stuffs and things
Ok lets talk about healers I mean they joined the healer guild to heal us yet they cant be stationed in dungeons and other useful place bah one or more in useful locations on each floor of a dungeon (the rabbit spawn for instance had the ankh one use per hour who dies only once an hour now hear inside sparkle gate oh yeah.. also healers always should be invulnerable.
ok now that we don't have enough healers and that turn in guy farrrrr away we use the stuck button and this has bothered me for years(in a secret room deep at the core of our world sit the might Devs hehehe now lets make it so if they are stuck we place them in random spot far from healer....) really IF i use stuck place me outside healer hut it ain't gonna break the game...
ok now that we don't have enough healers and that turn in guy farrrrr away we use the stuck button and this has bothered me for years(in a secret room deep at the core of our world sit the might Devs hehehe now lets make it so if they are stuck we place them in random spot far from healer....) really IF i use stuck place me outside healer hut it ain't gonna break the game...
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