UWSP Town Spring Festival 14th April 3PM EST (8PM UK)
Howdy Siege Perilous' Citizens !. I'm here to announce the Spring Festival in UWSP Town !
As usually all of you are invited to join us and spend some hours all togethers !
The festival will start Saturday, April 14, at 3PM EST (8PM UK) and you can join without any armor or weapon 

The purpose of this festival is to spend some hours all together to celebrate the Spring (i know probably we are a bit late but watching weather around the world it seems we aren't so late lol 

) and show to new/returning players that in our shard they can find also events made by players 


We'll make it in open field and not in house because to breathe Spring Air you can't be closed in house !
The schedule of event will be this one: (EST time)
3 PM: A little party to celebrate the start of the festival with food, drinks (and dance if someone is so brave ihih)
3.15-3.30 PM: A pet tournament !
Yes your read well: we'll held a tournament for our little friends that in these months we trained spending many hours
... All pets are allowed to join but they have to be 5 slot so the "competition" will be more fair.

There will be a ring were Pets will fight between them (1 vs 1). Owner of the pet will not allowed to heal, bless, buff their pet. It will be just a fight between pets. The first of the 2 pets that will go under 10% of his HP will lose the fight (i think 10% it's a safe limit to don't kill pets).
At the end of the tournament the first 3 pets will be proclaimed champions of our tournament (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) and will get their little reward.
At the end of pet tournament: a little hunt in town with some prizes 

During all festival: Crafting Exposure !
We'll place some tables and chairs for all crafters that will want advertise their services and speak with customers for any orders
(no need to bring with you your goods... You can speak with customers and then meet in another place for deliver

At the end of hunt: a little party to celebrate the closing of festival 

I hope to see many of you at the festival ! And spread voice around Siege !

Here there are some pics i took during event:
And congratulation to the winners of:
Pet tournaments:
1st Place Lady Lavander and her Fire Beetle Curious Forge
2nd Place Lady Tanager and her Cu Puppy
3rd Place Lord Phaedrim and his Cu Fel Dog
Spring Hunt (all partecipants had to find around the town Eggs and Ducks)
Lord Clinter
Thank you all again and see you to our next event
And a special thank you to our Lord Dupre that joined us to celebrate the spring !
PS: Being killed as an "innocent bystander" was kind of fun too...