The Daemon Heads are 52 ?



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited November 2021
    Marge said:
    keven2002 said:
    Wait another week or so and they will probably be thrown on the ground as they aren't worth any cleanup points (stupid).

    No need to wait a week; I picked up 5 of them from the ground today. LOL

    As to why the developers made another set of collectibles and no new storage space; that's easy. They have learned that we UO players love to collect and hoard full sets of anything forever. In order to store more, we have to open another account. More accounts equals more money. It's actually a smart business move on their side.

    If you don't want to open another account to store your collectibles; identify as Elsa and Let It Go!
    I refuse to open another account for storage purposes. For me, this is a matter of principle.

    Subscription games, and this is a change that has been going on for a while, are an older type of playing, lots and lots of games now, are free to play or base their funding on micro-transactions.

    I think that it should be valued that a game as old as Ultima Online has still players willing to pay a subscription to play.

    But, honestly, I would never ever go with paying for "another" account in order to store items because the current storage options are, at least to my opinion, not sufficient, and could be improved, especially if lots and lots of new items get introduced with new Events and content.

    No thank you, if I am pressed to that point, I would then "move on", and spend whatever entertainment time I may have available with some of the plenty of games that are out there and, at that point, stop playing Ultima Online for good... time is limited, and if I play one game, cannot play another.... then why spend for a subscription for a game one does not play any longer ?

    Personally, I think that it would be better for Ultima Online if its current players were given better, more expanded ways to increase their storage capabilities rather then not, to the point that then, some among them might be brought to a point where they have to make a call, whether to pay for another account for storage purposes, or stop playing Ultima Online for good since they either cannot enjoy the new content for lack of space to store the new items added, or they have to throw away older items which they worked on to get, in order to make room for the newer ones....

    While some might pick the additional account option, how many would instead pick the option to stop playing UO for good thus becoming a permanent loss for the game ? Would those creating a new subscribed account be more then those instead choosing stopping playing UO for good for lack of additional storage ?

    Is it worth, for Ultima Online, to take the risk of wanting to loose any more players over storage issues ?

    Instead, UO could raise its revenues if they sold an additional Bank and Storage increase expansion considering that the last +20% one was sold over 10 Years ago in 2009 ?), rather then risking losing paying customers who, rather then open additional accounts, where to chose the stopping of playing UO althougether.....

    @Mesanna , what do you think ?
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    popps said:

    Is it worth, for Ultima Online, to take the risk of wanting to loose any more players over storage issues ?

    Instead, UO could raise its revenues if they sold an additional Bank and Storage increase expansion considering that the last +20% one was sold over 10 Years ago in 2009 ?), rather then risking losing paying customers who, rather then open additional accounts, where to chose the stopping of playing UO althougether.....

    @ Mesanna , what do you think ?
    Not sure about Mesanna, but I'd take the risk. One Time $20 fee for upgraded storage or $10 (at least with time tokens more for the monthly charge) a month forever for a new account? Plus the added bonus of telling stock holders you raised subscriptions on a 24 year old game? No contest.

    I'm thinking your the only player that would rather quit than get another account or get rid of stuff hidden for 24 years in a box or a bank. I have 3 accounts myself and am still trying to convince hubby to open a 4th. While waiting, I've sold older items and older collections to make room for the new stuff that I want.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Seth said:
    Free storage is available, use EJ account's character backpack. Unlimited accounts = unlimited free storage.  :D
    Perfect work around if @popps doesn't want to pay money to play the game. These masks are 1stone each so an EJ toon could easily hold 100+ in their pack no problem (ie 2 common sets). I'm sure his next post will say that he wants like 6 full sets or something dumb.

    Anyways this thread is pretty far off topic as they tend to go when popps inserts his opinion (we are now talking about storage limits).
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    That's what I do Marge. I had a dream once of  having a full gift box collection...spent millions of gold and finally realized it wasn't going to happen so I sold them all but the rare ones for like 500g or 1k gold to give others who may want them a chance.

    I had a full set of easter bunnies...every city every I have one lol. I still have a full set of Geese...those are probably going to go next. Platinum Dragon Statues? Full set...I am still trying to work them into my deco somehow but if I can't they will go too.'s kinda like real you have everything you've ever owned since the day you were born? You purge.....donate...sell...hand me the same in don't HAVE to keep every pixel. 

