UO Guide is back!


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    And then someone says that more informations about the ins and outs of the game from the Developers is not needed....

    Ultima Online in 2020 is not the Ultima Online of 1997.... it is too much a complex game to be able to play it without having access to the ins and outs of its mechanics, formulas and so forth....

    That is why players rejoice when these informations are again available after having been down for a good time....

    Developers can you please release more informations about many things work in Ultima Online, please ?

    A good starting point would be to know how Ultima Online's code manages the use of LUCK on a Template....

  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited November 2020
    FOF used to give out many detailed information, game mechanisms and even the formula itself which is part of the reasons why uoguide is so handy. Despite they are official information they are not captured in the uo.com wiki that’s why people still need uoguide. UO in 2020 is actually hiding (and intentionally as per the other post) more information than it was in 2006 when FOF was running. I enjoy reading FOF and still learning “new” stuff (which probably no longer true) about uo even nowadays. 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    Aragorn said:
    FOF used to give out many detailed information, game mechanisms and even the formula itself which is part of the reasons why uoguide is so handy. Despite they are official information they are not captured in the uo.com wiki that’s why people still need uoguide. UO in 2020 is actually hiding (and intentionally as per the other post) more information than it was in 2006 when FOF was running. I enjoy reading FOF and still learning “new” stuff (which probably no longer true) about uo even nowadays. 

    What does FOF stand for, if I may ask ?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,407Moderator
    Five on Friday - I did think that those formulas had been incorporated into the pages, but if someone would like to email me relevant links, I'd be happy to add them.
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Thank the Gods of the internet it's back. 

    Now if only more people would invest some time updating and enter information on new content. It is a wiki after all. 

    And yes I'm as guilty of being lazy as everyone else put promise to try to update or add at least one entry. 
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    edited November 2020
    Just noticed UOGuide shows the last publish as 97!!!! I'm as guilty as everyone else but really. This is not criticism of the person/persons who got it back up and hopefully keep it up but everyone else. Not speaking for them but it's a wiki and up to us to keep it up to date. They shouldn't have to do everything.

    Going to think about what knowledge I can share.  
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited November 2020
    Tim said:
    Just noticed UOGuide shows the last publish as 97!!!! I'm as guilty as everyone else but really. This is not criticism of the person/persons who got it back up and hopefully keep it up but everyone else. Not speaking for them but it's a wiki and up to us to keep it up to date. They shouldn't have to do everything.

    Going to think about what knowledge I can share.  
    My issue is that I can't create account anymore so I can't edit the page (403 Forbidden when I click the register link) 
  • Aragorn said:
    My issue is that I can't create account anymore so I can't edit the page (403 Forbidden when I click the register link) 
    Yeah, I haven't been able to login since the last breakdown a few months ago. Don't think anyone else has been able to login either since the last update was just after the site came back up.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited November 2020
    Aragorn said:
    My issue is that I can't create account anymore so I can't edit the page (403 Forbidden when I click the register link) 
    Yeah, I haven't been able to login since the last breakdown a few months ago. Don't think anyone else has been able to login either since the last update was just after the site came back up.
    Last change made was 25 May not sure if it was around the time of the previous crash

  • TimTim Posts: 841
    Your right. After I did my rant I tried to log on and ran into the same error message  :/

    Hopefully they will get that fixed soon.
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