
Please take a stand on all of the illegal clients and scripts being used in the game. You're losing players left and right and have yet to, that I have seen, openly take a stand on it. All you need to do is look at the many videos being uploaded to YouTube and you can see what's being done to the game. I dunno, maybe take action and make an example out of some of these people, and then implement a system to deal with the rest...

Please at least acknowledge this issue and assure us that you are planning to deal with it.

Thank you. 


  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    If the topic is about their stand, they do ban players multi boxing and macroing using 3rd party.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @New_O_Recruit this has been going on from the dawn of time and sadly people come and go from UO but IMHO the clients and 3rd party programs are not the root of their leaving.  There is a lot of things to do in UO where they really do not make a great deal.  PvP and prob IDOC/House Placing are the two big users.  MultiBoxing is the worse and is easy to see and there have been a number of bans for those.
  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    edited April 2021
    Bilbo said:
    @ New_O_Recruit this has been going on from the dawn of time and sadly people come and go from UO but IMHO the clients and 3rd party programs are not the root of their leaving.  There is a lot of things to do in UO where they really do not make a great deal.  PvP and prob IDOC/House Placing are the two big users.  MultiBoxing is the worse and is easy to see and there have been a number of bans for those.

    Multiboxins is not worse what are you talking about? Multiboxing isn't even an issue where did that come from?

    Illegal clients are way worse then anything else. It's funny that the OP is crying foul though when he and his guild use the same clients though :/
  • Bilbo said:
    @ New_O_Recruit this has been going on from the dawn of time and sadly people come and go from UO but IMHO the clients and 3rd party programs are not the root of their leaving.  There is a lot of things to do in UO where they really do not make a great deal.  PvP and prob IDOC/House Placing are the two big users.  MultiBoxing is the worse and is easy to see and there have been a number of bans for those.

    Multiboxins is not worse what are you talking about? Multiboxing isn't even an issue where did that come from?

    Illegal clients are way worse then anything else. It's funny that the OP is crying foul though when he and his guild use the same clients though :/
    There was about 15 people with this name back in the day. The client I use is classic client with UOASSIST. Please do not try and derail this thread with accusations as the goal I am hoping to achieve is the removal of all illegal clients.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bilbo said:
    @ New_O_Recruit this has been going on from the dawn of time and sadly people come and go from UO but IMHO the clients and 3rd party programs are not the root of their leaving.  There is a lot of things to do in UO where they really do not make a great deal.  PvP and prob IDOC/House Placing are the two big users.  MultiBoxing is the worse and is easy to see and there have been a number of bans for those.

    Multiboxins is not worse what are you talking about? Multiboxing isn't even an issue where did that come from?

    Illegal clients are way worse then anything else. It's funny that the OP is crying foul though when he and his guild use the same clients though :/
    Multiboxing is way worse, what game are you playing.  Try fighting a multiboxer or killing something faster than 10 chars hitting all at the same time.  You seriously have no clue what multiboxing is and it is the #1 complaint at any EM event.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Bilbo said:
    @ New_O_Recruit this has been going on from the dawn of time and sadly people come and go from UO but IMHO the clients and 3rd party programs are not the root of their leaving.  There is a lot of things to do in UO where they really do not make a great deal.  PvP and prob IDOC/House Placing are the two big users.  MultiBoxing is the worse and is easy to see and there have been a number of bans for those.
    I disagree.

    Just as 1 example possible among the many possible, when 1 single player can multi-boxing the Roof, for example, and get lots and lots of drops easy, when they go sell these drops on Vendor Search, since they got them easy, they can undercut other players' prices, other players who, instead, played the game fair and square and,therefore, often took forever to get that 1 rarer item drop....

    Basically, as I see it,  Scripters and Multi-Boxers make the time in the game for all other players who don't cheat, NOT WORTH IT.

    Not to mention, that then, it can also be that the Developers, to try counter these players getting these items easily, because of their cheating, make it MUCH TOUGHER for all players to get them...

    An example of this, is the Randomization of Resources to try address scripters..... the end result of that change, though, at least to my opinion, was not to even scratch scripters a tiny bit, but enormously affect "fair & square" legit players who, now had to spend a whole lot more of their in game time to get certain resources.... scripters, instead, just let their scripts run 24/7 and gathered all Resources they wanted, with very little involvement of their time in the game....

    My argument being, that, at least to my opinion, not only it is pointless to implement mere "patched-up" solutions to scripting and multi-boxers, but they hurt way more the legittimate players as compared to scripters and multi-boxers....

    The solutions should be more focused, as I see it, to "find" who script and multi-box and ban them, and that means not only the accounts that are used to script and multi-box, but also all of the other accounts which might be associated to that "disposable" account used for scripting and multi-boxing.... that it, their "Main" accounts....

    Would it loose players' subscriptions ?

    It may well but, who's to say that not going with the ban hammer hard on this issue does not cause, in the long run, a higher hemorrage of players' accounts because, at some point, "fair & square" players might decide they had enough of seeing that cheating going on and leave UO ?

    What I am trying to say is, that, to my opinion, scripting and multi-boxing, in one way or the other, DOES affect all players of UO and, most importantly, especially those players who play "fair & square".... it devaluates their time spent in the game....

    That is at least how I see it.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    Hi all, in the meantime if you see any cheaters on the spot pls call the GM, take screenshots and remember all the player characters name. I don't think you can achieve much by creating another thread about scripting and cheats.

    I just did a report on a multi boxer in the forum feedback thread. Whether this is serious or not, it bothers me because i cannot kill the monster faster than the 8 characters who fire same spell in 1 second.

    Maybe only the scripters can understand what scripts and clients etc. I don't know anything and I use pure EC clean with no add-on, not even Pinco.

    So whoever talks like an expert on the topic of scripting I wonder. All I do as a player is if someone is doing something weird I will report and good luck to you.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited April 2021
    yeah yeah don't just focus on multi-boxing or always scream at Dev here. If you spot any cheaters, speed hackers, multi-boxers, macroers, call the GM.

    I don't care if anyone here has a Top 10 Billboard, ranking of the most serious cheats. A cheat is a cheat and bye bye if you are caught.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    I think @Seth has said everything on this topic that can be said publicly. Please follow his advice and report anyone you find cheating for a GM to investigate.

    Devs will never publicly say what they are doing to fix cheats and exploits, to do so would be to forewarn said cheaters and exploiters.

    Actions that have been taken are listed in the regular newsletters. If you don't receive them consider signing up for them by clicking on the main page 'sign up' button.
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