Publish 110 Feedback - Vet Rewards



  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    @Dot_Warner the straps do resolve the issue of clutter in the main backpack in the classic client and not getting cluttered if you die and had been keeping the books in a non-blessed container.  Other than that the straps are useless as they are now.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    edited March 2021
    Khyro said:
    Has there been confirmation of how many straps you receive when you claim it?
    1 unfortunately. So if you want a Spellbook Strap and a Runebook Strap, you need to use 2 Vet Rewards per character.
    This is really a bummer.... considering that each character would need 2, and we have up to 7 characters in 1 account, the math is easily done...

    This pick should provide a good many more than just 1, me thinks...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    edited March 2021
    ZekeTerra said:
    I agree, 1 a week is useless.  You need 10 essence just to imbue 1 property on an item.  10 a week would at least make it somewhat useful with a cap of 100.
    Still, 10 a week would still be way too low...

    I mean, it would take a whole week to imbue just 1 property on 1 item.... 5 weeks to imbue 1 single item with 5 properties, and then 45 weeks which is about 11 months to imbue 1 suit of 9 pieces...

    What player would wait almost 1 Year to be able to craft 1 fully imbued suit ?

    Not to mention, for players who would want to play crafting as their "main" occupation in Ultima Online.... to only be able to make a suit every 11 months to sell to others would not give them much to play with in the game....

    As I said, to become a "reasonable" yield and still not reduce the need to go farm spawns for more Essences, I think the yield on this one Reward should be like 3 to 5 Essences per day, at the very least...

    Anything else, one is much better off just farming for gold and buying Essences on Vendor Search at 5k to 10k each.... would take way less time.... but way less....

    Too low a yield rate on this Veteran Reward just make it entirely useless, I would be much surprised to see any player wanting to "waste" a Veteran Rewards' pick which they can use to get something way better for this Totem that would just sit there and hardly give anything....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    Pawain said:
    MissE said:
    If you put 25 runebooks in one of those book straps does the item count for your backpack count as 1 item or 26 items (ie 25 books and 1 book strap) ? 
    The book strap does not reduce the count.  It counts as 1 and each book you put in still counts as 1.

    They can not reduce count because you could be at 125 and remove books from the straps and put in your backpack and then what?

    Would be nice if they counted as 1 when locked down tho.
    The book strap does not reduce the count.  It counts as 1 and each book you put in still counts as 1.
    This is really a bummer for me.... now we have 2 more items to add at our backpack count ?

    I would have preferred straps Designed in a different way....

    Something like you needed to lock them down in a House, and then you would "embed" your spellbooks or rune/Atlas books into them and they would have become 1 item "but" including multiple spellbooks, rune/Atlas books into them...

    How to then select each individual book in them ?

    With a Menu..... sort of like the Mastery Book whereas one can select from it different Masteries...

    Want a spellbook with a given Slayer and a set of properties ?

    Pick it from the Menu and that slayer and properties will be applied....

    Want to swith to another one with a different Slayer and different properties ? Go to the Menu and change it...

    Since they are embedded, and they can only put in and taken out when locked down in a home, there would be no risk of having them taken out in one's own main backpack thus risking going over the 125 items' limit...

    Problem solved....

    Sure, it would have probably beem more work coding wise but the straps, to my opinion, would have then been a much better item for players to enjoy and use....

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    popps said:
    Still, 10 a week would still be way too low...

    I mean, it would take a whole week to imbue just 1 property on 1 item.... 5 weeks to imbue 1 single item with 5 properties, and then 45 weeks which is about 11 months to imbue 1 suit of 9 pieces...

    What player would wait almost 1 Year to be able to craft 1 fully imbued suit ?

    Not to mention, for players who would want to play crafting as their "main" occupation in Ultima Online.... to only be able to make a suit every 11 months to sell to others would not give them much to play with in the game....

    As I said, to become a "reasonable" yield and still not reduce the need to go farm spawns for more Essences, I think the yield on this one Reward should be like 3 to 5 Essences per day, at the very least...

