Can Provo be fixed



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Jepeth said:
    You say that "most templates have their spots/events where they get more out of things" but as I asked earlier, what one event in the last two-ish years (since I've returned to the game) has provided an experience that bards alone can shine in?
    Well said, very well said.

    That is the point that I am trying to get through, apparently fruitlessly....

    I see, Event after Event with the Deceit's Treasures of the Undead Lords only being the latest one, new content (and rewards) to be handed over to fighting characters leaving all other types of Templates just out of the window to watch....

    Just like fighting characters get their content with Events where they can "shine", so to speak, because of how the Events are being Designed, I would "also" like to see new content (and Rewards) being added also for other types of Templates, for example Bards but not only Bards...

    As I mentioned, one of the strong points in favour of Ultima Online has always been its variaty of Templates and playing styles yet, I keep seeing Events being thrown out where Sampires and their variations of, or Tamers, are "the" one Templates to be used as they are the ones that "shine" in these Events and in order to get the Rewards goodies....

    Well, I would love to see "also" new Event content thrown out where "other" types of Templates, other then Sampires and their variations of, or Tamers, would be the ones to be used to "shine".
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Jepeth - I don't want to sound like a jerk here but you need to go back and read my post. I gave you the answer in regards to where bards shine. 

    I think you have lost sight to the argument Popps made which was that a bard should have gotten the same drop rate as a sampire/tamer for Treasures of Deceit which I'm saying they shouldn't have. I've already gone over this several times so please re-read my posts for the support there. At the end of the day the fact of the matter is that there are certain templates that work better for certain events; in this case a warrior/sampire was the most effective.

    That said, if you are saying in general there needs to be more stuff to do for various templates then I 100% agree there. There are many templates that should have things carved out for them in other events that are geared towards them but that's likely outside the scope of this thread.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    edited November 2020
    @Kevan2002 I don't think you're sounding like a jerk at all but we're clearly not connecting on a central issue here. About where bards can shine you said: "Doom/Shadowguard/Navry/Scalis/EM Events/etc/etc)." But I was asking in what recent event within the last two years "bards alone can shine in?" All of the content you mention is older than two years with maybe the single exception being EM events. Events which bards, unfortunately, only lend themselves to the kinds of gameplay people seem to hate, namely the EJ bard on follow.

    I have not lost sight of the argument Popps has made concerning bards getting as many drops as other classes. In lieu of other meaningful experiences for bards then having 'more to achieve' in the global events like Deceit would, in essence, 'give us something to do.' If turning up the rewards they could gain is objectionable to you (and you have made your point, even if I don't agree with it) then, as Mcdougle and others have suggested, instead of upping the rewards or making new bard specific content, maybe they should add a couple fun skill additions for us to level the use of a bard.
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited November 2020
    Perhaps bards can work similar to the Justice Virtues? When I "support" another player (instead of protect as in Justice), when the other player gets a drop you will get one (or grant you the same loot right) as well if they remain close for event like Treasure of. So for cases where I can't provo, doing peace / discord and their masteries also allow you get drops as a pure support role. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2020
    Aragorn said:
    Perhaps bards can work similar to the Justice Virtues? When I "support" another player (instead of protect as in Justice), when the other player gets a drop you will get one (or grant you the same loot right) as well if they remain close for event like Treasure of. So for cases where I can't provo, doing peace / discord and their masteries also allow you get drops as a pure support role. 
    In shadowguard, bards in party providing area effect from peace mastery and healing, can also get a drop without attacking.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited November 2020
    Aragorn said:
    Perhaps bards can work similar to the Justice Virtues? When I "support" another player (instead of protect as in Justice), when the other player gets a drop you will get one (or grant you the same loot right) as well if they remain close for event like Treasure of. So for cases where I can't provo, doing peace / discord and their masteries also allow you get drops as a pure support role. 
    Sort of like Protection works with Scrolls of Power if one is Knight of Justice ?

    The only problem I see with this, is players abusing of it....

    That is, players running 2 accounts or more, with a Fighter to kill stuff, and their own Bard or Bards "on tail" running Masteries to then end up with double or triple, if not more, of the drops they would get with their Fighter alone...

