Reminder for Old and New Governors
Reminders for the Old and New Governors:
As Governor you are expected to attend
Governor's Meetings. If for some reason,
real life obligations interfere with
the date set for the meeting, please shoot
me off a email or PM me on FB. You can even
leave a book in the awards hall mailbox,
that you are unable to attend.
That being said, IF you are absent for
3 meetings out of your term, and you fail
to give the courtesy of letting the King
know, it will be assumed that you are not
interested in keeping your position as
Governor and will be removed from the stone.
Also, as Governor's you are expected to
be active on your shard. This could be
attending Events, holding events for
players to attend, something as simple as
a tavern night, a knife throwing contest,
horse race, etc.
It is my hope that Baja can become a shard
known for its active Governor's, its roleplay,
a all around fun shard to be on. The more
people that are active on it, the more will
I have heard great stories, and

have read past stories of what went on
in our shard. Yes OUR shard. Let's do
it again and make it Great! As always I
am open for suggestions, and comments on
events, likes and dislikes.
See you on Baja!