August Event Schedule

EM XanthusEM Xanthus Posts: 73Event Moderator
edited September 2020 in Sonoma
Greetings Sonoma!

The Event Schedule for August is as follows:

August 9th: Governors Meeting @ 5PM PST
August 16th: Meet and Greet @ 7PM PST
August 26th: Farmers Dilema  @ 7PM PST.

Update: The event originally scheduled for the 23rd has been moved to the 26th and has been given a title. Looking forward to seeing you all at the event!


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    edited August 2020
    Greetings Sonoma!

    The Event Schedule for May is as follows:

    Paste and copy with no proof read?

    August 9th: Governors Meeting @ 5PM PST
    August 16th: Meet and Greet @ 7PM PST
    August 23st: EVENT TBA @ 7PM PST

    Welcome back old man!  You have been missed.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    edited August 2020
    From Lord Clym - Sorry I will miss this meeting also, we are traveling tomorrow at the meeting time.

  • Queen_MumQueen_Mum Posts: 103
    edited August 2020
    All is well in Britian. Sherry da mouse did mention she is enjoying a summer beach trip.

    Welcome home Xan, Although I would like to attend the meeting tonight, I am tied up with my pulmonary rehab during that hour. 

    Sending *cookie hugs* to all!

    *A Cookie A Day Keeps The Blues Away*
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    attended the meeting last night and will try my best to join the rest 
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