Website for tracking BODs now open

Greetings!  Just wanted to let everyone know that I created a website, for tracking BODs for all 8 professions and it's free to use.  You can import BODs from the enhanced client or from UO Assist.  There are videos on the website explaining how to do this.  FYI, it hasn't seen a lot of use outside of my own testing, so please be patient with any bugs.  If you have any feedback on the website, I'd love to hear it!  I'm currently in the process of trying to add the number of points to each BOD in the system, but it might take me a while to get around to completing this.  In the meantime, I hope you find the website useful!


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    edited September 2021
    Greetings!  Just wanted to let everyone know that I created a website, for tracking BODs for all 8 professions and it's free to use.  You can import BODs from the enhanced client or from UO Assist.  There are videos on the website explaining how to do this.  FYI, it hasn't seen a lot of use outside of my own testing, so please be patient with any bugs.  If you have any feedback on the website, I'd love to hear it!  I'm currently in the process of trying to add the number of points to each BOD in the system, but it might take me a while to get around to completing this.  In the meantime, I hope you find the website useful!
    Great !

    I had a look at the Web site and the Videos are very helpfull.

    One thing that I could not find, though, being a Web Site Focused on Bulk Order Deeds, is an indication of what BODs, for each Profession, are generally considered as standalone "turn ins" on their own (just as one example possible, the Alchemy "Gold Dust" BOD), or that are not worth bothering filling them into Larges, so as to get another BOD in return by the NPC....

    Is this missing, or was I not good at finding where this information is ?

    Thanks, and again congratulations for the very nice and helpfull site !
  • Thanks popps!  I have not yet added a measure of which BODs would be considered worthwhile as standalone.  I do plan on adding how many points each BOD is worth and it would not be hard to put together the list of possible rewards with the points required for each.  It would also be possible to add the resources required for each BOD, but this would be a considerable amount of work.  I'll add that to my TODO list, but no promises on when I might get around to it.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
    edited September 2021
    Just went to your site and guess what
    Blocked on this page 21 (26%) That is your site.
    You need to get your site tested by a 3rd party
    Can't use it unless you log in??????  WHY
    Love the way you solicit for donation Buy Me a Cup of Coffee.
    How do CC users use your program without UOA.

    Just so you know
    Blocked on this page 1 (1%)
    That is this page here on UO.COM
  • @SirTimothy

    Congrats on the site, looks like it was a lot of work. This forum is filled with salt. Don't let it discourage you.

    How exactly would you expect the site to remember which BoD's belong to you, if they are not stored in your file? Your file requires some identifier, which is the account you create.

    SV Delos used "Buy Us a Beer" for a long time.

    The CC is antiquated. It is not going to be able to do everything that UOA and the EC can do. Getting upset with someone making a free to use fansite for the inherent limitations of the CC is pointless.
  • Item not recognized:  Smoke Bomb   an alchemy BOD.
    Is there a place I can submit more feedback.  I will be testing you site with all the BODs, although it may take me a couple of weeks?
  • I unfortunately don't have an extensive BOD collection for the more recent professions as I've only come back to the game in the past year and still expanding my collection.  This makes it difficult to test examples of every possible BOD.

    Thanks for the bug reports, I've made fixes to Bulk Order Book, A Three Tiered Cake, and Smoke Bomb.

    Thanks for the encouragement!  You are correct, the website needs a way to identify the current user to retrieve that user's set of BODs, hence the need to create an account and login.

    I'm the first to admit that I am not a full-time web programmer.  I work more in an engineering field so my web skills are not the most up to date.  No offense, but you are the third-party tester and as mentioned, I appreciate everyone's patience as I work out the initial bugs.  To address some of your other comments:
    - I don't know of an easy way of including CC users without UOA.  The EC is always free to download and you can use it only for the purposes of exporting BODs.  I prefer the CC client myself, but I do find the EC useful for this purpose.  Wish I had a better answer.  Any creative solutions are welcome.
    - Can you give me any additional information on the "Blocked on this page 21 (26%)"?  I'm sorry, but I didn't understand.  The only thing I can think of is that reCaptcha was causing issues?  Any additional info on this is welcome as I don't want legitimate people blocked.

