The drop rate needs looking at
The drop rate for this event needs to be adjusted. Far to slow for archers, mages, tamers. Where as Meelee warriors are getting them a lot faster. Most of the mages, archers, tamers I spoke with all are saying that it is taking forever to get a single drop, where a warrior can get one in 15 minutes.
Now I am not into meeleee with the monster, I have always gone with my archers, mages or tamers for these events, and this event I can say without a doubt that has the worse drop rate I ever seen.
Now I am not into meeleee with the monster, I have always gone with my archers, mages or tamers for these events, and this event I can say without a doubt that has the worse drop rate I ever seen.
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

I have the exact same skills on my char and using the same pet as I did with previous "Treasures of" events... but ever since Treasures of Khaldun, I haven't been getting as much drops. I was doing better when I had lower luck.
My luck is only 680 but shouldn't I be getting more drops than when it was 450?