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    keven2002 said:
    Seth said:
    Free storage is available, use EJ account's character backpack. Unlimited accounts = unlimited free storage.  :D
    Perfect work around if @ popps doesn't want to pay money to play the game. These masks are 1stone each so an EJ toon could easily hold 100+ in their pack no problem (ie 2 common sets). I'm sure his next post will say that he wants like 6 full sets or something dumb.

    Anyways this thread is pretty far off topic as they tend to go when popps inserts his opinion (we are now talking about storage limits).
    No worries I think we r still on topic, and the ej free backpack storage is definitely a cool solution, for him  :D  
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    I don't know how someone has only one account and still has storage space.

    My houses are always full.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited November 2021
    Marge said:
    One Time $20 fee for upgraded storage or $10 (at least with time tokens more for the monthly charge) a month forever for a new account? Plus the added bonus of telling stock holders you raised subscriptions on a 24 year old game? No contest.
    I do not doubt, that there might be players out there paying for an extra account just for storage purposes.... yet, I would be susprised to learn that there might be "more" players deciding to put out even more money, per month, every month, on a game as old as Ultima Online is (when there is plenty games out there to spend one's own entertainment time on, and many do not require a subscription to be played...), just to help them out with added storage needs, as there might instead be players who, when they reach a point where it becomes a nuisance for them to accomodate the new items that they collect from New Events, because of lack of storage, who might decide that continue playing might not be worth the hassle and stop althougether....

    One first starts to fill up one own House and Banks of the 7 characters.... then they start filling up the main backpack of those characters less used in the account, then they fill up Blue Beetles on those characters (which it then means that these characters can no longer be played, being loaded with items...), then they start opening EJ accounts to use their main backpacks and then it becomes a nightmare.... to remember what character is holding what item... having to open up multiple clients in order to look where is what, transfer items from A to B etc. etc. all of which, time consuming, and no fun at all....

    Eventually, a player having to deal with all that to find room for new items, might think that this is no fun playing, they have characters in their account which they cannot play with, because they hold stuff, they spend countless time looking for anything, and, eventually, decide that it is time to move elsewhere, to other games, for good...

    All this, because players' issues with increased storage needs are not addressed ?

    Seriously ?

    It is better to risk losing players, and their subscriptions, over this storage issues ?

    I would really love to learn whether this status quo of players' lack of storage issues has earned more subscriptions to UO, or has more caused UO players to move for good to other games, over the Years...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    So a player is going to quit because they can not hold more stuff?

    Sounds like that stuff was not that important after all.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    This issue has been addressed multiple times and the developers made their stance clear. Your options are:
    1. additional garden sheds
    2. Be more discerning about what to keep and what not to keep
    3. Invest in an additional account

    Any further demands in this vein will be removed.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Mariah said:
    This issue has been addressed multiple times and the developers made their stance clear. Your options are:
    1. additional garden sheds
    2. Be more discerning about what to keep and what not to keep
    3. Invest in an additional account

    Any further demands in this vein will be removed.
    Show your support for the game, contribute to making it better not just for yourself.

    So many of us have so many houses and accounts and garden sheds we lost count. :D

    1.jpg 340.3K
    2.jpg 67.6K
    3.jpg 220.5K
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Larisa said:

    I had a full set of easter bunnies...every city every I have one lol. I still have a full set of Geese...those are probably going to go next. Platinum Dragon Statues? Full set...I am still trying to work them into my deco somehow but if I can't they will go too.
    LOL! I'm doing the same with my bunnies. I almost have them all or maybe I do .. I really need to go thru them again. Once it's completed I'll sell all but my blue ones. I have fun just slowly collecting them all.

    I collect the holiday bells - the original set and the 6th anniversary ones. I had to make room so I kept a set of the anniversary ones and sold the rest of those. The holiday ones I'm keeping til the end - even if that means shipping them to other shards to hold in toons banks.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    edited November 2021
    I'm terrible i keep nothing anymore but do have 210 roast pigs locked down because Garr Grimbeard is slightly crazy..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Marge said:
    Larisa said:

    I had a full set of easter bunnies...every city every I have one lol. I still have a full set of Geese...those are probably going to go next. Platinum Dragon Statues? Full set...I am still trying to work them into my deco somehow but if I can't they will go too.
    LOL! I'm doing the same with my bunnies. I almost have them all or maybe I do .. I really need to go thru them again. Once it's completed I'll sell all but my blue ones. I have fun just slowly collecting them all.