  • RinerRiner Posts: 374
    I was wondering if there was a way to identify small bods which work with large bods we have - so not only would the large bod be tagged but the small bods as well? Really great looking tool thank you! 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
    IMHO a site should prove it is worry free not the people he/she is asking to use/test it and what I even find more comical is the people screaming about doing testing for UO but will boldly sign on to an untested site risking there computer, simply amazing.  The pet people do not require you to sign on and they store all your pet info if you want them to and there is/was 2 sites that did BOD info like this and saved everything with no sign-in required.  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    IMHO a site should prove it is worry free not the people he/she is asking to use/test it and what I even find more comical is the people screaming about doing testing for UO but will boldly sign on to an untested site risking there computer, simply amazing.  The pet people do not require you to sign on and they store all your pet info if you want them to and there is/was 2 sites that did BOD info like this and saved everything with no sign-in required.  
    The sites already get what they need without an account.  That's what my Daughter does, analytics based on users that click a site.  They know everywhere you go.  So, its too late he has you already.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
    Pawain said:
    IMHO a site should prove it is worry free not the people he/she is asking to use/test it and what I even find more comical is the people screaming about doing testing for UO but will boldly sign on to an untested site risking there computer, simply amazing.  The pet people do not require you to sign on and they store all your pet info if you want them to and there is/was 2 sites that did BOD info like this and saved everything with no sign-in required.  
    The sites already get what they need without an account.  That's what my Daughter does, analytics based on users that click a site.  They know everywhere you go.  So, its too late he has you already.
    Maybe you should talk to your daughter because just know where you have been means diddly squat, now signing in and or downloading or uploading info is another story but you go ahead and do what ever you feel comfortable with. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,969
    Back off @Lord_Frodo @Pawain is my arch nemesis you can keep popps 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Hey man congrats on the site. I've used UOA for almost 2 decades and until today I had never known you could do that with the vendor agent. I'd never bothered to even see what that did. So thanks for that. Anyway enjoy this wall of text lol.

    A few quick things:
    1. Ignore Frodo. He's clearly being outrageous. 
    2. Are you the same person who voices the videos? If so then either you are very talented for such a young person or you seem to be suffering from a hilarious medical issue that causes your voice to sound like you are 10 years old.
    3. How are you hosting your database/website? I did a project once where I used firebase and for this kind of thing it would have likely worked well. I doubt enough people play UO and will use this for it to ever go beyond the free tier in firebase. 

    A few features that would get me to use a site like this:
    1. A way to see which LBOD's I can complete given the smalls that I have. I mean this by all LBOD's, not just ones I have.  A quick chart with X's marking which ones I have would be fine for this.
    2. For each LBOD I have, info telling me if I have the SBOD's to fill that BOD., And for any SBOD"s that I'm missing, I'd like to know if I have an SBOD that could be bribed and turned into the SBOD I need.
    3. A way to set preferences that automatically sort my BOD's into specific categories such as
    •   trash (goes in trashcan, never filled)
    •   junk (only filled in order to turn in and get a different bod)
    • BODs that need to be bribed to obtain higher tier BOD's
    •  for use in LBOD's
    • to never be used in LBODs and only turned in as SBOD's
    4. Ability to select a reward and see which BODs I have that can be turned in for that reward. Also the option to see which BOD's I have that can be bribed higher in order to obtain that reward.

    5. My dream BOD system basically works like this. So if my rewards list was
    1. Val Hammer 
    2. Copper Hammer
    then it would do the following. First off, the only way to get a val hammer is with 20/exp/valorite platemail BODs and to get a copper hammer you need 20/exp/gold SBOD or one of the different LBODs that reward it.
    So it would know to tell me to bribe any platemail LBOD to be 20/exp/valorite and once I had one (or more) it would tell me which SBOD's to bribe to 20/exp/val to fit into them.
    It would also tell me which SBOD's I own that I could turn in for a copper hammer and which SBOD's I own that I could bribe to a certain level that rewards a copper hammer, but that list would NEVER include the platemail SBOD's because I would need those in the future for a valorite hammer if I got the LBOD.

