Monthly Map Help

MargeMarge Posts: 722
Proclamation From Queen Sweetpeez Governor of Britain and therefore Ruler of the World:

On the last Friday of Every Month at 8:30pm EST (This Month being July 31st); the Queen has ordered her 'hummie er flappie subjek" to help any citizen of the Realm with any treasure maps. Need help digging it up? Carlotta will do the digging. Need help killing the spawn or taming a creature that spawns? Lilith can be there. No matter what job is needed, all loot is yours - there is no fee. YOUR MAP - YOUR STUFF! Even if you have no map, you are welcome to come along and help or just chat.

In order to receive help, fill out a book with with the this basic set up.

Facet: (Trammel, Felucca, Ilsh, Ter Mur, Tokuno Islands, Eodon)
Level: (Stash, Supply, Cache, Hoard, Trove)
Help Needed: (Digging, Killing, Taming)
If you need help digging, you can place the book in a bag with the map so Carlotta can get the coordinates ahead of time.

Drop off the book at the Auction House in Magincia. Use the mailbox on the first floor all the way to the back of the room. They should be turned in by midnight the Thursday before the hunt. The Queen will collect them and attempt to plan out the hunt in hopes of it going smoothly and efficiently. Everyone is to meet at the House of Commons near the Brit Moongate. There is a rune to this house located in Luna Mint. It is on the table inside the mint itself. (It is actually labeled 'Hall' of Commons.) Hope to see you there!

Lady Marge
"hummie sekretarie to Queen Sweetpeez Governor of Britain and therefore Ruler of the World"


  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Map Help for August wasn't announced much the week before it occurred because of the 2 Gulf Storms that  week. I was afraid we wouldn't have power that Friday. (We came waaay too close for comfort.)

    So I am announcing September's Map Help right now. It will be held Friday the 25th at 8:30 EST. Barring any late hurricanes, I will also post in game and announce in gen chat. Hope to see you there.

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