"Three Sides of The Coin"

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator
edited July 2020 in Catskills

“Three Sides of The Coin”


The Sultan’s servant finished cleaning up the remains of some vandalism outside of the palace and returned to the main hall. After looking at the large heap of debris piled up by the doors, the servant’s eyes met the agitated gaze of the Sultan. The Sultan motioned for the servant to leave as the Vizier approached from down the hallway. He then sighed and inquired:

“Has there been any news from Skara Brae?”

The Vizier nodded and replied:

“Skara Brae has taken significant damage to several buildings. Dozens of the townsfolk and guards were slaughtered by your soldiers. The Britannians were distracted and thought the invasion was in Moonglow.”

The Sultan smirked at the thought of attacking Moonglow and how he had suggested it a few weeks prior at the Peace Treaty meeting. He then inquired:

“Why did they go to Moonglow? What distracted them?”

The Vizier paused for a moment before replying:

“The refugees you freed several days ago. Apparently, someone from Moonglow saw the flags of Nujel’m on their ships while they were being transported. He then in turn called for aid from the Britannians, thinking it was an attack. They… they slaughtered all of the refugees.”

Upon hearing news of the slaughter, the emotion on the face of the Sultan remain unchanged as he thought about those he had freed. He then replied:

“Not to worry my friend. It shows the true nature of the Britannians.”

The Sultan paused for a long moment as if lost in deep thought. He then continued:

“Their time will come.”

The Sultan sighed as he walked over to a table. He motioned for the Vizier to take a quill and parchment to record a message:


King Blackthorn,

                Because of the arrogance and utmost hatred Nujel’m has received from your citizens, I am reluctant to pursue a treaty of peace for this conflict which you have started. Not only have you slaughtered one of my noble families, but your citizens have brutally slain the servants I had freed as a sign of good faith in our negotiations. Some of them were in-fact my personal servants! I have remained true to the terms you and your governors have sought. I was contemplating continuing my investigation into the Mazetti family, but now I await your reply on this matter.

                Until your citizens can stop murdering my people and you relinquish Povras Sibrum, you can expect more cities to suffer the fate of Skara Brae.


                The Sultan of Nujel’m


In a dimly lit chamber Anumi Mazetti sat quietly in the chair as he studied his tome. His gaze then turned to the door of the room as he sat and stared at the handle for a few moments.

“Come in please.” Said Anumi.

The door creaked open as Livio Mazetti slowly peered his head in. He then inquired:

“How… how did you know I was here?”

Anumi smiled as he closed his tome and placed it on the bookshelf next to him.

“Lets just call it a hunch. Please, come in, have a seat!” Replied Anumi.

Livio entered the chambers and closed the door behind him. After surveying his surroundings in the ill-lit room, his eyes met that of Anumi handing him a bottle of ale and some bread. Livio smiled as he took the refreshments.

“Tell me Livio, how did our little rouse unfold?” Inquired Anumi. Livio finished chewing the bread and replied:

“It went off very well… Almost as if it was planned.”

Anumi smirked as Livio let out a bit of laughter. He then continued:

“The fool led them right to the servants! They were all slaughtered!”

Anumi smiled for a few moments before taking a large gulp of ale. He then inquired:

What of the Sultan’s armies? Did they move on Skara Brae?”

Livio nodded and replied:

“It could not have gone any better. The time the Britannians’ spent in Moonglow gave the Sultan’s forces enough time to set several buildings ablaze and slaughter several townsfolk and shopkeepers.”

Anumi sat back a bit in his chair as he pondered what the Sultan’s next move could be.

“Surely the Sultan will not take kindly to the news that the servants he freed were killed. It can only serve to gain support for Nujel’m. In turn, the atrocities in Skara Brae will cause those loyal to Blackthorn to take up a sword. You’re right, almost as if it was planned.” Said Anumi.

Livio chuckled a bit more as he finished his bread and sipped his ale. He motioned to a vial on the bookshelf Anumi had set his tome on.

“Same with Damien Ies in Moonglow?” Inquired Livio. Anumi turned to look at the vial on the bookcase. He picked up the vial and inspected it closely before handing it to Livio. He then replied:

“He has served his purpose. Just make sure no one sees you, Livio. I had to do the alchemist last time.”

Livio nodded as he took the vial of poison and placed it securely into his satchel. He then bid his farewells to Anumi and left the chambers…


King Blackthorn grew increasingly anxious as the wounded guardsmen from Skara Brae delivered their reports of the attack by Nujel’m. The healers tended to their wounds as they described the atrocities.

“What do you mean no one came?” Inquired King Blackthorn. One of the wounded guardsmen hesitated and replied:

“We called for help; sent out messengers. They arrived after it was already too late. By then, they had already begun executing… them. One of them said Moonglow was under attack.”

King Blackthorn thought for a few moments and how the Sultan had suggested burning Moonglow to the ground, but his thoughts only provided more questions.

“Who said Moonglow was under attack?” Inquired the King. A different wounded guardsman replied:

“Someone by the name of Ies… Damien Ies of Moonglow; was supposed to be a bit of a town watchman.”

King Blackthorn stood up and began to pace in small circles as he thought about what the guardsmen just told him. Just as he was about to inquire further, there was a knock on the door.

“Please, come in.” Said Blackthorn.

A wounded and dirty man entered the room escorted by a guard. The man seemed as if he was a bit confused as to his whereabouts. The King eyed the wounded peasant and then to the guard. The guard stated:

“This man claims he is from Moonglow and has urgent news.” King Blackthorn nodded and motioned for the man to speak:

“They killed them… they killed all of them!”

A look of confusion came over the King as he inquired:

“Who killed them? What happened in Moonglow?”

“Your citizens!” Exclaimed the man. He then continued:

“They slaughtered my family! We had barely begun to get settled in when they appeared out of nowhere! We got scared, thought they were brigands… It all happened so fast. I ran and hid in the overgrowth. My mother… my sisters… I watched them get…” The King motioned for the man to stop explaining, noticing the man’s duress. But he continued:

“I will not rest until their deaths are avenged! We had just been freed by the Sultan himself! My mother had served him for decades! Your men will pay for this, I assure you!”

The man then shoved the guard out of the way and made for the exit of the room. The guard looked at the King as to if he should pursue the man. The King shook his head and motioned for the man to continue. After several minutes of continued pacing and thinking, the King smiled and stated to one of the wounded guards:

“First, it was the infection in Serpent’s Hold. Then the attack in Trinsic. The citizens retaliated against the Odello Family of Nujel’m. As a result, Nujel’m declares war on us… And now the refugees. Something doesn’t seem right…”

As King Blackthorn was about to continue, another knock was heard at the door. The King paused for a few moments and said:

“Please… come in.”

It was a messenger. Upon entering she bowed slightly to the King and handed him a wax-sealed parchment. The King inspected the personal wax seal of The Sultan before looking up…

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