    Does that made sense?

    Anyway that's enough out of me for now. You should be proud of the work you've done man. I hope you maintain the enthusiasm for it and add even more features in the future. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    edited September 2021

    2. Are you the same person who voices the videos? If so then either you are very talented for such a young person or you seem to be suffering from a hilarious medical issue that causes your voice to sound like you are 10 years old.

    The second video: How to import.
     OMG it does!  :D  It is a very pleasing to listen to voice also.

    Could be his child.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_Frodo said:
    Just went to your site and guess what
    Blocked on this page 21 (26%) That is your site.
    You need to get your site tested by a 3rd party

    21 out of 26% what? It's obv you are using an ad-blocker, but this just means your settings blocked certain things, not that those things are bad. I checked what my adblocker was blocking and surprise: It's trackers from the youtube videos he has embedded in the page. Of course doesn't have as many, it isn't displaying content from some other website on its front page. A thought randomly occurs to me, independent of this topic, that one really shouldn't go around telling people what to do (like say, get their online thingamajig tested) if they don't actually know what they are talking about. 

    Can't use it unless you log in??????  WHY

    Oh, it's because it literally tracks your BOD's for you. You need an account so that it can save those and you can access them from anywhere. It's a new practice in web development that only started a few decades ago so it's no big deal that you didn't understand why you had to create an account.

    The pet people do not require you to sign on and they store all your pet info if you want them to and there is/was 2 sites that did BOD info like this and saved everything with no sign-in required.  

    Yes, until you clear your cookies. Those websites don't store it, it's reading a cookie it left on your machine. If you want something convenient though - like only having to enter the info one time and being able to access it on any device capable of running a web browser - then having an authentication system that allows you to access a password-protected user account where your data is stored is the obvious solution. 

    Love the way you solicit for donation Buy Me a Cup of Coffee.

    So you donated $5 to him because you meant that sincerely, right? He states that it's to help pay for hosting fees for this (free to use) tool so I can assume you did NOT mean it more like "I can't believe that someone who, as a personal hobby, spends their own free time to make a product that he then allows others to use for free, would DARE to leave a link on his website where someone could send him a little cash as a way of saying thank you." 

    Because that quote is to me an example of someone who could be described as "an entitled douchebag", and I personally have never seen anyone on this website who acted in such a way, especially not you. 

    On some other website, I'd have seen a comment like that and thought the person who wrote it was being sarcastic and implying that it's somehow greedy to ask for help paying to host a free to use tool. Replying to something like that I'd have gone straight into how I wish people who think like that would slip in the shower and die of head trauma.

     But instead - knowing this community and how upstanding its members are - I get to say that you are a personal hero to me for so considerately pointing out how much you liked the author soliciting a donation for his personal project. I really wish more people pointed out the things they love, the way you do, instead of the things they hate.

    IMHO a site should prove it is worry free not the people he/she is asking to use/test it and what I even find more comical is the people screaming about doing testing for UO but will boldly sign on to an untested site risking there computer, simply amazing.  

    I dunno man, I think you need to prove your PC is worry-free to be able to use his website. His website seems fine, but you balk at even creating an account. What are you trying to hide? That's the real question.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • @Shandara
    HUGE thanks to Shandara who has been uploading a large number of BODS, including many that I do not currently have, allowing me to fix or add the names of the items that I'm missing.

    Glad you find the website useful!  I'm already marking which LBOD slots have a matching SBOD available, so I think it should be pretty easy to do more or less the same algorithm in reverse to indicate if a SBOD fits a LBOD in your inventory.  I'll work on that over the next week or so.

    Understood about a site proving that it's complete. Unfortunately, I don't have an extensive enough BOD collection to do so and if I waited till I did, the site would most likely never be released.

