What was your first house in UO?

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Had a single chest for storage.
Someone stole my key and rune so it was no longer mine.
My character was a crafter so I had lot of tailor bod books locked down on the pathway. a couple months later i was given an 18X18. Every day after i got home from work, I would call out in chat if anyone needed a house because it was going to fall. Nobody would answer me about wanting it. I would only get smack talk from the pvpers. on the last night I took all the deco out of it and it fell during the night. Love Spirit told our guild leader that she wouldn't give another house to any of the guild members because we let it fall.
I couldn't understand why she threw such a fit about it. then months later I realized that you can't build in that area any more.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
1st home was a small fieldstone along the coast south of what is now the Blighted Grove area (Blighted Grove didn’t exist when it was placed). Customized it couple yrs after customization dropped. IIRC the sign Mesanna placed dates mid 1998? Tbh can’t remember exactly & not able to log in & check atm.
Still own it.
What shard was that? If it was ATL then we were probably neighbors as I lived to the west right outside the NW fence of Brit Graveyard
It was Napa Valley.