    Anything else, one is much better off just farming for gold and buying Essences on Vendor Search at 5k to 10k each.... would take way less time.... but way less....

    Too low a yield rate on this Veteran Reward just make it entirely useless, I would be much surprised to see any player wanting to "waste" a Veteran Rewards' pick which they can use to get something way better for this Totem that would just sit there and hardly give anything....

    Popps - the resource giving Veteran Rewards were NEVER meant to be the main source of these resources. They are simply nice Deco with a little bonus. Do you really only use the cart and sheep to get resources to craft with?

    That said though, it would be nice if the vet reward essence giver acted like the other vet reward givers and not the fire painting.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,143
    edited March 2021
    Marge said:
    popps said:
    Still, 10 a week would still be way too low...

    I mean, it would take a whole week to imbue just 1 property on 1 item.... 5 weeks to imbue 1 single item with 5 properties, and then 45 weeks which is about 11 months to imbue 1 suit of 9 pieces...

    What player would wait almost 1 Year to be able to craft 1 fully imbued suit ?

    Not to mention, for players who would want to play crafting as their "main" occupation in Ultima Online.... to only be able to make a suit every 11 months to sell to others would not give them much to play with in the game....

    As I said, to become a "reasonable" yield and still not reduce the need to go farm spawns for more Essences, I think the yield on this one Reward should be like 3 to 5 Essences per day, at the very least...

    Anything else, one is much better off just farming for gold and buying Essences on Vendor Search at 5k to 10k each.... would take way less time.... but way less....

    Too low a yield rate on this Veteran Reward just make it entirely useless, I would be much surprised to see any player wanting to "waste" a Veteran Rewards' pick which they can use to get something way better for this Totem that would just sit there and hardly give anything....

    Popps - the resource giving Veteran Rewards were NEVER meant to be the main source of these resources. They are simply nice Deco with a little bonus. Do you really only use the cart and sheep to get resources to craft with?

    That said though, it would be nice if the vet reward essence giver acted like the other vet reward givers and not the fire painting.

    You know, I always found it a somewhat an absurdity that Crafters, which are non-fighting characters, where expected to "have to" fight in order to then be able to engage in their "non-fighting" crafting Profession...

    This said, even if the Gargish Totem of Essence yield was upped to, say, 3 to 5 a day as I am suggesting, players and, most importantly Crafters, would STILL have to go kill stuff to get these Essences in the quantities needed to actually be able to imbue some stuff with consistency...

    As I said, with a yield of 3 to 5 Essences per day, it would STILL take to a player some 3 to 4 and a half MONTHS to imbue a full suit of 9 pieces...

    What player is going to wait 3 to 4 and a half MONTHS before they can get their suit done ?

    And no crafter could survive if they crafted at such a slow rate, I would imagine....

    Therefore, "even if" the Essences yield rate of this Veteran Reward was upped to 3 to 5 per day, players would still have to go out and kill stuff...

    No need to worry about the Totem "replacing" the need to kill stuff, even if the yield rate is greatly uppped...

    Yet, by upping it, this would actually make players want to pick this Veteran Reward... otherwise, they'd be much better off picking some other Veteran Reward, instead, and just go buy their Essences on Vendor Search or kill stuff to get them...not to mention, that it could be some tangible help for "non-fighting" crafters to be able to keep up with their crafting profession and sales in Ultima Online....

    Seriously, 1/week is really unresonable, also 1/day would still be unreasonable, to my opinion...
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    1) Spellbook and Runebook Straps:

    a) Name: They should have different names to differentiate between the two. Both are called "Book Strap".

    b) Weight: What is the intended weight for the strap (with books). It seems messy:

    5 Spellbooks weigh 6 stones - no weight savings?
    6 Runebooks (including mastery) is it 3 stones or 0 stones? Which is correct?

    c) Function:
    Unable to cast spells when the books are inside the straps.