    Thanks for taking the time to give so much feedback, I'll try to address everything:
    • I did the video for the EC first.  My daughter was very interested in the making of the video, so she got to make the UOA video.  Your voice to age skills are right on btw!
    • Just basic hosting with a SQL database, nothing special.
    • Currently, each slot of a listed LBOD will have a blue background if you have a matching SBOD, otherwise the slot's background will be white.  This way you can see for each LBOD what SBODs you already have and which you are missing.  With Riner's suggestion, hopefully this will soon work the other way around as well, with SBOD's having a blue background that fit a LBOD that is currently in your inventory.  I think this mostly addresses request #2.
    • I do plan on adding how many points each BOD is worth and somehow having a sidebar to show how many points are necessary for each possible reward.  This will take me longer.  I think doing this the other way around as you suggested in #4 is also doable.
    • I'll have to think about how the user could turn on an option to list LBODs that you currently have the SBODs for but missing the LBOD to put them all together.  I agree that would be a useful feature.
    • Feature #3 would be difficult as it partially depends on the person's opinion on which BODs are worthwhile and which are not, making it difficult to determine a ruleset that would work for everyone.  This would also require tracking which resources are required for each BOD to do a resource to points comparison, which would be a lot of work.  Not impossible by any means but this probably won't be at the top of my priority list for now.
    • The rest of your ideas, which I agree would be very useful, depend greatly on the bribing system, which as far as I know, is not deterministic and involves some randomness; a particular SBOD might not always be bribed up to the same exact new SBOD 100% of the time.  If I'm wrong about this and anyone can point me to how the bribing system works exactly, then I'd be happy to look further into implementing this into the tracker at some point.
  • Well as for "ideal bod system" the trick would be coding in such a way as to let the user define which rewards he wants and order them in which order he wants them. That way bods for reward A are never included in the list of bods that can be turned in for reward B, and none of those for which wants can give reward C, etc. 

    As for bribing, it works like this. So you can think of Normal / Exceptional as two separate tiers each bod can be in, with the material and the number defining how far along the tier you are. Bribing increases 1 of 3 things: 
    • the number (10, 15, 20)
    • the material type (always goes lower type to higher type)
    • Norm to exceptional (never exceptional to norm)
     So you know a  10/gold/norm < 20/gold/norm < 10/gold/exc < 15/gold/excp < 10/agapite/exc
    The reason I suggested thinking of it as two tiers is you don't always know if say a 20/verite/norm is more or less points than a 20/bronze/exp. 

    So if it hits exceptional at 20/gold then that's what you want, but if not you can keep bribing and maybe it will hit exceptional at 10/verite. Its a little more expensive now to fill that bod cuz its a rarer material and some points will be wasted when you select your prize, but unless its climbed into some other tier of rewards you wanted then it doesn't really matter.

    But this is more than enough to figure out what you want to do if you want certain rewards. Most normal SBOD's don't give good rewards so they can basically be ignored. If a 20/valorite/norm and a 10/bronze/exp give equivalent rewards you are better off just bribing anything until it hits exceptional as you'd be wasting rare materials on a normal SBOD that gives a relative crappy reward.

    Its keeping all this in mind when you do it that's tough like remembering which cloth SBODS for tailor can be used to get a Clothing bless deed and which ones I should just fill and turn back in cuz they aren't worth crap even in a LBOD.

    Anyway good luck on that I can't wait to see what you do with it.
  • @Balin_Wingnut
    Thanks for the info on the bribing system.  I'll have to experiment with some of my BODs to get a better sense of the system and then think about how I might be able to implement some of your ideas.
  • Hi again, just wanted to give everyone a quick update - I just uploaded the changes necessary for reporting points so now every BOD in your inventory will report how many points it's worth.  I don't have the rewards listed yet, that's next, but figured I'd get the first stage out as quickly as possible so people could start using the point info. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    edited October 2021
    Hi again, just wanted to give everyone a quick update - I just uploaded the changes necessary for reporting points so now every BOD in your inventory will report how many points it's worth.  I don't have the rewards listed yet, that's next, but figured I'd get the first stage out as quickly as possible so people could start using the point info. 
    @SirTimothy ;

