Returning player LF some build advice

Hello all, 

I've been away since the tail end of AoS. I was hoping all of you could list some popular builds. I'll be 100% PvM, either solo or duo. I'm interested in doing tougher more rewarding content(is doom still a thing?)

I see a lot of mention of Sampire(no idea what the build is). I also see mentions of tamers picking up spellweaving? I've always ran music/peace with a tamer build. Wouldn't the loss of those make the actual tame process extremely difficult?

Thanks for any insight. 
Good day


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,488
    Peace tamer is still a viable build. I play it. If taming is something you enjoy you should look into the new animal training
  • Also, I've noticed pet slots seem wonky now. energy vortex is 3 slots now? I remember being able to have 2 out. Same thing with a lot of the tames. It seems as if i can only have 1 of something that used to be a duo or combo. What am I missing? 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,381Moderator
    Energy vortex is 2 slots - were you perhaps mounted at the time of casting?
  • I was on a llama. When I drop an ev it shows me at 4/5 slots.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,381Moderator
    EV is only 2 slots. I just cast it to confirm. Could you have had another pet somewhere?  A pack horse? Please check again. If you are showing a slot used when the llama is stabled and no summons cast page a GM for assistance.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Hello all, 


    I see a lot of mention of Sampire(no idea what the build is).


    Thanks for any insight. 
    Good day
    Hello to you... :)


  • ThalonThalon Posts: 73
    edited April 2018
    Hello all, 

    I've been away since the tail end of AoS. I was hoping all of you could list some popular builds. I'll be 100% PvM, either solo or duo. I'm interested in doing tougher more rewarding content(is doom still a thing?)

    I see a lot of mention of Sampire(no idea what the build is). I also see mentions of tamers picking up spellweaving? I've always ran music/peace with a tamer build. Wouldn't the loss of those make the actual tame process extremely difficult?

    Thanks for any insight. 
    Good day
    As far as the tamer goes there are options other than Peacemaking+Musicianship to keep monsters docile while you attempt to tame them.

    1) Mysticism + Focus gives you access to Sleep and Mass Sleep. Could save you some skill points if you had Music+Peace and  EvalInt+Meditation on your AoS tamer. A bonus is there are many more uses for Mysticism than Peacing, including direct damage spells and area heals. Magery is still needed for Recall or Gate though.

    2) For truly skill point desperate tamers there is the Honor Virtue ability ( ) . Build Honor on your character by using the virtue on undamaged foes then killing them. After a LOT of use, you can use the Honor ability on yourself to prevent monsters from attacking you for a short duration.
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