January 2022 Event Schedule

EM AshmediaEM Ashmedia Posts: 99Event Moderator
edited January 2022 in Pacific
The Mirage of Defeat
January 22 @ 7PM PST (10PM Eastern) | Meet at Castle Blackthorn Courtyard

Kings Meeting
January 24 @ 7PM PST (10PM Eastern) | Meet at Governor's Hall in Castle Blackthorn

Execution 2.0
January 28 @ 7PM PST (10PM Eastern) | Meet at Castle Blackthorn Courtyard


  • EM AshmediaEM Ashmedia Posts: 99Event Moderator

    The date for Execution 2.0 has been corrected to reflect the intended event date of January 28th @ 7PM PST (10PM Eastern). I do apologize for any inconveniences this error may have caused.

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