UO Store Coins for Subscribers
Hi Team Broadsword!
First, mad
to you all for keeping the best MMO running all these years. I appreciate you giving players such as myself a chance to discover the deepest MMORPG sandbox on the market.
Right now there is a lot of excitement about the launch of Endless Journey for UO - but while your team is focused on building on the Endless Journey free to play experience, would it be possible for you to send some love back to subscribers such as myself and many others?
Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic reward subscribers with a monthly allotment of cash shop currency and I think it would be great if you might be able to add a subscription incentive . like that to Ultima Online too.
What say the vets?
Just a thought! See you in Britannia!
First, mad

Right now there is a lot of excitement about the launch of Endless Journey for UO - but while your team is focused on building on the Endless Journey free to play experience, would it be possible for you to send some love back to subscribers such as myself and many others?
Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic reward subscribers with a monthly allotment of cash shop currency and I think it would be great if you might be able to add a subscription incentive . like that to Ultima Online too.
What say the vets?
Just a thought! See you in Britannia!

- Should UO subscribers be rewarded with an allotment of UO store per month?27 votes
- Yes77.78%
- No22.22%
If you have 100 subscribers at 10 bucks, resulting in $1000, and you decide to invest 2 bucks per subscriber, resulting in 300 subscribers, then you are now making (3000(2*300) equals $2400. So your bottom line improved by $1400. It all depends on how elastic the price/value proposal is. The options are to increase (perceived) value, which can also be done free of cost, by the way, and change the price.
My strategy would be to make EJ slightly less restricted (add limited bank), make sure any subscriber feature when accessed shows a screen that says it's for subscribers only, with a link to subscribe and a list of perks, and to beef up the subscriber perks to make said list/presentation more appealing.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I.e. vet rewards are nothing I would sub for if I was a new player and even with my sub running month after month I only get a soulstone once a year out of it. If I save my picks for shard shields, I don't get any rewards out of it at all for the first 14 years.
I agree with the OP, some stimuli would go a long way. Doesn't have to be the usual overthought system. Just some monthly store currency stimuli.
I would like to see Sovereigns become a backpack/account bound drop, only available of course to Fully Subscribed, Fully Patched (and we all know what that means) accounts. And I don't mean some ultra exclusive EM drop, but a drop in the pack like legacy dungeon items, ToT etc. It'll never happen I know, but still...
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I do like the idea of rewards for subscribers, but I would rather make the rewards generous, but also give free subs greater play options and bank access. For pay you get the rights to place a second house, some store tokens, access to special store items etc I probably could come up with more items that don't empty the ledger at Mythic but those come up off the top of my head
If you think you have a good idea and you know how to put together a good business plan then please by all means put it together and send it to the people that control the money, EA, because alls you are doing here is howling at the moon.
I quite often found myself telling myself "I will grind that currency ingame and not spend my money" (kinda just for the challenge).
Then after some weeks I realize how tough the grind is and add some real money to finish it off. UO does not have that official stimuli in the first place to start such a project. The closest to this in UO is grinding gold for gametime, but even that is only possible because 3rd party sellers supply that market.
BTW: I once tried to grind a lifetime STO subscription ingame. They have daily caps how much you can grind. The math said it would only take me like 1000 capped out days. I grinded maybe like 200 days of this so far, but boy am I always tempted to just throw those $200 bucks at them and be done
That's something UO does not have at all: incentive to go look at the store..
As much as everyone hates STO/Arc/Zen, they at least knew how to increase revenue through F2P.
Or maybe you are trying to tell us the UO store has reached it's full potential already? Hmmm, I dunno..
If these subscriber cash shop currency allotments were not helping generate extra revenue for these other MMOs, you can bet they would not have them in the first place.
For those paying, I like the idea of coins--OR allow us to have multiple houses per shard. (I'm so old I recall when we each could have 5 houses per shard!)