When is the June Europa EM Events and what happened to EM Sarah?!?!

RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
Usually she posts by now when the events will be... And by looking at the EM list... It shows TBD for Europa... Soooo what happened to EM Sarah?!?! Do we really not have an EM anymore??? 


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    a good Question at the last event the Sonoma EM stated that he was not doing any events on Europa due to health issue and that Sarah was no longer either.  No idea why
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • sophiesophie Posts: 1
    Bring back #EM Sarah what a mess without this EM Sarah the events wont be as good I'm very disappointed 
  • GuerryGuerry Posts: 2
    We really need EM Sarah back, events used to be great. 
  • ChazChaz Posts: 6
    In all my years of playing on Europa. EM Sarah was the only one to give successful EM ran events. Bring back EM Sarah so the Europa PvP community have a reason to subscribe.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    two posts have been removed. The issues raised in them are not for public discussion, but should be emailed instead.
    A declining or flat line in growth is depressing enough... Now EM Sarah is gone... UO was my escape from the toxicity of the world. Please bring EM Sarah back if possible. EM Sarah was knowledgeable, helpful, and just all around nice girl to talk to.
  • JujuJuju Posts: 10
    May we get our EM back?  :s
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,409Moderator
    More posts have been removed. As per my previous post, The issues raised in them are not for public discussion, but should be emailed instead.
This discussion has been closed.