UO New Legacy - will insurance be a thing?

Pardon me if this was already addressed on answered. Don’t remember from the live stream. 

Asking for everyone. Will insurance be part of New Legacy? My hope is that if you are going for that old school UO feel - that it won’t be. 

Answer to this will go a LONG way for the old school PvP and thieves. If I can go and raid someone in a dungeon and take ALL their stuff - that’s a pretty awesome incentive. 

And for people that want to crap on that - we used to play this game with OTHER PLAYERS. Don’t want to get ganked in a dungeon by PKs, get a party to go with and outnumber them. If you play this game solo, you’re going to be left as an easy target. 


  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    You did see that pvp is opt in as VvV style?
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Where does it say PvP will be opt-in (consensual)? Only thing I see on the FAQ's page is the following:

    Q: Will there be open-world PvP?

    The Ultima Online: New Legacy shard will support open world Player vs Player combat using an updated Vice Vs Virtue framework.

    I took that to mean you can be killed anywhere at anytime (open world). The updated VvV, I took to mean you choose a side and can get reward / titles for killing.

  • Marge said:
    Where does it say PvP will be opt-in (consensual)? Only thing I see on the FAQ's page is the following:

    Q: Will there be open-world PvP?

    The Ultima Online: New Legacy shard will support open world Player vs Player combat using an updated Vice Vs Virtue framework.

    I took that to mean you can be killed anywhere at anytime (open world). The updated VvV, I took to mean you choose a side and can get reward / titles for killing.

    its in the new newsletter that came out a little bit ago

    Q: I do not want to play a game where another player can kill me or steal from me - is the new shard a place for me?  Is it consensual PvP and can I play without being harassed?  How does Trammel/Felucca fit into the game?

    The traditional concept of “Trammel and Felucca” does not apply to a UO: NL shard. There is only one facet (The World) and within that facet we will support those who like to participate in PvP via an updated Vice vs. Virtue framework while those who would rather participate in PvM content can do so without fear of being killed.  That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not

  • @Mesanna @Kyronix

    Thank you for answering. :)

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,667
    its in the new newsletter that came out a little bit ago

    Q: I do not want to play a game where another player can kill me or steal from me - is the new shard a place for me?  Is it consensual PvP and can I play without being harassed?  How does Trammel/Felucca fit into the game?

    The traditional concept of “Trammel and Felucca” does not apply to a UO: NL shard. There is only one facet (The World) and within that facet we will support those who like to participate in PvP via an updated Vice vs. Virtue framework while those who would rather participate in PvM content can do so without fear of being killed.  That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not

    Yay they answered my question and added another question at the end!  I made the Newsletter.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Marge said:
    Where does it say PvP will be opt-in (consensual)? Only thing I see on the FAQ's page is the following:

    Q: Will there be open-world PvP?

    The Ultima Online: New Legacy shard will support open world Player vs Player combat using an updated Vice Vs Virtue framework.

    I took that to mean you can be killed anywhere at anytime (open world). The updated VvV, I took to mean you choose a side and can get reward / titles for killing.

    its in the new newsletter that came out a little bit ago

    Q: I do not want to play a game where another player can kill me or steal from me - is the new shard a place for me?  Is it consensual PvP and can I play without being harassed?  How does Trammel/Felucca fit into the game?

    The traditional concept of “Trammel and Felucca” does not apply to a UO: NL shard. There is only one facet (The World) and within that facet we will support those who like to participate in PvP via an updated Vice vs. Virtue framework while those who would rather participate in PvM content can do so without fear of being killed.  That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not

    That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not
    Yes, sure, give to players the choice of participating or not like with Scrolls of Power where people have to subject themselves to PvP if they want to have access to such an important item for gameplay ?

    Where is this "choice" if needed and important items for gameplay are placed in those PvP areas and in them only ?

    I am sorry, but I see no choice there, when necessary and fundamental items for gameplay are placed only in PvP areas.....

    Now, "if" items placed in PvP areas were not necessary and fundamental for gameplay but only deco stuff or less important items then yes, players could make a choice on whether to subject themselved to PvP in order to get them.

