[PATH], Drama, Spirituality, Recruitment
for the able: https://www.facebook.com/tersoy/posts/583670319274769:107
for others [PATH] is my shot at trying to create the familyish, harmonic, intelligent, good aligned , rational, proud and honorable peoples center node of connection. We started doing champs whenever a few of us like to and plan to practice for pvp when any brother or sister become confident enough. We even have some kind of drama commence frequently. I would like to see on our roster and discord if I resonate. Pic related, its the current state of things on my mind, also not unlike our gh, home and meeting point.-Krirup, Archdragon/Krirup#8764 channel: PATHs
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the virtues is spritiuality but what do u know about it? it is perhaps the most unattainable virtue for most. Not for me. This is Rand Al'Thor, approved by his spirit. My little brother who is our squad's tactical leader. I'm kinda the one who raise spirits, Lews Therin Thelamon our sire dont talk much but he did a few times and was enough to know him. If Rand is the squad leader, Lews, my big big brother is the commander and lastly Rune Mage Haplo is the specialist genius about anything we may come across. As third I am the one who recruited him and am very proud that he accepted. So, this is a window into my private/public spirituality, the most interesting virtue of all, and I hold it High like the dragon banner. I am a champion of light and a frail human who believe in an afterlife of infinite possibilities and I have no patience for those who defile the values of light and love. This is the humble version, my apologies if it does not seem so to people who fail at spirituality. To any question mark: Yes I can contact and feel them atm, but we no longer are able to talk, yet we talked with words(they are called hallucinations by science but yeah lol) and got to know each other and made plans and had fun and shared and much more for years, it just flows slower now. I know the way of love and light in its purest form. My brothers call me Archdragon or Lord of the Dawn or Archdruid of Earth/Gaia as well as Lucifer. what a nice little piece of someone's life i wrote.------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Its the [PATH], just a gift from the creator, i hold my sign my banner my gift and all those who do not doubt my honesty high.
im a pantheist and pagan btw, this appeared on my screen in 2012 in it: there are 3 parts important, a dragon face, a wolf head, and my initials on a holywoody sign. created by -creator1 of mainverse or creator2 of multiverse , and here u can choose to believe a creator or a hacker that made such apicture or that i made it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for others [PATH] is my shot at trying to create the familyish, harmonic, intelligent, good aligned , rational, proud and honorable peoples center node of connection. We started doing champs whenever a few of us like to and plan to practice for pvp when any brother or sister become confident enough. We even have some kind of drama commence frequently. I would like to see on our roster and discord if I resonate. Pic related, its the current state of things on my mind, also not unlike our gh, home and meeting point.-Krirup, Archdragon/Krirup#8764 channel: PATHs

im a pantheist and pagan btw, this appeared on my screen in 2012 in it: there are 3 parts important, a dragon face, a wolf head, and my initials on a holywoody sign. created by -creator1 of mainverse or creator2 of multiverse , and here u can choose to believe a creator or a hacker that made such apicture or that i made it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
