Skull and Dolphin rugs not incrementing their counts

Both of my Skull and Dolphin rugs are not incrementing their counts.  On the first of each month I collect their items.  My skull rug has been at a 2 count and my dolphin rug has been at a 3 count for most of the month of December.  The skull rug is in Pacific Felluca and the Dolphin rug is in Pacific Trammel.

Is anyone else encountering this?


  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    it only raise 1 per month 30 days
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Fortis said:
    it only raise 1 per month 30 days
    I've been getting 1 per week in the past which agrees with the wiki:
        The skull and cross bones will give 1 random Treasure chest map each week.
        The Rose Rug will give one random seed each week.
        The Dolphin will give one random MIB each week.

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Yes, it is once a week. Mine seem to be working fine.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    i had this happen recently with my totem of essence.
    just move it and it should start working again

    I have had this happen a few years ago
    & replacing fixed it
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