New player looking for a guild or group...

VinceVince Posts: 2
Hey all, I'm a returning UO player (played from 97-2004) and I'd like to join a group or guild. Maybe do some socializing stuff, ya know?

I remember going on hunts with other players, healing them and just having fun. If there are any groups like this, please leave me a note. I'd love to see some folks in game! Thanks,


  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Try Gen Chat when you are on, I am sure people on Origin would love to hear from you.
  • OnixiaOnixia Posts: 91
    Hi Vince.  I am currently the guild mistress of NPH guild on Origin.  We usually have at least one member online through out the day.  We normally play in the evenings from 8 to 11 pm est.  Shoot us a message in Gen chat.  We are a pvm guild that does guild events and shard events.  We have one Shard event coming up close to the end of the month.  A Haunted House open to all. We would love to get to know you and you can see if the guild is for you.  We use Discord to communicate.
  • VinceVince Posts: 2
    Thanks for reaching out, Onixia. Will do!
  • Good afternoon, also a old player returning to the game.  Stupid question - how do I use general/global chat??  general chat - just type and enter...I assume.  But who all sees the text? local only, or more far reaching.  I have a TON of questions
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    Pife_Ster said:
    Good afternoon, also a old player returning to the game.  Stupid question - how do I use general/global chat??  general chat - just type and enter...I assume.  But who all sees the text? local only, or more far reaching.  I have a TON of questions

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Pife_Ster said:
    Good afternoon, also a old player returning to the game.  Stupid question - how do I use general/global chat??  general chat - just type and enter...I assume.  But who all sees the text? local only, or more far reaching.  I have a TON of questions
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