I haven't done the math. Did someone just yolo the hp and mana and ignore everything else? Stamina is 150 but Str/Int has points left in that grouping.
I haven't done the math. Did someone just yolo the hp and mana and ignore everything else? Stamina is 150 but Str/Int has points left in that grouping.
HP cap is 1100. Mana cap is 1500. HP/Stam/Mana can only be 3300. HP is x3 so just the HP goes over the category cap.
OK I will ask. How would Shadow Eles make those numbers go that high? Also isn't it the Mare that is being lored?
The pet may have been modified today so its wrestling and tactics etc is very low as a result. So they are there to increase the Melee skills. Hopefully the system will revert the pet at server up.
OK I will ask. How would Shadow Eles make those numbers go that high? Also isn't it the Mare that is being lored?
The pet may have been modified today so its wrestling and tactics etc is very low as a result. So they are there to increase the Melee skills. Hopefully the system will revert the pet at server up.
I was talking about the HP and Mana points. I understand discording a pet for training but I never saw the HP and Mana do that.
Yea maximum possible trainable HP and mana is 1100 and 1500 , so this pet is clearly overcaped and illegal, they should of reverted all pet with >1500 mana, and more than >1100 hp
HP/Stam/Mana can only be 3300. HP is x3 so just the HP goes over the category cap.
The name is not correct.
I have never seen a pet like that 1.
Try to find the pet tomorrow.
Also isn't it the Mare that is being lored?
Hopefully the system will revert the pet at server up.