    But for items which are pretty much a must like Scrolls of Power and similar sorry but no, I do not see much of a choice there....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,667
    edited September 2020
    popps said:
    Yes, sure, give to players the choice of participating or not like with Scrolls of Power where people have to subject themselves to PvP if they want to have access to such an important item for gameplay ?

    Wait for more facts before you write fiction novels please.  We do not know what rewards or incentives are in the non safe areas.  This shard could be a year or more away.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,667
    Q: Are items obtained from the Legacy System account bound?

    Yes, anything obtained via the Legacy System is bound to your account.  We will be taking a deeper dive into the Legacy System in a future “Feature Spotlight”.

    How do we know if there are power scrolls or they will be account bound.

    Other games with seasons work this way so players cant leech off others.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Will there even be power scrolls on the shard?
  • Tim said:
    Will there even be power scrolls on the shard?

    no one knows but they will have champion spawns of sorts not sure what the rewards are but was in the trailer.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    Where does it say PvP will be opt-in (consensual)? Only thing I see on the FAQ's page is the following:

    Q: Will there be open-world PvP?

    The Ultima Online: New Legacy shard will support open world Player vs Player combat using an updated Vice Vs Virtue framework.

    I took that to mean you can be killed anywhere at anytime (open world). The updated VvV, I took to mean you choose a side and can get reward / titles for killing.

    its in the new newsletter that came out a little bit ago

    Q: I do not want to play a game where another player can kill me or steal from me - is the new shard a place for me?  Is it consensual PvP and can I play without being harassed?  How does Trammel/Felucca fit into the game?

    The traditional concept of “Trammel and Felucca” does not apply to a UO: NL shard. There is only one facet (The World) and within that facet we will support those who like to participate in PvP via an updated Vice vs. Virtue framework while those who would rather participate in PvM content can do so without fear of being killed.  That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not

    That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not
    Yes, sure, give to players the choice of participating or not like with Scrolls of Power where people have to subject themselves to PvP if they want to have access to such an important item for gameplay ?

    Where is this "choice" if needed and important items for gameplay are placed in those PvP areas and in them only ?

    I am sorry, but I see no choice there, when necessary and fundamental items for gameplay are placed only in PvP areas.....

    Now, "if" items placed in PvP areas were not necessary and fundamental for gameplay but only deco stuff or less important items then yes, players could make a choice on whether to subject themselved to PvP in order to get them.

    But for items which are pretty much a must like Scrolls of Power and similar sorry but no, I do not see much of a choice there....
    Again @popps %1000 clueless.  Who says the danger/unsafe areas are PvP areas.  You prove time and time again that you are clueless, you do understand that there are unsafe areas in every Tram region and that monsters roam everywhere in Tram areas.  Who says there is going to be PS on this shard.  Would you please stop with all your doom and gloom for a game you don't even play.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Bilbo said:
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    Where does it say PvP will be opt-in (consensual)? Only thing I see on the FAQ's page is the following:

    Q: Will there be open-world PvP?

    The Ultima Online: New Legacy shard will support open world Player vs Player combat using an updated Vice Vs Virtue framework.

    I took that to mean you can be killed anywhere at anytime (open world). The updated VvV, I took to mean you choose a side and can get reward / titles for killing.

    its in the new newsletter that came out a little bit ago

    Q: I do not want to play a game where another player can kill me or steal from me - is the new shard a place for me?  Is it consensual PvP and can I play without being harassed?  How does Trammel/Felucca fit into the game?

    The traditional concept of “Trammel and Felucca” does not apply to a UO: NL shard. There is only one facet (The World) and within that facet we will support those who like to participate in PvP via an updated Vice vs. Virtue framework while those who would rather participate in PvM content can do so without fear of being killed.  That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not

    That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not
    Yes, sure, give to players the choice of participating or not like with Scrolls of Power where people have to subject themselves to PvP if they want to have access to such an important item for gameplay ?

    Where is this "choice" if needed and important items for gameplay are placed in those PvP areas and in them only ?

