POLL: Can we PLEASE get a feature that allows Keep owners to use the space that cannot be accessed?

As thread state - this is something I've wanted since FOREVER --- and I don't think I'm alone. Can we please have the ability to access the grass areas on the 1st floor of a keep to make it usable? A lot of wasted space.....
  1. Who wants to access the keep area on the 1st floor that we cannot currently access?21 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Just do away with the inside walls on Keeps and Castles.  Give us an open floor plan
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I believe it has been said multiple times that the old 'classic' houses were not created in pieces, like the customizable housing, but in solid blocks, which means walls etc cannot be removed.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Yes the DEVs would have to redraw the floor plan and then give them as a option under the classic house section on the house placement tool
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,233
    Maybe when Bleak is finished with the castle tool ;)

    Come on Bleak, you can do it!!!!

  • SyncrosSyncros Posts: 116
    While making Castles and Keeps more customizable I dont look forward to seeing bigger "borg cubes" littering the area's.   That said maybe a few more castle redesigns options would be great and just making the Keep a customizable plot (24x24) or even just making a new custom plot sizes (20x20) etc.

    I just did my friends Keep and it was a major PITA to place tiles and raise/lower them
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    18x18 is the largest customizable plot that a player can do all others must be done by a DEV.  Castle, Keep and the 2 L-Shaped houses are all non customizable
  • Ok. I need to bring this back up. Can we PLEASE make this happen? I know a bunch has been done with the castle contests and customizing these things. If it is a plot issue, can we make requests to have the tree or rock removed from the courtyard or area around there? 

    Or worst case, put an item in the UO store and i'm sure people would buy it. Something that acts like a "keep teleporter tile" - can use it like an item placement deed as opposed to a tile item so you can place in the areas that are unreachable. Maybe not technically possible based on current code, but you get the idea. I'm sure there is a creative solution too this...

    I'll buy 3 sets (3 unavailable areas in keep) just to be able to do it. I'm sure i'm not alone.

    Hope i've made my case. <span>:smile:</span>
  • Bilbo said:
    Yes the DEVs would have to redraw the floor plan and then give them as a option under the classic house section on the house placement tool
    If this feasible option (and it sounds like it can't be that hard) this might just work so people could "replace" and have the open area. Good idea!

    I vote +1....
  • The easiest solution w2ould be for them to bring back the mousehole (I think that's what it was) that allowed access in the first place.  I never did understand why, with all the cheating and corruption in UO, it was such a sin for someone to access that grassy area.  What does it hurt?  Doesn't effect anyone's gameplay at all...
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Syncros said:
    While making Castles and Keeps more customizable I dont look forward to seeing bigger "borg cubes" littering the area's.   That said maybe a few more castle redesigns options would be great and just making the Keep a customizable plot (24x24) or even just making a new custom plot sizes (20x20) etc.

    I just did my friends Keep and it was a major PITA to place tiles and raise/lower them

      I like my BORG cubes!

  • A 20x20 plot with keep or near keep storage would be pretty cool.
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