The Hawkwind robe has a hidden self repair property,
does anyone know if this also gets transmogrified onto the new item?
What item? If the destination item had no durability to begin with, the result also does not have durability. You have a blank robe with durability? Or any robe with durability other than Hawkwinds? Oh wow maybe that's why Hawkwinds repairs itself...
You have a Hawkwind robe with 255/255 durability, you may or may not realise this but some roof artifacts including the Hawkwind robe come with a hidden self repair property that is not listed in the description.
so what if you transfer a 150 durability LT sash onto a 255 durability sash? it ups the durability? are these still available on test centre? how to claim?
I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.
The potion only works for Robe slot now. The durability issue may be why they started with the robe slot. They dont work on the +Stealth robe. It is an EM item.
And no they removed them from TC. We should still be able to get them there and get the robes from the store to try them on! I would have bought one by now if I could see them.
Ya I have none of those. You would have to test it on TC by buying a potion and transferring over. Or have someone take a potion there for you to test.
But all those links said they were an EM gift at one time, so, I doubt you can convert them to another robe slot Item. I know you cant convert the + stealth Robes.
You have a Hawkwind robe with 255/255 durability, you may or may not realise this but some roof artifacts including the Hawkwind robe come with a hidden self repair property that is not listed in the description.
The question is if the hidden self repair property gets transferred onto say a parrot.
(You'd have to wear the item down a little to know the answer)
What are you planning to turn Hawkwinds into?
And no they removed them from TC. We should still be able to get them there and get the robes from the store to try them on! I would have bought one by now if I could see them.
Ya I have none of those. You would have to test it on TC by buying a potion and transferring over.
Or have someone take a potion there for you to test.
We need them and the store robes on TC!
Some of those are EM items. You can not transmog EM items
Actually they all say EM items so no go.
the real ones do not have dura
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