Siege Perilous - Events for August

All events will start at 5pm EST.
Gates to the EM Hall or Council Chambers will appear during the hour before the event starts, and will last for at least 3 hours.
This month, you can expect:
7th - Siege Council Meeting (sorry about the short notice, but you should be used to meetings being on the 1st Saturday of the month by now!)
14th - Champ Spawn Relay
21st - Treasure Hunt
28th - Vesper Museum Robbery
I don't normally give advance warning about event specifics, but I will tell you that you're probably going to need to get your stealing skills up this month. For those of you who still believe the urban myth about their being thieves on Siege. Thieves? Siege? Pffffttt.
I don't normally give advance warning about event specifics, but I will tell you that you're probably going to need to get your stealing skills up this month. For those of you who still believe the urban myth about their being thieves on Siege. Thieves? Siege? Pffffttt.
