Why remove the Yukio quests? Temporarily content vs perma content

This thread is really a thread about temporarily content versus perma content.

In 5 years from now, all that is in game is old content that was made a decade ago.
Because all the content that gets added these days are being removed after 1-3 months.

What is the point of this?

I know its supercool to hunt like a madman for a month then sell the items for 10x a year or two later, but really is that the purpose of temporaily content?  Or is the purpose to add temporarily content to make people play or they lose out, meaning next month theres some new temporarily content to play, then after than new temporarily content and new temp content all the time.  Because people get tired making an effort to play for the continueing temporarily content.

If the content were permanent people wouldnt have to make such an effort and rather enjoy the content when they want and play what they want. The game has alot of outdated quests and when you add something like the yukio quest wich has a purpose, a good reward only to remove it again what sence does this make?   And instead of spending devtime removing stuff, rather use it to update outdated quests.

conclusion: Add permanent content not temporarily content.


  • *joins the line* 100% agee!

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • GarretGarret Posts: 240
  • JohnKnighthawkeJohnKnighthawke Posts: 440
    edited August 2021
    Disagree, vehemently. Adding only permanent content gets boring awfully fast and nothing ever really progresses or moves, it just accumulates. Fantasy needs both.

    When you think about fantasy storylines, whether it's Elric, Game of Thrones, or Lord of the Rings, or a D&D campaign, most of them end sooner or later. The war ends, the Great Evil is defeated, and so forth (Temporary content.) The characters then resume doing whatever they were doing between storylines until the next one starts up. Aragorn either patrols the wilds or rules as King, Elric goes back to eeking out a living as a mercenary, and so forth. (Permanent content.)

    There should be both, temporary content and permanent content, in this game as well. Something that the characters do for a limited period and for a certain purpose (temporary content) before going back to their normal lives (permanent content - random adventuring, treasure hunting, pet training, assisting the soldiers in Eodon or Ilshenar, drinking at taverns, and whatnot).

    To have temporary content at all totally makes sense. What doesn't make sense is the abruptness of how this ended and the fact that they seemingly didn't plan ahead for it. To somehow turn this into a campaign against the idea of temporary content, at all, is little short of bizarre.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    Much of the permanent content we already have is neglected and seldom done. I'm as guilty of that as anyone.  Recently I did the Athena Isle quest. I did it because the 500 charge book that is the reward significantly reduces the mana required to scribe scrolls (my scribe can write 7 gates before mana runs out without the book, 15 with it).  I'd done the quest before, but so long ago that I couldn't remember which character I'd used or how I'd managed to kill the Minions of Scelestus
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    While we certainly don't need more land mass we desperately need something new a new champ spawn a new tamable pet a new reason to go to ish and other virtually deserted areas...the new dynamic spawns while entertaining just don't fill the need tot works because it's over a land mass not one tiny area the drops are or were semi useful as were the rewards when they first came out we have all we need we just need to use it correctly but alas i fear NL is not the answer..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Yukio's earrings don't say they are antique, but they go down just as fast my antique items.
    I don't see the harm of having left that quest active long term.
    If it was repairable and had no durability, then I could see taking it away.

    And I am grateful that the DEVs left Julia at the Minoc Mining Camp.
    (it is so hard to get a full set)

    Also love that we can still drop the mysterious fragments at the shrines.
    (still need several of the different Virtues)

    both virtue tile and Tabard quests can only be done once per character.
    so it is time consuming to figure out which character has done it, etc
    And with all these events (champ spawn, Treasures Of)  
    happening one right after another, you get easily distracted from doing them.
    (also hard to get others to want to help on certain creatures,
    because they would rather do the current event)

    Is it so much to ask, to pause before starting the next event?
    (I know that some people will not like this suggestion,
    but some of us like to do other content too)

  • Agreed on the permanent content. If you want to keep the events temporary, add the rewards to the next iteration or to a current reward table; blackthorns preferably. 
  • DragoDrago Posts: 316
    edited August 2021
    Seasonal events make things more interesting.  Keep em.  Its also a reason to stay vested in the game more frequently , which is what game desperately needs.  Permanent content should some loot tables getting overhaul in some of the old dungeons so they get some traffic again. The mobs are still challenging but risk v reward sucks. Only one anyone ever does is underwater because of the legendaries and imbue mats. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,084
    Maybe one week a year turn on everything...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    WOW! The silence from the Devs, on the Yukio Quest debacle (turning it off early, with ZERO warning) is very telling. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 939
    see this thread for suggestions related to this current thread:

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    Drago said:
    Seasonal events make things more interesting.  Keep em.  Its also a reason to stay vested in the game more frequently , which is what game desperately needs.  Permanent content should some loot tables getting overhaul in some of the old dungeons so they get some traffic again. The mobs are still challenging but risk v reward sucks. Only one anyone ever does is underwater because of the legendaries and imbue mats. 
    Keeping people invested and subscribing to the game is why there is temporary content. If I could deactivate my accounts and walk away from the game for 3 years and know I'd be able to get up to speed and get everything I missed then what is the point of continuing to pay a subscription or even log in?

    If all content (like treasures of wildfire) was made permanent then we'd just have what we do now...a bunch of unplayed/dead content sitting around. Before ToWF I went down to Blackthorns (on ATL) several different days and I never saw anyone... this is what you could expect with permanent content. Just look at the Eodon content (the queen / Zippy)... nobody doesn them except for maybe once in a blue moon a guild does some sort of dungeon crawl there. We don't need any more of that. 
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