    9219 = "Herald"
    Pinco's UI GenericGump.lua
    999136 = "NEW_STORE_ITEM_GUMPID" 
    Pinco's UI ContainerInfo.lua
    2330 = "CHESS_GUMP" 
    40167 = "CANNON_GUMP" --Cannon Magazine
  • Is there a way to clear all the gumps from my screen?  I'm trying to figure out how to set up an EC macro that reloads my cannons.  I can get it to work, but the cannon gump needs to be closed for it to work, otherwise the script gumpsparsing.pressbutton(9118,1) command doesn't hit
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    pinoypogi said:
    Is there a way to clear all the gumps from my screen?  I'm trying to figure out how to set up an EC macro that reloads my cannons.  I can get it to work, but the cannon gump needs to be closed for it to work, otherwise the script gumpsparsing.pressbutton(9118,1) command doesn't hit
    Add this to a command macro with the ID of the gump you want to close and it should work:

    script GumpsParsing.DestroyGump(gumpID)

    So if you want to close gump 9118:
    script GumpsParsing.DestroyGump(9118)

    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • Thanks, @Khyro!  Do you have any tips on targeting the cannons to then open the cannon gump?  When I stand a cannon, I use the "Target nearest object > Use Targeted Object" command but sometimes target (and use) the Mooring line, putting me onshore, if I'm near land lol

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited April 2024
    Target individual cannons with:
    script HandleSingleLeftClkTarget(objectID)
    where objectID is the objectID of the cannon.

    If a cannon's objectID was 100100, the command would be:
    script HandleSingleLeftClkTarget(100100)

    You can find the objectID's of your galleon's cannons by following the information in this link.

    Every time you drydock and replace a galleon, the objectID's of the cannons will be reassigned.
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 938

    I saw your other good post sharing a bunch of EC macro building info.  Maybe TimSt would host the text files on his github?

    For dynamic objects like the cannons, and sharing complex macros, I'd recommend using variables instead of hard-coded object IDs.

    For instance, you could have Interface.Cannon1, ... Interface.Cannon 5 variables.  Then your scripts would reference Interface.Cannon1 instead of the hard-coded objectID.

    You'd then have hotbar items for reseting the values of Cannon1... Cannon5, using the existing object/cursor selector.

    Actions.lua, function Actions.SetDefaultItem() (used by Actions -> Object Targeting) could be copied/modified for this purpose, as an example.
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