ImaNewbie Website Offline

JCtheBuilderJCtheBuilder Posts: 44
edited February 2 in General Discussions
It has been brought to my attention the website domain has expired. I have contacted the owner via all forms of communication I have, but we have not spoken in the 8 years since I took over the hosting of the website. Probably because there have been no complaints about downtime since I took over lol

If the owner does not get back to me and renew in time, I do have all the files and will probably just put them on UOGuide under, so they will still be available for all.

Also UOGuide was also offline. It took a simple server restart to fix it. If it is ever down the best way to contact me is by my email j==c====@==uoguide .com. Be sure to remove the equal signs.

Have a Nice day.


  • He got back to me. Apparently didn’t remember I was hosting it lol

    If you don't want to see it go perhaps post some feedback here how you read it recently and I’ll pass it along. 

    Hey JC,  yes after a lot of deliberation I decided to park the domain name for now.  GoDaddy keeps upping the price and since I havent been receiving any emails I reckon that viewers were slowly fading into history.  If you are the one that has hosted it all these years I can only say my deepest thanks and appreciation.   It was a great time in my life and brought me a lot of joy doing the toons.  

    It is hard to think that UO came to life over 26 years ago.  The world was a different place then.  I remember receiving thousands of prople in over 108 different countries.  I still have many buried in ImaNewbie’s email history.  
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,050
    edited February 2
    I definitely re-read it a couple of times a year. great entertainment.
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
    edited February 2
    How  about updating your web site.
  • sibblesibble Posts: 179
    @JCtheBuilder thank you for what you do :)

    I moved away from GoDaddy like 20 years ago because of their pricing.

    Just throwing it out there, if you sign up for DigitalOcean, spin up a $5/mo Ubuntu droplet and give me access I can setup a secure web server for both those sites to run on it - should be able to handle the traffic.  If your interested hit me up on discord: sibble
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • sibble said:
    I moved away from GoDaddy like 20 years ago because of their pricing.
    The site is not hosted on Godaddy, that is the domain register. I don't charge him anything to host the website. He is talking about the yearly domain registration fee.

    How  about updating your web site.
    How about you update it? Anyone is free to update UOGuide since it is a wiki. I have not been active at all in UO for many years now. I just try to keep things going as best I can.
  • sibblesibble Posts: 179

    I recently had to move my domains from Google Domains (they sold to SquareSpace) to Cloudflare.

    $9.15/yr for .com
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • KitiaraKitiara Posts: 63
    For what it's worth, I visit the site every so often and would hate to see a piece of our collective history go offline for good.
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