Is the Black Gate Champion Spawn over?

It's gone on Siege and Catskills. I have not checked other shards. Was this intended?


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    edited November 2020
    Its over. Seems like everything lasts 1 month as Mesanna said at a meet and greet.

    I only got 30 cubes.  I need more!

    @Kyronix can we get these in other colors in the future and the drop rate was horrible. I had to participate in over 120 spawns to get those.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 547
    Concrete start and end times are really not a lot to demand. I'm done with the spawn and with Deceit but people like to schedule this kind of stuff out.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,689
    edited November 2020
    Jepeth said:
    Concrete start and end times are really not a lot to demand. I'm done with the spawn and with Deceit but people like to schedule this kind of stuff out.
    They were asked at a Meet and greet how long these events will last. Mesanna said 1 month.

    It lasted a concrete one month.  What else do you want? Plan accordingly for the next 3 events.

    They are here:  Expect them to last the same and you wont miss out.  Also the Artisan Festival will be in December.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited November 2020
    Pawain said:
    They were asked at a Meet and greet how long these events will last. Mesanna said 1 month.

    It lasted a concrete one month.  What else do you want? Plan accordingly for the next 3 events.

    Not everyone attends the meet and greets, usually 20ish people or less.  Nor does everyone read the transcripts.  What Jepeth asked for is not unreasonable. Things like concrete start and end times of events should be be on the Herald and not hidden in some hard to reach news letter (which again everyone does not get). Simple as that.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 547
    Pawain said:
    Expect them to last the same and you wont miss out. 
    As I said, I did not miss out. But other MMOs generally place firm start and end times in their announcements for the convenience of their players. For example, check out this update for the Star Trek Online Halloween event. It's not a huge ask, especially as we're all trying to navigate our daily chaos.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I just wanted to make sure the end of the event was intended, since there was not an official date posted and the event has had a few bugs from the get go. While I personally do not feel that a casual comment at a Dev meet and greet qualifies as official news, I will keep that information in mind for future events.
  • I think the confusion comes in when the newsletter said "The Black Gate that is currently on all shards and will remain for a limited time.  The end date will be publicized in advance so you can make sure to complete the quest". I guess the spawn technically isn't part of the whole quest but I read that we'd have notice. Guess I missed the 30 day bit. Was hoping for a few more blue cubes. :( 
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Yeah, i really onky get time free time weekend mornings. If i knew when this was gonna end, i woukd have tried for cubes. I didnt get any.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    really bad communication again....
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Fortis said:
    really bad communication again....

    What more do you expect?  I don't read 'other' shards Meet and Greets as most transcripts are horrid to read with duplicate lines and mostly consist of the words 'we will look into it' or 'soon' or 'that is on the list'.   

    You kinda get over that, well I have.   Not to mention the stuff they say will be easy to do and a great possibility that you will still be looking for years down the track as what is said and what is done are two different things.  I think it was the meet and greet about 5 yrs ago where I bought up maybe putting an option on wall safes to be 'deposit only' which was said that should be possible and they were looking into them.   ........ yeah right, I should of asked what century are we talking about here? 

    They have a LOG IN Screen, isn't that hard to put up a schedule and a week before something ends put up a post "Black Gate Spawn ends on xx/xx/xx" 

    I also went to do the spawn to find it a bare paddock, however the gate was still there, just no alter.

    Too hard I guess.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
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