    2) Coconut:
    The palm tree that I got is sticking out of 2nd floor, like some other rewards (e.g. Giant Pumpkin). Normally I don't use such decor as it messes up the place unless I place in top floor.

    3) Ostard:
    a) I wonder if we can pick from several new colors...
    b) The energy resist is super low... only 29% on mine. It will suffer under popular EB and lightning attack.

    I try another one and its 27% and 3rd one was 35%. After this I cannot get anymore in TC1. Please allow us to get more to see the range of stats.

    The rest seems ok for now, except its 4 slots for a start. I am not sure about this.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Seth said:
    @ Kyronix
    1) Spellbook and Runebook Straps:

    a) Name: They should have different names to differentiate between the two. Both are called "Book Strap".

    b) Weight: What is the intended weight for the strap (with books). It seems messy:

    5 Spellbooks weigh 6 stones - no weight savings?
    6 Runebooks (including mastery) is it 3 stones or 0 stones? Which is correct?

    c) Function:
    Unable to cast spells when the books are inside the straps.

    d) Using a single Veteran Slot one should be able to obtain one of both the Straps, i.e.: 1 Spellebook Strap AND 1 Runebook Strap.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Ivenor said:
    Seth said:
    @ Kyronix
    1) Spellbook and Runebook Straps:

    a) Name: They should have different names to differentiate between the two. Both are called "Book Strap".

    b) Weight: What is the intended weight for the strap (with books). It seems messy:

    5 Spellbooks weigh 6 stones - no weight savings?
    6 Runebooks (including mastery) is it 3 stones or 0 stones? Which is correct?

    c) Function:
    Unable to cast spells when the books are inside the straps.

    d) Using a single Veteran Slot one should be able to obtain one of both the Straps, i.e.: 1 Spellebook Strap AND 1 Runebook Strap.
    Yeah, I agree, it should be a universal magical container for both types with 1 item count and 1 stone. That would be a worthy veteran reward.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited March 2021
    Kyronix said yesterday while on TC1 that the book straps WILL be Vet Rewards so doesn't seem like that will change. That said, I agree with the majority here that while in theory these things seemed like a good idea, they fall extremely short of being practical. Just the notion that EACH one takes 1 reward pick means that I'll need to use a whole year's worth of rewards (2) just for 1 char... and that doesn't even scratch the surface of functionality. 

    This item should be a "book strap maker" and ideally would simply be a recipe but I understand that might be "too easy" so I say it will function like a shard shield where it creates 1 strap a month and is account bound. I'm fine with burning a vet pick and waiting 6 months to have each char have a strap but I will never use more than 1 pick for such a small QoL change. I can manage with a semi cluttered pack. 

    The only other way I'd consider a book strap is if it held 125 items and only counted as 1 item. I have 100+ invasion spellbooks taking up lockdowns in my house. If I could free up that space with 1 or 2 picks then it becomes at least my choice to basically add lockdown spaces to my house.

    While I do agree with popps on the lack of ingredients per week, it kind of falls inline with the other vet rewards so I see why they did it. I don't see them changing on this. Honestly this is the reason I don't bother with the ore cart/tree stump/etc... return on value for a vet pick just isn't there for these items.

  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Hmm... good point, I can summarize:

    1) Book straps to be used for all spell and rune books or atlas
    2) Count as 1 item and always weigh say 5 stones? Regardless of item inside.
    3) Make this a recipe so all my 21 characters can have it.

    Yay...  :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Regarding Book Straps:

    Given these parameters that seem unlikely to change:
    • Book Straps will remain a Veteran Reward
    • Book Straps will be a single choice only
    Please consider the following change:
    • Make Book Straps a 1st Year Veteran Reward

    New/Returning Players often find themselves selling their early Veteran Reward picks as a way to make money (the most common right now being the Crystal Portals, Commodity Box, and Auction Safes). Changing the Book Straps to a 1st Year Reward would give another option for revenue generation for younger accounts, since clearly the demand for these items is going to be very high.

