How many ways to get rid of trash in your house?

I know of the trashcan and the venus fly trap. Are there any more items which have the same function as these two, but that look different? It would be practical to have a few more different trash containers in a castle or keep, but the fly traps are too enormous and as far as I know, you can only place one trash can.
Thanks in advance for the information!


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    there's also the sacrificial altar, claimable from a heritage token

  • Thank you, Mariah. It will be a challenge to fit that into my RP-goody two shoes main character's home. But I suppose I can hide it behind a forge or so  o:)
    Let's hope that with time, more such items come.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794

    I do like the flytrap, but its way too big.
    And the sacrificial altar, would look good in a halloween theme.
    but i've always wanted a metal one.

  • Nice idea, Cinders. It would be nice to be able to craft trashcans in a dozen or so shapes. Although it might also be practical to give a number of already existent decorative items a trashcan function. That way, they won't look out of place.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944

    I do like the flytrap, but its way too big.
    And the sacrificial altar, would look good in a halloween theme.
    but i've always wanted a metal one.

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