Tinker BOD Wiki Page

I was looking at this page and noticed the 5 part tool BODs had N/A listed in the exceptional column. I know some BODs had problems when they first came out but it seems this one has been fixed. The Tinker 5 part Tools Larges can be exceptional now. I have bribed them up and gotten them from the npcs.

10ex = 560 turn in points / 112 bankable points

15ex = 575 turn in points / 115 bankable points

20ex = 600 turn in points / 120 bankable points


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited November 2020
    Cool so those tinker BODs are working now?  Do the tools bribe to exceptional also?  And they just bribe 1 time?  600 points doesn't get much.

    Would be nice if the rings bribed, I have a book of those.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I just went try a few. I bribed a 15 normal skillet to exceptional.
    A 20 normal iron sapphire necklace would not bribe up.
    The 20 normal iron sapphire bracelet went to dull copper.

    I couldn't try the jewelry larges since all mine were partially filled.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    edited November 2020
    Thank you @Marge I will update that page.

    As it happens I have access to a large collection of bods. While jewelry small bods can require different ingot types, the only large jewelry bods are all iron.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited December 2020
    Mariah said:
    Thank you @ Marge I will update that page.

    As it happens I have access to a large collection of bods. While jewelry small bods can require different ingot types, the only large jewelry bods are all iron.
    Is it actually a bug that jewelry large bods are only iron? it simply made jewelry large bod useless as 1. 250 points are simply useless and 2. it's basically impossible to fill one as even you are so lucky to find a iron gem specific sbod in 10 or 15, if you try to bribe it up each time there is a chance to bump it up to dull copper. You need to find exactly a 20 one (which roughly take another year), or you are praying that it doesn't bump up to dull copper but change the quantity. 
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I'm kinda the opposite - all I get are iron jewelry smalls. I had to grab an iron 10 count to bribe up to a 20 count to test. (Out of 320 small jewelry BODs none were anything but iron.) By the time it got to 20 count it was a gold jewelry one. I filled it and added it to a large iron jewelry - the large did accept the gold small.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited December 2020
    Marge said:
    I'm kinda the opposite - all I get are iron jewelry smalls. I had to grab an iron 10 count to bribe up to a 20 count to test. (Out of 320 small jewelry BODs none were anything but iron.) By the time it got to 20 count it was a gold jewelry one. I filled it and added it to a large iron jewelry - the large did accept the gold small.
    interesting, filling a smaller value lbod with a larger value sbod, this makes a useless bod more useless in this case 
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Tested again. This one I bribed all the way to a 20 count Valorite small.
    If you turn in right away for a reward that small is worth more than the large; but its still only 600 points (compared to the larges 250) which is not enough for the Fortification Powder Keg (700 points). (Once I got all the titles and recipes I never chose another reward below the Keg points wise.)
    If you will bank the points instead, the small is only worth 12 points compared to the large being worth 50 points. I would simply not bother bribing up and fill those larges with the colored ores that you get and bank the 50 points.
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