Would it have killed you to reply to my house placement post ? sigh...**goes to bed**
I’m sorry you are having a frustrating experience. As is pointed out in the wiki, there are restrictions on house placement. You asked why, to which I don’t have an immediate answer. Rather than speculate, I will have to investigate further to get you an accurate answer for you.
@Kyronix Yes for goodness sake get rid of that flipping banking gump that now opens every single time you say 'bank' it takes up half the darn screen on my laptop. Has only done it since the publish and is the most aggravating thing on the planet, besides the pet 'training' gump which was supposedly fixed, but not really, as those of us waiting for pet scrolls will have that annoying bugger automaticlly appearing for the next 20 yrs at this rate until we get scrolls for our pets, see the 'other' thread on that most aggravating issue.
So 1. Kill the bank gump and 2. fix the pet training gump so you can 'disable' it not get rid of it permanently which is what the so called 'fix' was. You need to be able to turn it back on when you get scrolls and have it OFF when you are waiting for them.
Cheers MissE
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Would it have killed you to reply to my house placement post ? sigh...**goes to bed**
I’m sorry you are having a frustrating experience. As is pointed out in the wiki, there are restrictions on house placement. You asked why, to which I don’t have an immediate answer. Rather than speculate, I will have to investigate further to get you an accurate answer for you.
Apparently the restriction is only on Siege, as others have confirmed that they have no wait timer on other shards after dropping a house, which imo is the way it should be. Imagine the uproar if there were a 7 day timer on placing a ship again after drydocking it ?
You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Sorry to be so late, had bad weather here so I was logged and shut down. Yes, the large one you used to get by opening the bank from the banker, like CovenantX said.
Before publish 99, the only way to have that gump appear was to "Open Bank" through the NPC banker's context menu.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
1. Kill the bank gump
2. fix the pet training gump so you can 'disable' it not get rid of it permanently which is what the so called 'fix' was. You need to be able to turn it back on when you get scrolls and have it OFF when you are waiting for them.
Cheers MissE
Apparently the restriction is only on Siege, as others have confirmed that they have no wait timer on other shards after dropping a house, which imo is the way it should be. Imagine the uproar if there were a 7 day timer on placing a ship again after drydocking it ?
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Sorry to be so late, had bad weather here so I was logged and shut down. Yes, the large one you used to get by opening the bank from the banker, like CovenantX said.