Horned, Spined & Barbed Bone Armor - Shouldn't it retain the Leather Color?



  • SableSable Posts: 248
    Do you collect Demon Bone Armor as well and if so, is it just a differently hued bone set or does the armor look slightly different when worn?  Also, can you dye demon bone sets?
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    FWIK, Daemon Bone Armor cames in two Hues: the Red hued one (Hue 2206) and the "white hued" (in reality a Hue 0) one.

    In my experience the Red ones can be whitened with Bleach or Scouring Toxin and repainted with Tokuno, Clean Up, Natural, etc. (as always it is with Bone Armor, NON with any "legit" Tub).

    When worn, of put on a Mannequin, the DBA have the same look of any other colored Bone Armor, and the Hue 0 one has exactly the same look of a normal Hue 0 Bone Armor.
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