    if I may suggest, when you get to work on the Rewards, make it so that any user of your Web Site is able to "pick" the Reward that they want/need, and automatically they get told what BODs (small or Large or both, if the case....) would yield that particular Reward and, if they have uploaded their BODs collection on your Web Site, whether they have or not the necessary BODs and, in case not, what would be the BODs that they would be missing so that they can look out for them... and, but I am not sure whether this would make it too complicated, whether the user has any BOD which, when "bribed", could then be used towards getting that wanted/needed Reward...

    Basically, a way which, for example, if one wants/needs a Bronze Runic Hammer, it looks at the BODs collection of that Web User, checks if they have smalls/large which would yield that Bronze Runic Hammer and, if they miss any of the required BODs, would tell that adding that they have in their collection BODs which, if bribed, would then become usable to claim that particular Reward...

    Also, since it is a Web Site focused on BODs, if you have the time or are willing to, it could also be helpful to add a section for Web users to "trade" their BODs, preferably split per Server... this way, should BODs users miss any BOD, they might try trade with other Website users...

    Anyways, thanks a lot for the great Web Site !!
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,416
    Doing Rewards is VERY tricky.  Most common BODs used to collect PoF are 20X Dull Copper 10X.15X Shadow Iron but with the new reward system you can use any BOD greater than the minimum one required like 20x shadow or 10X,15X Copper BODs can also collect them along with many other BODs.
    Listing BOD Points Reward/Bank and a sheet with the Rewards should do.

    If I tell is to select all BODs that can collect PoF then it should highlight almost all of the Smith BODs Large and Small
    Just Copy and Paste any and all the BODs Reward Sheets into any spread sheet and save them to your computer for quick reference.

    Or just bookmark the above pages
  • For the first phase of rewards, I've added a 'Rewards' button under each profession's listing of BODs.  You can now click the Rewards button to expand this section with the available rewards for that profession, complete with icons and number of points required.  Hovering over a BOD in your listing will highlight which rewards are obtainable with that BOD.

    For the next phase, I'm hoping to add some of the features requested above and add the ability to click on a reward, which will bring up a new page with the BODs in your inventory that are capable of obtaining that reward and perhaps the 'least' BOD of all possible BODs (whether you have it in your inventory or not) that will obtain that reward.  I know that won't quite do everything requested here, but it's a step in that direction.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    For the first phase of rewards, I've added a 'Rewards' button under each profession's listing of BODs.  You can now click the Rewards button to expand this section with the available rewards for that profession, complete with icons and number of points required.  Hovering over a BOD in your listing will highlight which rewards are obtainable with that BOD.

    For the next phase, I'm hoping to add some of the features requested above and add the ability to click on a reward, which will bring up a new page with the BODs in your inventory that are capable of obtaining that reward and perhaps the 'least' BOD of all possible BODs (whether you have it in your inventory or not) that will obtain that reward.  I know that won't quite do everything requested here, but it's a step in that direction.
    That is great !!

    Thank you very much for the very usefull site for the UO players who enjoy doing BODs !
  • Hey everyone, took longer than I hoped for this latest round of feature updates, here's what's been added:
    • I added advice on how to obtain each reward.  If you click a profession's rewards button, you can now click on a reward and you'll be able to see which BODs are the best (in terms of points only at the moment) to fill it and which BODs you have in your inventory that will allow you to obtain that reward with the number of points wasted (if any).
    • LBODs now have a combine icon available on a SBOD slot if you have a matching SBOD in your inventory.
    • Eliminated a few mouse clicks for common tasks.
    I haven't gotten around to basing the reward advice on the bribing system yet.  There are still a couple of quirks I'd like to take care of first, but wanted to get the major new functionality out to you.  Let me know if you notice anything major going wrong or if you have any further suggestions on features you'd like to see! 
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