    I collect the holiday bells - the original set and the 6th anniversary ones. I had to make room so I kept a set of the anniversary ones and sold the rest of those. The holiday ones I'm keeping til the end - even if that means shipping them to other shards to hold in toons banks.
    I collect the holiday bells - the original set and the 6th anniversary ones.

    Recently, on a Shard I play, a player said in General Chat that he needed to make room, and was selling his Holiday Bells or, if noone was buying, he'd turn them in for Clean Up Points (12,500 points per bell).

    I felt bad for such a loss in the game, I wanted to buy them to integrate my collection but, pressed by storage issues, was hexitant... the player did not wait much, and then threw them into the trash to get clean up points....

    So, now, these Bells are gone for good.....  :'(
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    Larisa said:

    I had a full set of easter bunnies...every city every I have one lol. I still have a full set of Geese...those are probably going to go next. Platinum Dragon Statues? Full set...I am still trying to work them into my deco somehow but if I can't they will go too.
    LOL! I'm doing the same with my bunnies. I almost have them all or maybe I do .. I really need to go thru them again. Once it's completed I'll sell all but my blue ones. I have fun just slowly collecting them all.

    I collect the holiday bells - the original set and the 6th anniversary ones. I had to make room so I kept a set of the anniversary ones and sold the rest of those. The holiday ones I'm keeping til the end - even if that means shipping them to other shards to hold in toons banks.
    I collect the holiday bells - the original set and the 6th anniversary ones.

    Recently, on a Shard I play, a player said in General Chat that he needed to make room, and was selling his Holiday Bells or, if noone was buying, he'd turn them in for Clean Up Points (12,500 points per bell).

    I felt bad for such a loss in the game, I wanted to buy them to integrate my collection but, pressed by storage issues, was hexitant... the player did not wait much, and then threw them into the trash to get clean up points....

    So, now, these Bells are gone for good.....  :'(
    Nothing lasts forever...and they had same options as everyone 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Yeah the bells, I wasn't around for but every time I see one or the statues I save them.

    They are buried in a box because they don't suit my deco but that's one of the few things I can't seem to get rid of.

    My very meager collection but I do like them.

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,660
    Larisa said:
    Yeah the bells, I wasn't around for but every time I see one or the statues I save them.

    They are buried in a box because they don't suit my deco but that's one of the few things I can't seem to get rid of.

    My very meager collection but I do like them.
    Yarrrr but have ye ever got four roast pigs off one dread pirate dats da day me's won UO 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Larisa said:
    Yeah the bells, I wasn't around for but every time I see one or the statues I save them.

    They are buried in a box because they don't suit my deco but that's one of the few things I can't seem to get rid of.

    My very meager collection but I do like them.
    Eh, those statues...

    I have been looking for Holiday 2001/2002 Surfers statues, those with a name... have not seen one in ages...
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Pleas forgive my terrible free form snipping abilities, but these are the holiday bells I have out on my roof.

    I honestly have at least double that still in boxes and banks. I want to add them but the thought of removing each one to redo is just too daunting. lol
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    Larisa said:

    I had a full set of easter bunnies...every city every I have one lol. I still have a full set of Geese...those are probably going to go next. Platinum Dragon Statues? Full set...I am still trying to work them into my deco somehow but if I can't they will go too.
    LOL! I'm doing the same with my bunnies. I almost have them all or maybe I do .. I really need to go thru them again. Once it's completed I'll sell all but my blue ones. I have fun just slowly collecting them all.

    I collect the holiday bells - the original set and the 6th anniversary ones. I had to make room so I kept a set of the anniversary ones and sold the rest of those. The holiday ones I'm keeping til the end - even if that means shipping them to other shards to hold in toons banks.
    I collect the holiday bells - the original set and the 6th anniversary ones.

    Recently, on a Shard I play, a player said in General Chat that he needed to make room, and was selling his Holiday Bells or, if noone was buying, he'd turn them in for Clean Up Points (12,500 points per bell).

    I felt bad for such a loss in the game, I wanted to buy them to integrate my collection but, pressed by storage issues, was hexitant... the player did not wait much, and then threw them into the trash to get clean up points....

    So, now, these Bells are gone for good.....  :'(
    TY for that info because it just made my collection more valuable.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
     Many viable solutions that have been suggested.  
This discussion has been closed.