    In addition to a way for younger accounts to make money by selling them, it also allows the younger accounts to acquire these QoL items to use for themselves should they choose, without needing to wait 3 years for them.

    Also, please reconsider keeping these a single pick only. Having them come as a set (1 Spellbook Strap, 1 Runebook Strap) would help immensely.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Book Straps:
    Yes at least Budge on Making them a set for 1 Vet Pick.  Also that reasoning to make them a 1st year pick is valid.  Could set up a new player with a decent amount of gold. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    My feedback for the only vet item I was interested in:

    The Black Moongate Statuette:

    It's too small, and doesn't have the moongate animation, making it look less like a moongate and more like an egg.

    Activating and Deactivating didn't seem to do anything when I tried. Im sure it probably makes sounds, but they didnt trigger when walking by on my gargoyle.

    I honestly feel like the size should be increased to actual moongate size, and it function as an alternate skin for a crystal teleporter, or possibly replicate the serpents jawbone as it's a limited drop item otherwise.

    Given function isn't likely up for change, I still maintain the size needs to be increased and it needs to be animated so that it actually looks like a moongate and not a black egg.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Pawain said:
    MissE said:
    If you put 25 runebooks in one of those book straps does the item count for your backpack count as 1 item or 26 items (ie 25 books and 1 book strap) ? 
    The book strap does not reduce the count.  It counts as 1 and each book you put in still counts as 1.

    They can not reduce count because you could be at 125 and remove books from the straps and put in your backpack and then what?

    Would be nice if they counted as 1 when locked down tho.
    ok well both vet rewards (runebook and spellbook sash) will ONLY be of value to CC players, those in the EC can put their books at the bottom of their backpack and in their hotbars and will have no need for this item.   On that basis these should really be 'huntmaster' rewards not Veteran Rewards.   Would of still been of value if it reduced item count but as they don't they are really not required for EC players.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    MissE said:
    Pawain said:
    MissE said:
    If you put 25 runebooks in one of those book straps does the item count for your backpack count as 1 item or 26 items (ie 25 books and 1 book strap) ? 
    The book strap does not reduce the count.  It counts as 1 and each book you put in still counts as 1.

    They can not reduce count because you could be at 125 and remove books from the straps and put in your backpack and then what?

    Would be nice if they counted as 1 when locked down tho.
    ok well both vet rewards (runebook and spellbook sash) will ONLY be of value to CC players, those in the EC can put their books at the bottom of their backpack and in their hotbars and will have no need for this item.   On that basis these should really be 'huntmaster' rewards not Veteran Rewards.   Would of still been of value if it reduced item count but as they don't they are really not required for EC players.

    I am 100% EC player and I find the reason to use straps:
    1) Separate container for my 20+ spellbooks and runebooks help to unclutter my main pack from event drops, BODs, crafting material, talisman, etc etc etc.
    2) If this counts as 1 item with 1 stone (or any savings), it will definitely benefit all players. It is better than taking up 30 over item counts without it. We just need to carry them and not take up our carrying quota.
    3) My hotbars are already filling up the whole screen (I have like more than 10 with some folded up).
    4) There is no need to always access these books but they need to be convenient place to find. If chucked below the pack I still need to scroll down. Its easier to open a pack at the TOP of my main pack.

    In conclusion, the straps are very useful for EC players if para 2 is the case (savings in weight and item qty).
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    not going to waste a vet reward for a book strap.  Make this craftable or a reward item, or a store item, yes the store,  I would need 14 for just one account, 28 for two, see the dollar$$$$$$$, let us buy it, we get want we wanted and you get $$$$$.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    Spellbook Strap: might not be useful for WARRIORS because books need to be on TOP level, so forget about chivalry/bushido/necro books.

    (would love to have a Weapon Strap eventually; all insured weapons will stay in place after you die)

    Runebook Strap: useful for people who like to carry books around (Quests, Shops, Locations...etc). This will likely be more popular than SB straps.

