A new player asks for advice
Hey there,
i just started playing for the first time and i do need some advice.
I wanted to go warrior at the start and after skimming some old wiki i thought i had my build together.
My skills are :
Sword 63
Tactics 60
Focus 98
Anatomy 72
Healing 53
Lumberjacking 63
Mining 50
Stats: 97Str 65Dex 40Int 225/260
I know that i wont be able to max all of these skills and i do have a returning old player helping me with gold and stuff, but she plays almost exclusivly tamers, so not much melee knowledge to be had there.
I was thinking about optimising my build, maybe going paladin with parry, before i "waste" too much time learning the wrong skills. I skimmed the forum and so far im at:
-Focus is not useful for what i had in mind
-the axe-dmg boost from lumberjacking is minimal
-lose at least one gathering skill so i can push the combat stuff with powerscrolls once i can find some.
Thoughts? Advise? All help is welcome.
110 Anatomy + Jewelry/Tally - 120
100 Healing
100 Parry
110 Tactics + Jewelry/Tally - 120
100 Resist
80 Chivalry
140 - 150 HP
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Think Bilbo’s template would not be to difficult to achieve and that it is a good one. Some players would replace the resist in his template with Bushino. You might have to go with 110 power scrolls for anatomy and tactics as the 120 scrolls are getting hard to find and are very expensive. You will eventually want to get a 25 point stat scroll so you can increase you stats to be more inline with what Seth reccomends.
Artifacts A-Z
Bushido + Perfection
Champion Spawns or Champion Spawns - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia
Champion Spawn Artifacts
Damage Increase and Multiplier caps
Effects of WEAPON based SSI on Leeches
Enhance Potions
Honor Virtue
Item Properties A-Z
Justice Virtue
Lower Mana Cost
Magic Item Properties (HML, HSL, HLA, HLD, HLL, Hit area)
Material Bonuses
Monsters A-Z
Resisting Spells
Runic Reforging
Potions list
Powder of Fortifying
Sacrifice (best place to gain is fel, Destard level 2, Shadow Wyrm
Slayer Types
Special moves
Stat caps
Swing speed / Damage calculator
Swing Speed Increase
Valor Virtue
Vampiric Embrace
VvV Items List
Weapons and their Specials