Question for dev’s - exploit enhanced pets.
So what’s the deal here, are those pets that were deliberately enhanced through exploits ever going to be addressed? The shard I play on is rife with them, mostly CU’s and Hiryu’s, all completely maxed on all stats and regens. As if there isn’t enough hate toward tamers from the non tamer groups already.
I mean, it’s not as if the process used to build those pets was something you could accidentally stumble into. So whatcha got to say? Should we expect a revert on those to stats within normal range?
I mean, it’s not as if the process used to build those pets was something you could accidentally stumble into. So whatcha got to say? Should we expect a revert on those to stats within normal range?
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
My pet can dump about 500 mana before relying on regen, they have 1500.
i never claimed they do 3x as much damage but here’s a question. If the exploited pets dont have an advantage, what harm would there be rolling them all back?
1500 mana is gone in less than a min just like 500 is.
Pets live on regens. A cu with an interative tamer does not need but 600HP and 5 stam regen.
I see the exploited pets lying on the ground dead at any boss.
Id rather see more pet types used. Rams, Dread Spiders, Skrees. Let them all get max stats.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
How many pets can we expect to be out there which are exploited ?
A few hundreds ? Some thousands ?
How about then, creating a Database for all pets which players have in Stables (unless the Devs have already such Data gathering databases for game statistics purposes...) and have a filter in that Database which was to highlight any and all pets with "altered" stats ?
At that point, they could examine those pets one by one, and manually bring those stats within normal paramethers, rather then leaving them with their exploited stats....
Sure, it would take some time, depending on how many these pets could be, but, once the Database is done and there is a list of exploited pets, perhaps one pet every 2 or 3 minutes could be "fixed" which it would make, 20 to 30 pets an hour, in a few days of work, they'd be all fixed for good without affecting by mistake any legit pet...
there would be issues to consider, a way to dismiss things that temporarily enhance a pet, like at adults treat, or ironically a bless spell, but again, should not be difficult to overcome.
They made them. They do have more stats but still die. I saw them when they came out. The players are already using Cus again. So I disagree they are OP.
For example, using the values I outlined above you could easily establish a ratio to determine a percentage over capped a pet is. Code that overlap into the damage formula for various MOBS. I’d use an x^y formula where x is the damage profile and y is the percent over capped.
in this scenario if a legit pet would get hit for 100 points, a pet 10% over cap would get hit for 158. 15% over cap gets hit for 199, or roughly double. Many of the exploit pets I see would be in that 15% range.
this way nobody loses their sentimental pet, but there would be a substantial penalty if they want to hunt it.
It is easy to calculate the intensity of a pet on Cah.
But does the game ever calculate intensity of a pet?
There was no reason to have a total intensity calculated in the game for pets before the revamp.
Pets are spawned with set minimums and maximums.
There are some pet types that will auto change slots when the game detects they have too much stats for a given slot.
So the game may not calculate a pets intensity on the fly.
I don't know .