Devs help me out here - my UO PvP set-up.

CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
edited April 2018 in General Discussions

Ok, I know you are buried in EJ, fine, complete it, then do something for me please.

This is my PvP set-up, we can have anything up to 20 players online in our team, and co-ordinating is often hard, sometimes we get it right, sometimes we get it so wrong, but the UO set-up is not helping.

I am running Classic Client - this is perfect, so good, nothing else competes in style, graphics, and fluidity - this isn't part of this request, but of course you should delete EC for your own good, to stop you having to maintain 2 versions, and creating yourselves 2 sets of work. There is only one original which the real players care about.

I am running UOA - this is fine, but please take it over somehow, so you can add to it. Extra potions, and more than 16 macros would be great. UOA is very cool, but can benefit from improvements.

I am running UOAM. This is because this has an ingame Chat function, nothing else at all does to my knowledge. We like to talk, but we may always not be around at the same time, so conversations can stick here, in a way UO Journal does not, with all of it's additional un-necessary spam that blocks out the chat eventually. UOAM is not compatible with EC, it needs to be, again, please take over, or build a compatible map/chat function into UO.

I am running UO Carto - this is so when our full team is on, (no-one on atm early morning) - I can track both the CC and EC players. UO Carto has far less functionality than UOAM, but is the only Map that is compatible with both. You need to do something that has the functionality of UOAM, but is compatible with both. (Or Delete EC).

I am running Discord. This is so I can listen and talk when Pvping. Fine for that purpose. It has a separate chat function that isn't compatible in-game, so I'm running 2 chat functions, as well as 2 maps.

Please sort this mess out. UO CC is perfect, but please make it so I only have to use 1 Map, Chat function and Voice Comms.

Thank you.


  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    You’re using UOAM for the chat function only? Drop uoam
    PRO only use uocartographer. For chat we use 2 x icq chats. One for normal chat, another for pvp urgent alerts. 

    Although I did read somewhere that UOAM does work for EC if you manually calibrate the location. I don’t know if this is true or if you have to do this every time you log in etc I haven’t tried it
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876

    And I never even touched Party Bars and Targetting - still messed up in both clients imo.


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2018

    UOAM for INGAME Chat function only, it's a far superior chat function to every other option - and boy we like to talk, or I do. :)

    It's mostly how we chill. Dropping UOAM not an option for me, I'd rather there was a fix to the map solution which included, or replaced UOAM for ALL it's functionality, not only half of it.

    ICQ - I used to use this 15 years ago... I don't feel it anymore.

    Thanks for comment though. :)

    PS - We use UOAM for guild only, and Carto for Alliance, it allows us to differentiate there also.

    PPS - You are still having to use an additional chat function yourself - with ICQ - so we are in the same boat almost.

  • PureLifePureLife Posts: 54
    Well atleast we all know why you complain non stop about dexers. Thanks for clearing all this up.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2018
    PureLife said:
    Well atleast we all know why you complain non stop about dexers. Thanks for clearing all this up.

    I have no issues with Dexxers - I have a very good PvP dexxer.

    I complain non-stop about Dismount, it ruins PvP fluidity and strategy and turns it into a mindless gank - it's an easy IWIN button.

    I also don't like the domination of Hybrids over Pure Classes, they are taking over everything, and making the entire game the same.

    But feel free to act all pathetic and troll me. I have no idea who you are, and care less.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    You run UOAM and UOCart together ? I wish they would add Alliance and Guild members to the EC map the way Party is added. There's no good reason to have to use any 3rd party app with this game.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    You run UOAM and UOCart together ? I wish they would add Alliance and Guild members to the EC map the way Party is added. There's no good reason to have to use any 3rd party app with this game.

    Agreed, my point entirely.

  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
    Why not use Discord/ICQ to text chat? along with the voice.

    I have my client on one screen with UO carto and then discord/ICQ/porn/browser etc. on my other one.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    WOW Do you use all those spells for PvP?
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2018
    WOW Do you use all those spells for PvP?

    Pretty much, yes. :)

    I think I have about 80 macros at least, I use more than is there. Virtues for example, I'm Knight in all 8, (had to get that in, I've always loved playing for the virtues - but at least 4 of them have major uses in PvP).

    I am an all round player though as well. I do champs, and limited forms of PvM (where the game allows me on a mage...). I have 3 suits for him. That is my PvP suit.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2018
    DJAd said:
    Why not use Discord/ICQ to text chat? along with the voice.

    I have my client on one screen with UO carto and then discord/ICQ/porn/browser etc. on my other one.

    I get you;

    • I am only using 1 screen, you are using 2 for that, I do get you can fit Discord chat in using your method.
    • Also, UOAM is an INGAME chat function, this is really important to me, I don't have to leave game or my screen, or lose any focus using it.

    I think a big part of my request is, can we build some of this stuff into the game. We are all using 3rd party programs somewhere along the line, to enhance the game. Or fix a couple of the Illogical aspects of third party software, where it isn't quite working to full game specification.

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Cookie please don’t tell me you’re double clicking the tiles to cast the spells...
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited April 2018
    Mervyn said:
    Cookie please don’t tell me you’re double clicking the tiles to cast the spells...

    No I'm not. :)

    Only for a few, where I just don't have room for any more logical macros on my keyboard, mouse.

    The positioning of the tiles down there, is so I can mind map where the keybinds/macros are on my keyboard/mouse. If I forget one (which of course I won't, been playing for so long), I can easily pick up where it is by its positioning down there.

    For example, The top 12 are F1-F12, with the 13th {Reaper} being a manual click, and underneath that, it is the top layer of my keyboard 1 through to backspace for Mass Dispell. Etc.

    I'm predominantly using my left hand for keys, as my right is on direction with the mouse - and a few more macros - hence most of them are down the left hand side.

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