    It needs to be something which makes it so that a Bard needs to be "actively" played by a player and not be possible to be played "multi-accounts" along with one's own Fighting character....
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    edited November 2020
    Seth said:
    Aragorn said:
    Perhaps bards can work similar to the Justice Virtues? When I "support" another player (instead of protect as in Justice), when the other player gets a drop you will get one (or grant you the same loot right) as well if they remain close for event like Treasure of. So for cases where I can't provo, doing peace / discord and their masteries also allow you get drops as a pure support role. 
    In shadowguard, bards in party providing area effect from peace mastery and healing, can also get a drop without attacking.
    yah, similar approach can be applied to these events then
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    edited November 2020
    When I hunt with my bard in a group I use provo or peace masteries, when I hunt alone with her I use discord masteries. I provo 2 mobs, discord one and then use both discord masteries on it. They do significant damage. The first mob dies and I provo the remaining one onto the next target and repeat the process. Sometimes I use EVs and provo them onto the mob.  Discord masteries do significant damage. I particular noticed the effect of tribulation when firing cannons at the beacon lighthouses.
    In my opinion the one thing I'd really like changed is the delay timer, a little shorter please, and yes, I agree with the OP, the number of mobs that are immune to my song. Nothing so frustrating as getting the message 'you cannot incite that'. 

    Having said that, some of those 'immune' creatures can't be provo'd, peaced or disco'd, but they will succumb to despair and tribulation.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited November 2020
    When I hunt with my bard in a group I use provo or peace masteries, when I hunt alone with her I use discord masteries. I provo 2 mobs, discord one and then use both discord masteries on it. They do significant damage. The first mob dies and I provo the remaining one onto the next target and repeat the process. Sometimes I use EVs and provo them onto the mob.  Discord masteries do significant damage. I particular noticed the effect of tribulation when firing cannons at the beacon lighthouses.
    In my opinion the one thing I'd really like changed is the delay timer, a little shorter please, and yes, I agree with the OP, the number of mobs that are immune to my song. Nothing so frustrating as getting the message 'you cannot incite that'. 

    Having said that, some of those 'immune' creatures can't be provo'd, peaced or disco'd, but they will succumb to despair and tribulation.
    Sure, Bards can kill stuff, the one big problem though, is that they are way too slow, as compared to other types of Templates, in getting MoBs killed....

    Hence, when these Events come up, hardly anyone uses a Bard, since that would way slow down their chance at drops and, consequentially, at Rewards.

    Result is, that Bards remain largely unused throughout these Events.

    I think that this is what needs to be looked up and adjusted, the efficiency for Bards to be able to get MoBs killed....

    Now, if a Bard with the full set of Bardic skills (120 x 4 = 480 real skills) was to be made able to use Bardic skills on Paragons and tougher MoBs, that "could" make things different as, this way, the Bard, through using Provocation, Discordance and Peacemaking songs could use the Paragons as his/her Weapon and get stuff killed and get drops....

    And, most importantly, it would be a character that would have to be "actively" played, and not scripted...

    I mean, the player playing the Bard would have to react fast with peacemaking songs to stop being attacked and right away use Provocation songs on multiple MoBs to get them fight as well as Discordance to speed up the kills....

    I doubt seriously that anyone could script all that, too many variables... therefore, it would be a Bard who can kill, possibly as good as Sampires and their variations of or Tamers, and thus be able to be "on par" to get drops at these Events, but would have to be manually controlled by a player who'd have to be "at the keyboard" to actively man it....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    You are way to obsessed with 'scripting', and if you in any way imply that I 'script' my bard, or any other character I shall be seriously offended. No software with the ability to 'script' uo in a way unintended by developers has ever been loaded onto my pc. Oh, and I play in EC, which does not have the 'follow' capability

    Bards need:
    1. a shorter delay between skill uses, or even no delay if using a different skill, so that there may be a delay between provo attempts, but not between provo and disco for example
    2. less unbardable mobs. 

    Killing things quickly can be achieved, when discord and provo work, by use of the mentioned discord masteries and summoned creatures. All bards have some supplementary skill, mine has magery. Her full template is Music, discord, provocation, peacemaking, magery, meditation. All at 120 real skill.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    My Bard got plenty of drops 120 mystic/focus running the provo mastery using slayer books and instruments i did plenty of damage the whole point of this thread was asking that my skill provocation worked as intended nothing more...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited November 2020
    You are way to obsessed with 'scripting', and if you in any way imply that I 'script' my bard, or any other character I shall be seriously offended. No software with the ability to 'script' uo in a way unintended by developers has ever been loaded onto my pc. Oh, and I play in EC, which does not have the 'follow' capability

    Bards need:
    1. a shorter delay between skill uses, or even no delay if using a different skill, so that there may be a delay between provo attempts, but not between provo and disco for example
    2. less unbardable mobs. 