    One vet pick for a set would be great; I dont see how essential this will be, given the TOP level factor. Only hard-core mages will want a spellbook strap.

    Black Gate: would love to have animation of some kind; ex, disappearing/dissolving into the ground & popping back up) - though that might upset some rares owners

    the arts: What is the proper word to describe these new art style? The new items just look different from the existing CC arts especially the new palm trees. They look too modern. Just saying...
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    All the books should work when inside the strap, and it should save item count weight.

    Otherwise I agree that this book strap is not quite worthy as a vet reward. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Radst said:
    Spellbook Strap: might not be useful for WARRIORS because books need to be on TOP level, so forget about chivalry/bushido/necro books.

    (would love to have a Weapon Strap eventually; all insured weapons will stay in place after you die)

    Runebook Strap: useful for people who like to carry books around (Quests, Shops, Locations...etc). This will likely be more popular than SB straps.

    One vet pick for a set would be great; I dont see how essential this will be, given the TOP level factor. Only hard-core mages will want a spellbook strap.

    Black Gate: would love to have animation of some kind; ex, disappearing/dissolving into the ground & popping back up) - though that might upset some rares owners

    the arts: What is the proper word to describe these new art style? The new items just look different from the existing CC arts especially the new palm trees. They look too modern. Just saying...
    The palm trees are not "modern" I opine... It's good decor for a pirate pub near the sea...
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • ObsidianObsidian Posts: 22
    Recommend increasing the graphic size of the "Black Gate" vet reward to be the same size as a real moongate.  It would be even better if it could be bound with a recall rune and provide a one-way gate to the location (with unlimited uses).
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Obsidian said:
    Recommend increasing the graphic size of the "Black Gate" vet reward to be the same size as a real moongate.  It would be even better if it could be bound with a recall rune and provide a one-way gate to the location (with unlimited uses).
    Yes Bigger and let us create our own Jawbone style teleporter.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Seth said:

    I am 100% EC player and I find the reason to use straps:
    1) Separate container for my 20+ spellbooks and runebooks help to unclutter my main pack from event drops, BODs, crafting material, talisman, etc etc etc.
    No Crafter/imbuer keeps all that crap in their back pack, they keep all their crafting/imbuing supplies nicely sorted in boxes/bags next to where they do all their crafting/imbueing.  Do you live out of your backpack or something.  Bank boxes and Houses do have a use.  Please show us your crafters build that needs +20 spell books.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Obsidian said:
    Recommend increasing the graphic size of the "Black Gate" vet reward to be the same size as a real moongate.  It would be even better if it could be bound with a recall rune and provide a one-way gate to the location (with unlimited uses).

    And/or it could be nice if a similar graphical option (a full MG look) could be added to the choices menu of the Store sold and/or the Veteran Reward Home Teleporters, maybe instead of one of various "levers"...
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Kyronix The book straps need to be relooked at. As they are, they aren't worth a waste of a vet reward. I suggest a few changes to make them viable. Reduce the item count of anything inside them to one. Allow them to hold up to 300 books like the power scroll and alacrity scroll holders, or 500 like the jewelry boxes or BOD books. And MAKE THEM SORTABLE. What most people were looking for was something to be locked down in their houses to store spellbooks and free up some lockdowns. Not, whatever these things currently are. Even if these changes ARE implemented, it would still be pushing the limit for a vet reward pick. But it would be closer. A better option for them would be to make them available as an anniversary token choice this next year. Assuming tokens will still be offered, of course.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • WarbokWarbok Posts: 4
    Drakelord said:
    not going to waste a vet reward for a book strap.  Make this craftable or a reward item, or a store item, yes the store,  I would need 14 for just one account, 28 for two, see the dollar$$$$$$$, let us buy it, we get want we wanted and you get $$$$$.
    I agree. People will want many of these and veteran reward picks are already especially sparse given the IDOC changes. A holiday/anniversary item like the jewelry boxes, power scroll books, etc. seems more appropriate.
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    Here's my opinion on Veteran Rewards.  The two veteran rewards people get every year should be the "Starting point."  Then, some should be offered via the in game store.  I still can't use a reward until I get to a certain account age.  I can understand how veteran rewards are a type of sacred cow in this game and I'm in that boat too.  No one should be able to use a reward until they reach a certain age.  That's where my worship of the sacred cow ends though.  Just offer choices for sale.

