No Charlie Brown Tree in Brit on Chessy

Hi y'all....Hey, on Chessy the elf is there in Britain but no little tree popped to start off with. Folks talking in Gen chat said the same thing happened last year with the first tree and the elf ate the bods but no tree popped.

Can I get any additional info on this? Does it need a fix? Are we wasting bods if we drop them even without the little starter tree? @Kyronix can you shed any light on this?


Happy Holidays!


  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    People are just dropping smalls takes alot to get it going. Many times people think I'm not going to donate til I see a completed tree. I will be dropping the larges for it later today. I have enough bods to grow all the trees for Chessy but will gladly let anyone else donate all the larges they want - LOL. All larges I have set aside for this year will be used or carried over for next year. I drop the bulk on the second day hoping to save a few larges.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    Ah! So the fact there's no little tree to start off with is not a bug? For some reason I and others as well thought it started off with the little Charlie Brown tree. And that it was a problem last year.

    Marge you're the best! I'll be happy to donate large bods.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    No bug :) It starts with plain ol snow.

    Thank you :D
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    That's funny! I let folks know there's no worries.  :D Thanks, Marge
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