Event Paragons & Heavy Armor Stamina Protection

The general player rule of thumb is 14 sta protection per heavy piece of armor. So if you have 5 pieces, you have to take 70 damage before you start to noticeably lose stamina. This comes from player testing. The arctic ogre lord paragons are hitting me for 48 with all 70's resist suit & 5 pieces of heavy armor. When I get hit, I am losing a significant amount of stamina. So are they really hitting for 118 damage (48 shown + 70 sta protection) when you are naked or are they ignoring stamina protection of heavy armor?

I have noticed in the Deciet event that my stamina was being lost more than when I fight *normal* paragons in Ilshenar.


  • That is interesting. I'll go test. 
  • Just speculation but, is an Ogre Lords (including Ice) preferred weapon not a club?  Which falls under mace fighting and mace fighting by default does extra stamina damage.

    This issue crossed my mind a while back and that was my assumption and never thought about it again.
  • True, but the higher level event paragons also do more stamina damage than is expected.
  • True, but the higher level event paragons also do more stamina damage than is expected.
    And I think that is a good thing, why should everyone be at max SSI all the time?  Screwing Sampires life lech is a good start to taming the generic event template (Sampire).  Why not add extreme stamina reduction to push back these unstoppable melee templates?  I don't think it is the case, but maybe it is something they should consider, stamina leeching mobs, screw up those max swing speed Sampires.

  • Tamers complain about all the AoE, target switching mobs to combat Sampires, simply make some mobs drain Stamina heavily and ease off the AoE mobs, then you got balance.
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    True, but the higher level event paragons also do more stamina damage than is expected.
    And I think that is a good thing, why should everyone be at max SSI all the time?  Screwing Sampires life lech is a good start to taming the generic event template (Sampire).  Why not add extreme stamina reduction to push back these unstoppable melee templates?  I don't think it is the case, but maybe it is something they should consider, stamina leeching mobs, screw up those max swing speed Sampires.

    Are not gargoyle throwing  Highbrids the new norm for events. Was tamers they got nurfed, sampires got nurfed when they toke away healing off event bosses.
  • Just make every event boss eat pets, dispel summons, drag in anyone who hits it from more than 1 tile away, ignore stamina damage reduction, life leech damages you, immune to armor ignore with all resists 95, reflect back all damage done, with every stupid aoe possible, and 300 wrestling, spawns dream wraiths on hit,  and make sure every attack is a mortal so none of that pesky healing gets through. 

    Don't forget the Slasher of veil fire fields that stack on top of each other and lag you to death. 

    And exploding corpses. 

    Perfectly balanced. 
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