Why UO would benefit from an expansion this/next yr
Hello all,
I am relatively new to this game. I was an old school EQ gamer in '99 and never touched Ultima until literally 3 days ago.
I am in love with the depth, combat, adventuring and core systems that UO uses.
Something I wanted to mention is.. you guys haven't seen a UO expansion in over 3 years now. Is this because it has exchanged hands a few times? Are sub numbers low? (doesnt seem it)
Reason I ask.. if any Dev is reading this at all.. Do you notice a shift in the MMO industry happening? Theme-park MMO's are becoming a thing of the past as people get tired and bored of korean hack/slash or theme-park MMORPG's. People are looking for something more elaborate now.. more difficult and something that has much more depth and meaning. People are wanting that "more meaningful" mmo and a few have popped up like Pantheon, LoA and a few others. All of these are being backed by millions of dollars from people interested in changing the genre back to what it was once before.
UO has had this feeling people are looking for... under a hood of 1997 graphics... which people just ignore right away.
So I ask, Mr/Ms Dev.. why not take advantage of this timing? Release new content.. new things to fight.. new adventures.. New abilities.. new spells.. Don't have the funding? I'd gladly give a chunk of money towards your development (even though people DESPISE crowdfunding these days.. i think it has its good uses.. SOTA gave it the bad name.. not you guys
As a community, do you guys think an expansion could come? How do you feel about it?
I am relatively new to this game. I was an old school EQ gamer in '99 and never touched Ultima until literally 3 days ago.
I am in love with the depth, combat, adventuring and core systems that UO uses.
Something I wanted to mention is.. you guys haven't seen a UO expansion in over 3 years now. Is this because it has exchanged hands a few times? Are sub numbers low? (doesnt seem it)
Reason I ask.. if any Dev is reading this at all.. Do you notice a shift in the MMO industry happening? Theme-park MMO's are becoming a thing of the past as people get tired and bored of korean hack/slash or theme-park MMORPG's. People are looking for something more elaborate now.. more difficult and something that has much more depth and meaning. People are wanting that "more meaningful" mmo and a few have popped up like Pantheon, LoA and a few others. All of these are being backed by millions of dollars from people interested in changing the genre back to what it was once before.
UO has had this feeling people are looking for... under a hood of 1997 graphics... which people just ignore right away.
So I ask, Mr/Ms Dev.. why not take advantage of this timing? Release new content.. new things to fight.. new adventures.. New abilities.. new spells.. Don't have the funding? I'd gladly give a chunk of money towards your development (even though people DESPISE crowdfunding these days.. i think it has its good uses.. SOTA gave it the bad name.. not you guys

As a community, do you guys think an expansion could come? How do you feel about it?
- Should UO have an expansion?5 votes
- Yes! I'd back it with $ too!20.00%
- Yes!... just not crowdfunding40.00%
- No.. games dead.40.00%
We already have more land than we can occupy
Something new is added with almost every publish, take publish 97 as an example, a complete change to taming that has had tamers busy ever since. Even the last publish, a bug fix publish, added small things like higher level maps to the hag's quest, reviving interest in that quest.
New abilities? We already have so many it's hard to choose which ones to squeeze into a template
Yes the last expansion was Time of Legends, but new things are still being added to that land pretty regularly.
If you think we need an expansion, perhaps you haven't yet explored fully what we already have?
Having seasonal content year round would probably go a long way. Alot of people play only around the time of the holiday dungeon lately, and then fade away again shortly after it ends. The taming content was a big draw, I'm sure they actually saw a subscriber increase since the pet system in this game is probably the most unique aspect other than housing. I only came back after casually reading on a website about those changes, and I was gone 12 years.
Either way at the end of the day the old timers that will never let their houses and collections disappear are probably the main thing even keeping the game going. Im constantly amazed at how many people I meet with 6 or more paid accounts, just something you dont see anywhere else. Even the amount of people that keep accounts going just from inheriting a account from a real life death.
Anyhow heres to the upcoming holiday dungeon, hope to be able to flick through multiple pages of guildies online again.
And for Teapot, this is one reason you see so many people hop on for seasonal stuff. And I'll shout it from the rooftops, it's because THEY CAN JUST LOG ON AND PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they don't have to key it, they don't have to do rooms, or a repetitive bunch of mini quests, etc, they can just log on and do it.
Christmas, just log on and turn in bods.
Anniversary, just log on, progress the spawn in the towns, and killl the elemental.
Halloween, just log on, trick or treat, or kill pumpkins and Butchers.
Yes it's more fun than new content, because I can just log on and do it, without spending my couple of hours "keying" up.
I think the need is to bug fix and clean up old code. As an example there are three systems for building a house that I can think of. This makes for a steep learning curve to get the affect you want. (my present pet peeve)
But back to topic EA owns the game and Broad Sword runs it so sorry but I don't think crowd sourcing would make it past the lawyers. And not being a lawyer I don't know, would any out side investor would be welcome?
That being said I still plan on when I win that lottery of giving Mesanna a call.
ty again.
We have more "useless" land than we can occupy. There is no reason to even venture into 3/4 of the game anymore. The best loot is found in only a few places. There's really nothing to gather off corpses and gold in old places is nowhere near the amount in some of the newer places.
I understand wanting people to play the new stuff but if half the game is made useless why even bother keeping it? Things that used to be fun for me and give the occasional useful item are practically useless anymore. You can barely get decent items from major bosses anymore.
The past few months I've found myself logging in to just stand around a minute and log back out. It's a shame that a game with this much history and land mass can become so boring because it really isn't useful compared to the standards set in the top tier places.
Yesterday I dug a map in Felucca, hunted raptor teeth in Ter Mur, getting chiv gains on my crimson drake, caught a swamp dragon in hoppers bog and 2 giant beetles in the ant nest for my pet stall. I've also recently done hag's quest for maps and solen queen quest for bags of sending plus a few bods for powder because I made my archer a new bow. I don't play to amass tons of gold, I play to have fun and relax.
I have also been playing this game for 3 days and have no idea of any of its 20 year history and legacy. Listen to my dumb ideas, too!
I also feel like saying this here often.
They did the bug fix and concentrated on making the game less fun instead of fixing the hundreds of bugs we sent them. Carpenter and Tinker BODs will never be made to work as intended. Basic items still do not stack after many requests.
So, we move on. There is supposed to be a High Seas Upgrade. Is that going to happen?
They need something new to keep us busy until Sept/Oct.
I agree with The Great HIGGS.
You're also a minority or they wouldn't keep creating new and op items. I don't expect the best loot otherwise I'd be in shadowguard and not on here complaining about being bored. What I do expect is to do previous expansion bosses and walk away with a little something usable.
I see no reason to go to shame now except to train a pet. The hardest things in wrong are only good for gold and a pat on the back for a job well done.
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
If you are bored already...might I suggest making a beggar?
As far as new content, to appease who? New players? Old/returnable players?
And what do you mean by.... "crowdfunding" (SOTA gave it the bad name.. not you guys
I vote no but games not dead.
I get that you would like to rescue the game, but so much needs to be fixed STILL before more stuff is added.
Might I make another suggestion... with your fresh eyes?... start making a list of things you find wrong/odd/off and help us get to zero on the number line before we get above 0.