Imbuing Alacrity Drop from TMaps

TheoTheo Posts: 227
I don't think these drop from tmaps. I've done any number of artesian ones and gotten loads of other crafting skills.  Can you please add them to the drop from Artisian?  its perhaps THE most important crafting skill in the game at the moment and getting those blue scrolls are near impossible.  Meanwhile I have dozens of lumberjacking. 


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    According to this Web page Imbuing Alacrities do spawn in Treasure chests.

    On this Topic though, I have never ever been able to find Alacrity scrolls in these 9 skills : 

    - Begging
    - Bushido
    - Fishing
    - Forensic Evaluation
    - Herding
    - Mysticism
    - Necromancy
    - Ninjitsu
    - Resisting Spells

    Since this seemed to me quite unusual, especially for so many skills, I went to compare the list of UO skills at with that of Alacrities that UO-Cah (it is my understanding that they did quite some extensive testing on this...) got as spawn in Treasure Chests at, and I found that, apparently, they also did not get Alacrities for the above skills (they do not spawn in Treasure Chests for some reasons).

    That is, I seem to understand, that in UO, of the total of the 53 existing skills is 53 some 9 of them, for some reasons, might not have Alacrities spawning in Treasure Chests...

    @Kyronix , @Bleak , perhaps this might be worth looking at the code and whether there might be some issues preventing the spawning of those 9 skills Alacrities in Treasure Maps' Chests ?

    Thanks !
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    They are just rare. I've gotten Fishing, Forensic Evaluation, Mysticism, Necromancy, Ninjitsu, and Resisting Spells from digging up treasure chests.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    popps said:

    On this Topic though, I have never ever been able to find Alacrity scrolls in these 9 skills : 

    - Necromancy

    - Resisting Spells

    Thanks !
    Recently I have been doing some tmaps on Atlantic.

    I have gotten 3 Necromancy and 1 Resisting Spells.
    I wasn't aware that UO Cah didn't have them listed, or I would have taken note of which tmap I got them from. I do know that it was a Malas map & that it was either a Stash, Supply, or Cache.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    TimSt said:
    They are just rare. I've gotten Fishing, Forensic Evaluation, Mysticism, Necromancy, Ninjitsu, and Resisting Spells from digging up treasure chests.
    I do not see why some skills should be rarer as others as in regards to Alacrity scrolls spawning in Treasure Chests....

    Do you remember on what types of Treasure Chests you got Alacrities for  Fishing, Forensic Evaluation, Mysticism, Necromancy, Ninjitsu, and Resisting Spells skills ?

    Perhaps then @Khyro could update the page including the alacrities currently not listed as spawning but which, according to your personal findings spawn instead in some types of chests ?
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,919
    The Mysticism, Necromancy, and Resisting Spells came from Mage maps.  Fishing from a Ranger map. Not sure of the other two.
  • TheoTheo Posts: 227
    Its a year later and still a problem. I've done all level of maps and types and still no imbuing blues.  What gives??
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