Wolf Slayer Spellbooks Don't Work On Hell Hounds
Tested this at a champ spawn. They work on dire wolves but not hell hounds. UOGuide says hell hounds are vulnerable to wolf slayers. I know they could be wrong but I see no reason why they shouldn't work. I'll try to test other wolf related critters & post findings later but felt it necessary to ask abt this.

Are you advocating wanton killing of dogs? What kind of twisted person are you ?!?! I will most certainly not be trying my wolf slayer spellbook on a poor defenseless dog !
Considering the graphics of both are identical (in the CC) with hue color exception, I thought both were of the wolf variety. After checking on UOGuide, both say wolf slayer vulnerability. I thought it a logical assumption for the spellbook to work on both.
Technically, all hounds are descendants of wolves.
I'll log on when servers come back up to test on Bake Kitsune and Cu Sidhe since neither have the "wolf" term in their names. I still refuse to test this on a dog
Shameless Bump even tho I haven't tested on Bake Kits or Cu Sidhe yet
Curious if wolf slayers not working on hellhounds is an oversight? Could it be addressed?
@Kyronix ?
Testing showed increased (2x) damage from the wolf slayer on Bake Kitsune and Tsuki Wolf, but not on Cu Sidhe or Hell hound. The wiki page will be updated to show that.
(Hell hound exact same graphic as dire wolves, etc,...)
All the other things in the wolf category are of the canine family:
Bake Kitsune
Clan Scratch Savage Wolf
Dire Wolf
Grey Wolf
Timber Wolf
Tsuki Wolf
White Wolf
Here are the Feys:
Corporeal Brume
Crystal Lattice Seeker
Crystal Wisp
Cu Sidhe
Dark Wisp
Ethereal Warrior
Feral Treefellow
Fetid Essence
Insane Dryad
Mantra Effervescence
Only the horses have 4 legs. Many of the other don't have legs or they walk upright.
You tell me which of those two a Cu Sidhe fits best in.
Hellhounds on the other hand are re-hued dire wolves with alil extra kick for giving damage (fireball breath). Hellhounds appear to be in the wolf family to me.
*two thumbs up*
Is there such a thing as a wolf slayer spell book? If so, Is it something that is randomly created when inscribing spell books?
Currently they are only available on the spellbooks from that specific event and are not craftable.
The only list I'm aware of can be found here :