April 6th @ 5 pm EST : Treasure Hunt

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 197Event Moderator


Once again, the call goes out to all tamers who want frost drakes and dragons, all monster hunters who want a challenge, and that guy over there who looks bored!

Come and join the Royal Archaeologist’s assistant as she digs holes all over Sosaria and hopes nobody falls in!

What you need to know

All are welcome. That means you might find this event contains some PvP, but you can’t say I didn’t warn you!

The Royal Archaologist’s Assistant will dig up the chests for you. All loot from the chest will be placed into a bag on the ground.

You CAN take anything from the bag as soon as the loot starts hitting the bag. All I ask is that you LEAVE THE BAG ON THE GROUND!

We will do multiple treasure maps. Feel free to join in or drop out at any point.

None of these maps will lead to a spot in a guard zone. You have been doubly warned!

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