    This would be like in clash of clans near the beginning of the game I start out with 3 war bases... then, I have the option to purchase 3 more bases.  In pretty much every game out there they give a token to the players for free and then people can purchase additional items after that.  If rewards were unbalancing then that would be a different story.  

    There's so many rewards.  And, there's constant additions to lower year rewards.  I'm never going to be selecting rewards from lower years now that I'm on year 23.  Two reward choices per year is way too low since there are so many of them.  

    A lot of the veteran rewards are cooler than the things you could get in the in game store.  This next publish, I can see how some people like the in game store items... Personally, I'm not a huge fan.  But, I do like the veteran rewards items.  I'll have to wait until November to get my next two choices though.  

    Just add Veteran Reward tokens to the in game store.

    I wasn't able to test out any of the new items on the Test Shard.  I couldn't figure out how to test them and they weren't in my bank box nor did I see a special portal which would give them.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2021
    Bilbo said:
    Seth said:

    I am 100% EC player and I find the reason to use straps:
    1) Separate container for my 20+ spellbooks and runebooks help to unclutter my main pack from event drops, BODs, crafting material, talisman, etc etc etc.
    No Crafter/imbuer keeps all that crap in their back pack, they keep all their crafting/imbuing supplies nicely sorted in boxes/bags next to where they do all their crafting/imbueing.  Do you live out of your backpack or something.  Bank boxes and Houses do have a use.  Please show us your crafters build that needs +20 spell books.
    I do pack them when working on BODs, how u make the items, let them drop on the floor?  :D

    Crafters uses rune books and I have all shops and types in my bags. Why should I show you how to manage rune books and default favourite locations with multiple rune books?

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited March 2021
    Warbok said:
    Drakelord said:
    not going to waste a vet reward for a book strap.  Make this craftable or a reward item, or a store item, yes the store,  I would need 14 for just one account, 28 for two, see the dollar$$$$$$$, let us buy it, we get want we wanted and you get $$$$$.
    I agree. People will want many of these and veteran reward picks are already especially sparse given the IDOC changes. A holiday/anniversary item like the jewelry boxes, power scroll books, etc. seems more appropriate.
    They should be craftable or put on the huntmaster as a reward, Defintely NOT worthy of a veteran reward.  I certainly wouldn't waste a pick.  And I stand by my comments, in the EC you put all your books in the last 10-20 slots of your backpack so you don't even see em and have a runebook, spellbook hotbar.  If you don't do that then you really aren't utilizing the hotbar system properly.  I play on a LAPTOP and have room on screen for a hotbar designated for this purpose.  If  you played on a normal monitor or large monitor you would have oodles of room.  

    The ONLY way this would warrant a vet reward pick would be if it counted as ONE Item in your backpack when full.  As others have said and I also agree, I have more than 15 characters that carry at LEAST 10 books and on my mage and main characters they would carry at least 15 books.  One for Home/Friends, Malas, Brit banks, Brit dungeons, Fel banks Fel dungeons, tokuno islands, ter mur, mondains legacy, lost lands as the basics then more specialty ones depending on template and frequents. 

    I don't use runic atlas's as the text is pretty much UNREADABLE in most facets which has been reported over and over and never addressed, and  also do not want to be scrolling though pages looking for a mark nor having to shuffle out 36 runes every time I need to rearrange em.

    OK idea but seriously BAD if they are put in as a Vet Reward. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • GalluccioGalluccio Posts: 77
    How are people testing the veteran rewards?  /give veteran rewards isn't working
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