    Killing things quickly can be achieved, when discord and provo work, by use of the mentioned discord masteries and summoned creatures. All bards have some supplementary skill, mine has magery. Her full template is Music, discord, provocation, peacemaking, magery, meditation. All at 120 real skill.
    Of course not !!

    I was just saying, in generic terms, that there needs to be particular attention to what way Bards would be enpowered in their ability to help kill stuff and get drops themselves, because there is scripts out there and some players using them...

    In no way I was suggesting anyone in particular using scripts, it was only generical.

    As Bards play out now, with their Masteries, they can be used on a secondary account to "buff up" one's own main Fighting character. And some players also have the ability to script up this Bard follower so as to adjust their Mastery depending on the whatever need of the moment that their Fighter might have. Now, if Bards where to be made more effective, but not in a way that would make it not realistically possible to script them, I imagine that players would abuse of them working with 2 accounts, one a Fighter and another a Bard and double their drops.....

    So, I am all for making Bards more effective but only if the playing of that more effective Bard requires a player to actually control it being at the keyboard, and not through some script, however complex it might be.

    It was nothing directed at anyone, just talking in general terms.
    Sorry if I was misunderstood.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    McDougle said:
    My Bard got plenty of drops 120 mystic/focus running the provo mastery using slayer books and instruments i did plenty of damage the whole point of this thread was asking that my skill provocation worked as intended nothing more...
    Yes, unfortunately you have certain people that used that as a spring board for their own desire to water the game down and make things easy for them so that they don't have to put as much effort into things as others
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited November 2020
    keven2002 said:
    McDougle said:
    My Bard got plenty of drops 120 mystic/focus running the provo mastery using slayer books and instruments i did plenty of damage the whole point of this thread was asking that my skill provocation worked as intended nothing more...
    Yes, unfortunately you have certain people that used that as a spring board for their own desire to water the game down and make things easy for them so that they don't have to put as much effort into things as others
    Seriously ?

    How many Bards have we seen on our respective Shards or on any other Shard, for that matter, into Deceit for the Treasures of the Undead Lords Event, and how many Sampires and their variations of or Tamers have we seen ?

    I do not seem to recall having seen any Bard.... I have seen a few Tamers and a whole lot of Sampires, Paladins, Archers and fighters in general. I think I have seen 1 Mystic/Mage but he/she did not seem to be having much luck in killing targets as fast as Fighters were able to...

    I have seen Fighters killing Paragons Lich Lords in just a few hits, the only 1 Paragon they were usually running from was the Paragon Ram until a tamer came to tank it and then they took it down in little time.... of course, earning way more looting rights as the tamer as they were able to do way, but way more damage then any pet....

    There is no Agenda here, only a genuine desire to see all types of Templates be enabled to participate, as much equally as possible, to these "Treasures of...." types of Events which, I understand, will be the main form of new content that Ultima Online will be getting, at least as I understood and please, correct me if I got it wrongly....

    Like it or not, the Fighter template (melee or ranged), because of the items and the properties being available, is capable of delivering some massive damage, so much damage, that hardly any pet can compete with, forget about a Bard or a Spellcaster....

    Most spellcasters, for obvious reasons, use Protection.... well, ever seen how many hits can a Fighter (Dexer or Ranged is the same) deliver in the time that a spelllcaster is casting their spell ?

    At 1.25 swinging, a Fighter over the time span of a fight can absolutely obliterate the damage that a spellcaster, or that a Tamer can do.. forget about what damage a Bard can do....

    No, it is not about any Agenda, it is only about seeing a more equal footing among the various Templates in Ultima Online when it comes to participate to Events, get drops and then, consequentially, Rewards.

    That's at least how I see it.
  • I see it as you should build a effing sampire if you feel that's the way of the game from now on. Krampus will be out soon, my tamer with provo is awesome against those minions. I don't run him that way year round...i adapt!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    McDougle said:
    My Bard got plenty of drops 120 mystic/focus running the provo mastery using slayer books and instruments i did plenty of damage the whole point of this thread was asking that my skill provocation worked as intended nothing more...
    And that was answered.  The new dungeons have all been made so that the mobs can not be provoked.  Working as intended.  Just like the new epaulets are working as intended by not transmogrifying. Provoke worked at the Black Gate.  

    We may not like the decisions the devs make, but we have to adapt around them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    jelinidas said:
    I see it as you should build a effing sampire if you feel that's the way of the game from now on. Krampus will be out soon, my tamer with provo is awesome against those minions. I don't run him that way year round...i adapt!
    Yes you love having Bards around those annoying minions!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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