    I am sorry, but I see no choice there, when necessary and fundamental items for gameplay are placed only in PvP areas.....

    Now, "if" items placed in PvP areas were not necessary and fundamental for gameplay but only deco stuff or less important items then yes, players could make a choice on whether to subject themselved to PvP in order to get them.

    But for items which are pretty much a must like Scrolls of Power and similar sorry but no, I do not see much of a choice there....
    Again @ popps %1000 clueless.  Who says the danger/unsafe areas are PvP areas.  You prove time and time again that you are clueless, you do understand that there are unsafe areas in every Tram region and that monsters roam everywhere in Tram areas.  Who says there is going to be PS on this shard.  Would you please stop with all your doom and gloom for a game you don't even play.
    The reason that I am saying that, is that on the "current" Shards the Champion Spawns for Scrolls of Power has been argumented by some players as a "choice" that players can make, to go there or not.....

    Too bad that, at least to my viewing, when it comes to MUCH needed items like Scrolls of Power, I hardly see any "choice" there, much more a "necessity".... like having to eat otherwise one dies, or having to dress up when its cold or one can freeze to deth and so on....

    If the Developers are thinking to "motivate" players with "baits" in order to have them go to PvP areas thus pretending that going there to be a "choice" from these players, they better then NOT put in PvP areas needed items like Scrolls of Power or other similar items needed to progress and advance in the game because that would hardly make it for a "choice", to my viewing....

    I always said it, PvP NEEDS to be madea totally voluntary gameplay style for the sake of it.

    No baits, no luring, no fooling around of players to get them fall into the trap of going to PvP Areas.

    Players should adventure into PvP areas when they want it, when they feel they are ready for it and, most importantly, if they enjoy and like it.

    NOT because they can only find items which they much need in those PvP areas and those areas only....
  • Powerscrolls are meant to be group content which means joining a guild to have access to them the fact that UO populations are so low players want to do them solo is a choice but suffer the consequences when attempting.

    Any similiar content in non-consensual pvp zones on New Legacy will be the same way. You will need to join up with a guild to have a chance at competing as the content provided here will be highly contested by multiple guilds.  You will have to join up with a guild that wants to do that style of content if you want the rewards.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited September 2020
    Powerscrolls are meant to be group content which means joining a guild to have access to them the fact that UO populations are so low players want to do them solo is a choice but suffer the consequences when attempting.

    Any similiar content in non-consensual pvp zones on New Legacy will be the same way. You will need to join up with a guild to have a chance at competing as the content provided here will be highly contested by multiple guilds.  You will have to join up with a guild that wants to do that style of content if you want the rewards.
    Excuse me ?

    There is plenty content that is not PvP and is intended for groups... look at Exodus, at the Roof, think about Carybdis or Scalis etc. etc. I do not see why Scrolls of Power which are a fundamental gameplay item to advance one's own character would be exclusive of PvP ruleset areas.

    It is well possible to have group hunts in non-PvP areas and, yet, fundamental items necessary for gameplay are made exclusive of PvP areas.

    My opinion, is that group hunting has got nothing to do with it, rather, having players go to PvP areas might have....

    And I think it as wrong, dead wrong.

    Players should engage into PvP because they like it, they enjoy it, they seek it, not because they have to get some items which are fundamentally necessary to advance their gameplay.

    I definitively hope that the New Legacy Shard will NOT function to have players go to PvP areas because fundamental items for their gameplay and advancement will only possible to be found there, but will seek going to PvP areas for the fun of it, for the valor of fighting fellow players, hopefully without cheats being used by noone.

    Certainly, not because they feel mandated to go to PvP areas because certain needed items will only spawn there.

    That is at least how I see it.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Popps, you dont need power scrolls to play.
    You may not be the best, but being the best
    Is a choice.byou can still participate/play.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited September 2020
    Norry said:
    Popps, you dont need power scrolls to play.
    You may not be the best, but being the best
    Is a choice.byou can still participate/play.

