Catskills Fishing Contest for the month of July

EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
Greetings All,  new month new fish to catch.  This month we are after something a little bit harder ...the Golden Tuna.  This can be found in deep waters in Tokuno.  I will take up to 2 submissions per fisher so choose your fish wisely. Please deliver your fish between July 1st and July 31st.  If there is a tie I will determine a winner by the earliest date caught.  There are 2 mailboxes at the Britain House of Commons just north of the Britain Moongate where you will drop off your fish to be counted (map below).  Winner will have their fish mounted at the House of Commons for bragging rights.


  • EM RoenickEM Roenick Posts: 194Event Moderator
    I would like to thank everyone who set sail and tried their luck at the golden tuna.

    We do have a winner this month weighing in at 39 stones is Adrian Monk.  Congratulations !!!

    Your fish will be displayed at the House of Commons for bragging rights
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