Something upcoming in Ter Mur? has The Town Cryer notice, so me being me, I went and looked at The Town Cryer in game:

The "Learn More" button doesn't do anything. Guessing it's going to be like previous arcs and when the content is ready the button will take you to a wiki article.
So, I ventured to Royal City to check out the new Gargish art:

Those look like housing spots to me. Have those always been there? I don't remember how the rear of the Royal Palace looked before the patch. Maybe the blank areas are where the art installation will be?
This could also be like the Fellowship arc, where they put the landscape in East Britain, but then took awhile to build the structure.
As a last bit of info, I remembered this:
So, looks to me like Ter Mur content on deck.

The "Learn More" button doesn't do anything. Guessing it's going to be like previous arcs and when the content is ready the button will take you to a wiki article.
So, I ventured to Royal City to check out the new Gargish art:

Those look like housing spots to me. Have those always been there? I don't remember how the rear of the Royal Palace looked before the patch. Maybe the blank areas are where the art installation will be?
This could also be like the Fellowship arc, where they put the landscape in East Britain, but then took awhile to build the structure.
As a last bit of info, I remembered this:
Can throwers have more love (or less hatred) from developers? - Ultima Online Forums ( said:Looking over the notes from the Treasures rewards thread I don’t recall any specific gargie stuff, and I’m not saying we’re going to Ter Mur buuuut might make sense to have some gargie stuff. Especially after we meet, well... You’ll see.
So, looks to me like Ter Mur content on deck.
I know they said we were going to have global arcs too so....should be interesting!
One of the 3 upcoming events may be there.
When I click Learn More it opens File exploder in the EA Folder.