UO EC Macro with Command Actions - Tame, Rename, and Release with 1 Keypress
Here are the steps for a rename/release macro. "Script" are input via Actions > Other > Command:
1. Target the pet - the macro will only work if the pet is the subject of the target window
2. Call the target's context menu
3. Execute Rename from the context menu
4. Enter the new name - whatever you want in place of PetNameHere
5. Submit the name
6. Say "PetNameHere Release" - Must be identical to the new name in Step 4.
7. Close the context menu
If you want to get fancy, you can add more instructions at the beginning of the macro: SmartTarget Nearest, then Tame, then delay, then Target Nearest Follower. The whole sequence can be executed with one keypress.
So, the whole macro would look like:
SmartTarget Nearest (Filter - Mobiles Bar)
Tame (right click - Target Current)
Delay (12.0s or so)
Target Nearest Follower
Call Target Context Menu (Command Action)
Execute Rename (Command Action)
Enter NewPetName (Command Action)
Submit (Command Action)
Say NewPetName Release
Close Context Menu (Command Action)
Set hotkey (spacebar is good) and enjoy.
Takes a bit to setup, but makes taming training a lot easier.
Good luck!
Seth said:@ Arroth_Thaiel
Do you happen to know any EC custom commands to rename a pet and release it? This helps to reduce some time during taming training. I tried searching around and found someone also asked about this a long time ago in another forum.
Here are the steps for a rename/release macro. "Script" are input via Actions > Other > Command:
1. Target the pet - the macro will only work if the pet is the subject of the target window
2. Call the target's context menu
script RequestContextMenu(TargetWindow.TargetId)
3. Execute Rename from the context menu
script ContextMenu.ExecuteMenuItem(919)
4. Enter the new name - whatever you want in place of PetNameHere
script TextEditBoxSetText( "RenameWindowTextEntryBox", L"PetNameHere" )
5. Submit the name
script RenameWindow.OnSubmit()
6. Say "PetNameHere Release" - Must be identical to the new name in Step 4.
7. Close the context menu
script WindowSetShowing("ContextMenu", false)You can probably close the context menu earlier, but I was only able to get it to work at the end of the macro.
If you want to get fancy, you can add more instructions at the beginning of the macro: SmartTarget Nearest, then Tame, then delay, then Target Nearest Follower. The whole sequence can be executed with one keypress.
So, the whole macro would look like:
SmartTarget Nearest (Filter - Mobiles Bar)
Tame (right click - Target Current)
Delay (12.0s or so)
Target Nearest Follower
Call Target Context Menu (Command Action)
Execute Rename (Command Action)
Enter NewPetName (Command Action)
Submit (Command Action)
Say NewPetName Release
Close Context Menu (Command Action)
Set hotkey (spacebar is good) and enjoy.
Takes a bit to setup, but makes taming training a lot easier.
Good luck!
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Sometimes the targeting system works very well for me, other times not. When I was messing with this macro, smart target was working perfectly. Now, it's not working at all.
I would follow Mariah's suggestion and use "Target Nearest Mobile" and ignore the smart targeting system.
Seth, I'm not sure what you're asking. There is a direct action but you still want to pull and use the gump?
1) Activate Honor (its an action in EC)
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Go put $5 in Pinco's UI project...
You may need a Delay after "TargetSelf" and before the Command. Otherwise you might be telling the server to push Okay on a gump that hasn't been registered yet. I went with a 2s Delay, but that can probably be less.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs