There is a lesson to be learned here by developers everywhere (Not just in Broadsword)
With all the recent hype from players across many different games, many of which are long standing veterans of those respective games, recently investing their time and money into FF14 I thought that maybe there is a valuable lesson to learn from SQUARE ENIX and more importantly their CEO at the time of FF14's development and initial launch.
This lesson is the power of transparency and accountability.

FF14 failed hard when it launched, and instead of retreating into the confines and privacy of the dev team's quarters away from the scrutiny of player's eyes and voices they stepped up and stated how they intended to move forward from the mess. More importantly they admitted their failure to their fans and customers. The success they now see was not just from that admission of failure but also from listening to their playerbase in the first place, and continuing to listen to them from then on.
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