Catskills Tavern Night Rotation: October 2021

JudasJudas Posts: 262
Week 1: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 8:21 p.m. Eastern Time: Que's (James)
Coordinates: 27.51'S, 42.40'W [716, 1940] Trammel

Week 2: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time: Galehaven (Chanticleer & Piper)
Coordinates: 82.15'S, 34.18'E [1811, 2650] Trammel

Week 3: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time: Yew Fall Festival (Idril Eladar)

There will be no tavern night this week, but everyone is encouraged to attend the Yew Fall Festival, which follows this schedule:

Schedule of Events:

7:00pm Craft Show -- come show and/or sell your wares. The craft show will be set up around the shops.
8:00pm Race your craft from Yew Docks to Skara Brae Docks, pick up a bag and return to Yew. Oh, by the way, the bag will have a few items for you to purchase before returning to Yew Docks. Pre-registration is required for this event.
9:30 Wine competition. Come taste the local wines. After sample all the wines, head over to the firepit and share your stories, songs, and/or poems. The wines will be sampled and judged by a renown wine connoisseur who has chosen to remain anonymous until closer to the event. Wines will be judged on creativity with name, ingredients, and presentation. Pre-registration is required for this event.

Week 4: Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 8 p.m. Eastern Time: Sea Shanty (Moon)
Coordinates: 23.43'N, 67'59'W [356, 1354] Tokuno

Week 5: Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time: Evil Eye Tavern (Dante Darkheart)
Coordinates: 22.08'N, 46.49'W [657, 1372] Felucca

Interested tavern hosts can signup on a first come, first serve basis. Please pick your week (and indicate the specific location, time, and date of the event) via this thread, DiscordID Judas#8175 and it will be updated accordingly. As always, this rotation is not meant to preclude others from hosting tavern nights outside the rotation, the purpose here is merely to promote activity.

If you haven't hosted one of these before but are interested, feel free to do so. It really is open to everyone.
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