    One "not" does need power scrolls in a competitive gameplay environment ?

    Uhu ? This is real news to me..........

    I remained at the old info where, if one has only 100 Resisting Spells and one's own counterpart, for example, has 120 Magery and 120 Evaluate Intelligence they could hit more often and harder...

    Or where, if one has 100 Weapon skill, 100 Tactics and 100 Parry, let's throw in also 100 Anatomy... they would be at a disadvantage against someone with 120 Weapon skill, 120 Tactics, 120 Anatomy and perhaps also 120 Parrying... that is at least the informations I get when reading up about these things UO related..... must be all old UO info not updated with the current mechanics.....

    Now I learn that they can do just fine, thanks for informing me, Scrolls of Power are not necessary in a competive gaming environment, that is so cool !

    I must have missed something and what I got is old news...

    Oh well...
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    popps said:
    Bilbo said:
    popps said:
    Marge said:
    Where does it say PvP will be opt-in (consensual)? Only thing I see on the FAQ's page is the following:

    Q: Will there be open-world PvP?

    The Ultima Online: New Legacy shard will support open world Player vs Player combat using an updated Vice Vs Virtue framework.

    I took that to mean you can be killed anywhere at anytime (open world). The updated VvV, I took to mean you choose a side and can get reward / titles for killing.

    its in the new newsletter that came out a little bit ago

    Q: I do not want to play a game where another player can kill me or steal from me - is the new shard a place for me?  Is it consensual PvP and can I play without being harassed?  How does Trammel/Felucca fit into the game?

    The traditional concept of “Trammel and Felucca” does not apply to a UO: NL shard. There is only one facet (The World) and within that facet we will support those who like to participate in PvP via an updated Vice vs. Virtue framework while those who would rather participate in PvM content can do so without fear of being killed.  That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not

    That is not to say there will not be areas that will be free from danger - our primary design goal, however, is to give players the choice of participating or not
    Yes, sure, give to players the choice of participating or not like with Scrolls of Power where people have to subject themselves to PvP if they want to have access to such an important item for gameplay ?

    Where is this "choice" if needed and important items for gameplay are placed in those PvP areas and in them only ?

    I am sorry, but I see no choice there, when necessary and fundamental items for gameplay are placed only in PvP areas.....

    Now, "if" items placed in PvP areas were not necessary and fundamental for gameplay but only deco stuff or less important items then yes, players could make a choice on whether to subject themselved to PvP in order to get them.

    But for items which are pretty much a must like Scrolls of Power and similar sorry but no, I do not see much of a choice there....
    Again @ popps %1000 clueless.  Who says the danger/unsafe areas are PvP areas.  You prove time and time again that you are clueless, you do understand that there are unsafe areas in every Tram region and that monsters roam everywhere in Tram areas.  Who says there is going to be PS on this shard.  Would you please stop with all your doom and gloom for a game you don't even play.
    The reason that I am saying that, is that on the "current" Shards the Champion Spawns for Scrolls of Power has been argumented by some players as a "choice" that players can make, to go there or not.....

    Too bad that, at least to my viewing, when it comes to MUCH needed items like Scrolls of Power, I hardly see any "choice" there, much more a "necessity".... like having to eat otherwise one dies, or having to dress up when its cold or one can freeze to deth and so on....

    If the Developers are thinking to "motivate" players with "baits" in order to have them go to PvP areas thus pretending that going there to be a "choice" from these players, they better then NOT put in PvP areas needed items like Scrolls of Power or other similar items needed to progress and advance in the game because that would hardly make it for a "choice", to my viewing....

    I always said it, PvP NEEDS to be madea totally voluntary gameplay style for the sake of it.

    No baits, no luring, no fooling around of players to get them fall into the trap of going to PvP Areas.

    Players should adventure into PvP areas when they want it, when they feel they are ready for it and, most importantly, if they enjoy and like it.

    NOT because they can only find items which they much need in those PvP areas and those areas only....
    again %1000 clueless  This new shard will have different rules and you keep saying different areas when they were NEVER mentioned.  You really need to stop.
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